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India's Army Chief Was In Conspiracy To Sabotage Indian Missile Test

The following is a report from The Hindu of February 19, 2009 (Internet edition):-

Army takes a U-turn on Arjun tank
New Delhi (IANS): In a reversal of the Army's stand on the indigenous main battle tank (MBT) Arjun, which has been 37 years in the making, army chief General Deepak Kapoor has written to the defence ministry appreciating the tank's performance.

The Army chief's letter has come months before the MBT Arjun, which India has been trying to manufacture indigenously for more than three decades, is headed for head-to-head 'comparative trials' with the Russian T-90 tanks that the Army currently operates.

"The Army chief for the first time has appreciated Arjun tank for performing well. In a letter written earlier this year he said that the tank was subjected to the most strenuous of tests and it performed 'admirably well'," a Defence Ministry official told IANS on the condition of anonymity.

The letter from the Army chief came after last year's winter trials of the tank, which has already cost the exchequer Rs 3,500 crore. The stand is a complete U-turn as the Army had made it clear that it would buy no more than the 124 Arjuns it has contracted for because it is unhappy with the tank on various counts.

The Defence Research & Development Organisation's (DRDO) demand for the comparative trials of the two tanks is being seen as a desperate bid to save the Arjun as it would need to manufacture at least 500 tanks to make the project feasible.

"The Defence Ministry had been pushing for the joint trials for the past one-and-a-half-years but people in the military set up were not too keen," the official added.

A reluctant Army had also said that the Arjun can at best remain in service for five to 10 years while it is looking 20 years ahead and needs a futuristic MBT.

However, the Defence Ministry, which has been putting thrust on indigenisation, wanted to see the project through.

On February 11, Defence Minister A.K. Antony had expressed his happiness on the Arjun tank becoming "a reality". "We have seen light at the end of the tunnel," Antony had said speaking of the project.

The tank has been mired in controversy with the army last year having told a key parliamentary panel that the Arjun failed to deliver at the winter trials conducted in the Rajasthan desert in 2007. The army said that many improvements would have to be carried out before it was satisfied with the tank.

Adding fuel to the proverbial fire, Minister of State for Defence Rao Inderjit Singh hinted at the possibility of "sabotage" during the 2007 winter trials.

The Army laid down its qualitative requirement (QR) for the Arjun in 1972. In 1982, it was announced that the prototype was ready for field trials. However, the tank was publicly unveiled for the first time only in 1995.

Arjun was originally meant to be a 40-tonne tank with a 105 mm gun. It has now grown to a 50-tonne tank with a 120 mm gun. The tank was meant to supplement and eventually replace the Soviet-era T-72 MBT that was first inducted in the early 1980s.

However, delays in the Arjun project and Pakistan's decision to purchase the T-80 from Ukraine prompted India to order 310 T-90s, an upgraded version of the T-72, in 2001.
The kickbacks involved are massive. It has been reported that Brahmos missile has failed in the latest test because of the satelite glitch, dont know whether it was on purpose.

But for sure Arjun is being delayed by 'foreign aid' .
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Irrespective of CIA and RAW, Arjun sounds like a worse failure that LCA.

An unverified rumor on internet goes that the tank worker forces are ill organized and badly educated. There are even instances that the workers poo within the tank. :lol:
Irrespective of CIA and RAW, Arjun sounds like a worse failure that LCA.

An unverified rumor on internet goes that the tank worker forces are ill organized and badly educated. There are even instances that the workers poo within the tank. :lol:

Links please.

What sounds made you feel this is a failure and LCA too.
Kaal, some of your concerns are valid - for example, I heard that India is buying an aircraft for the PM from the US (an Indian version of Air Force One). How difficult would it be to plant bugs on that, or even remotely sabotage the avionics through radio signals?

But the problem is that your claims are rather wild and difficult to verify. For example, you say that the ISI is working for the CIA. I am sure that many ISI types have been trained in the US and Europe, and that they do still have links with agencies in those countries - but to say that all of them work for foreign powers is rather far-fetched. If the CIA grip on Pakistan is so strong, then why the hell are the Americans having difficulties with the ISI in Afghanistan.
Yes, this is interesting. AK Antony is good sort of fellow, and he has been pushing for indigenization. I have had reservations about Sonia Gandhi but obviously AK Antony holds his position as Defense Minister with her consent.

The following is a report from The Hindu of February 19, 2009 (Internet edition):-

Army takes a U-turn on Arjun tank
New Delhi (IANS): In a reversal of the Army's stand on the indigenous main battle tank (MBT) Arjun, which has been 37 years in the making, army chief General Deepak Kapoor has written to the defence ministry appreciating the tank's performance.

The Army chief's letter has come months before the MBT Arjun, which India has been trying to manufacture indigenously for more than three decades, is headed for head-to-head 'comparative trials' with the Russian T-90 tanks that the Army currently operates.

"The Army chief for the first time has appreciated Arjun tank for performing well. In a letter written earlier this year he said that the tank was subjected to the most strenuous of tests and it performed 'admirably well'," a Defence Ministry official told IANS on the condition of anonymity.

The letter from the Army chief came after last year's winter trials of the tank, which has already cost the exchequer Rs 3,500 crore. The stand is a complete U-turn as the Army had made it clear that it would buy no more than the 124 Arjuns it has contracted for because it is unhappy with the tank on various counts.

The Defence Research & Development Organisation's (DRDO) demand for the comparative trials of the two tanks is being seen as a desperate bid to save the Arjun as it would need to manufacture at least 500 tanks to make the project feasible.

"The Defence Ministry had been pushing for the joint trials for the past one-and-a-half-years but people in the military set up were not too keen," the official added.

A reluctant Army had also said that the Arjun can at best remain in service for five to 10 years while it is looking 20 years ahead and needs a futuristic MBT.

However, the Defence Ministry, which has been putting thrust on indigenisation, wanted to see the project through.

On February 11, Defence Minister A.K. Antony had expressed his happiness on the Arjun tank becoming "a reality". "We have seen light at the end of the tunnel," Antony had said speaking of the project.

The tank has been mired in controversy with the army last year having told a key parliamentary panel that the Arjun failed to deliver at the winter trials conducted in the Rajasthan desert in 2007. The army said that many improvements would have to be carried out before it was satisfied with the tank.

Adding fuel to the proverbial fire, Minister of State for Defence Rao Inderjit Singh hinted at the possibility of "sabotage" during the 2007 winter trials.

The Army laid down its qualitative requirement (QR) for the Arjun in 1972. In 1982, it was announced that the prototype was ready for field trials. However, the tank was publicly unveiled for the first time only in 1995.

Arjun was originally meant to be a 40-tonne tank with a 105 mm gun. It has now grown to a 50-tonne tank with a 120 mm gun. The tank was meant to supplement and eventually replace the Soviet-era T-72 MBT that was first inducted in the early 1980s.

However, delays in the Arjun project and Pakistan's decision to purchase the T-80 from Ukraine prompted India to order 310 T-90s, an upgraded version of the T-72, in 2001.
Satish Chandra is a hypocrite. He considers the US as enemy, while living there.
You know nothing about Satish Chandra. Click on the link at the bottom of post # 1 of the following thread if you would like to educate yourself:

Lord Macaulay's address to the British parliament, Feb 2, 1835:-

"I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think that we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation."

The success of this program is seen in Indians -- from president and prime Minister to parliament to the media -- exulting in Oscar awards from the white master for the British movie, "Slumdog Millionaire", which defecates on India and calling it their own.

The British succeeded in this program because of their superiority in technology. India's RAW, India's Army chief, India's government and media -- all participate in the sabotage and suppression of the development of India's technology, as you will see if you click on the link above, as also in the suppression of India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian who is kept under 24-hour satellite surveillance for this purpose by the Americans who spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year on 'neutralising' him.
Dude why would CIA sabotage the Arjun project and help Russia sell it's T90s to India?? Are you sure KGB(or it's tentacles) is not the one who might have carried out this act, if it really happened.

This doesn't make any sense.
There are many se interest groups at work. It it not only in India it will be in every country.

In Indian defence circles there are different schools of thought one would like to switch over to the sophisticated Western Technology while the other prefers the cheaper and robust Soviet technology. This is acceptable as they are working on their perceptions on what is good for their country.

But most of your claims are not backed by hard sources, it will continue to treated as preposterous and at times mischievous.
Destroy the white race?? hahah .. ok .. ill admit i just couldnt read the whole thing .. i think im gonna go take a break from this .. conspiracy theorys are fun but they are distracting you from real thought provoking topics.. its another way for propaganda media to put people astray .. more people think differently, the more easier it is to spring the real trap .. these thoughts are not worth the laptop battery that i wasted.
On January 24, 2009 I had written:

"JANUARY 24, 2009: RAW arranged for the emergency heart problems of Manmohan Singh, to use as grounds for replacing him as prime minister, if necessary, hoping this will forestall the nuclear destruction of New Delhi. After the reference to nuclear weapons as a great equaliser in the addendum above, it instructed Kakodkar to make a statement today against “dependence” on other countries in the matter of technology, placed a story in the media about a lot of high grade uranium in Meghalaya remaining untapped (due to political agitation, arranged by RAW, as I have said below) while India’s nuclear power plants run at half capacity and an editorial in Deccan Chronicle calling for India to carry out a nuclear test, also to forestall the nuclear destruction of New Delhi. All these moves will be reversed in a half second if there is no threat of the nuclear destruction of New Delhi. On a typical day, in the Internet edition of The Hindu, the top ten or so stories were about Obama, then one story about India without a reference to Obama or the United States, then another ten or so stories about obama or the United States and this has been typical of the Indian press. RAW has cut down on the number of stories about Obama. But unless the top ten or so stories on a typical day in each media organ are about the greatest living Indian, NOTHING has changed. The nuclear destruction of New Delhi should proceed."


Who is this 'the greatest living Indian'????:argh::crazy:
Thsi article is so stupid that I think got little stupid by just reading it. This is 5 minutes of my life that I will never get it back.

Hah! I saved 5 minutes by just reading Kal2009 and then promptly skipping the article.
your article does make a lot of sense and it does connect a lot of dots regarding the operational interoperability of the Indian Army !

Kargil was a prime example and the 1971 India-Pakistan war was certainly derived from this operational malafadice !

Certainly, members of the forum,especially Indians have a hard time correlating the two. I cant blame them entirely because truth can be so subjective and unless and until, individuals and institutions can challenge established practises and defy the status quo, then only lasting progress that is non detrimental to the security paradigm of Indian defence , especially in this unipolar world can be achieved.

Lastly , whilst your research carries a lot of weight, the message needs to packaged effectively and delivered at an appropriate level and time ! I suggest also that you lose some weight , so that your message and yourself can be carried ever so effectively !

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