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India’s aim to arm Afghan forces may anger Pakistan

The only way forward for Afghanistan is to negotiate with the Taliban. Not giving them more arms. Like it or not the Taliban has to be accepted as a political reality in the country. Beside killing all your enemies are so 6th century ago.

Taliban will accept Pakistan Constitution: Taliban negotiating team - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

let Pakistan control TTP first.I'd not take Pakistan's model as a role model.even Pakistanis here disagree with it.plus,negotiation the Taliban??they'll demand implementation of "Shariah Law","closure of women schools" and "put women in burqa and never let them out of the house","Grow Beard" sort of thing apart from other restriction as the basis of peace talk(which they did in Pakistan).pretty much they'll put Afghanistan in 6th century,if not in further past.Afghanistan already experienced what it is like living in hell.probably,they'll not choose that life for another time.

I personally believe a dead terrorist is a good terrorist.
less weapons simply ensure talib dogs will roam and decapitate people just to play football with the heads.so,its better to kick talib @$$ than bow before them non violently.Afghan people'll never like to go back to the situation of mid 90s.
what if some arab countries arm Talibans with Tanks and stingers like they did in 1990s when taliban came into power ... all i see is a same old BS going to happen in Afghanistan with Afghan army surrendering in large numbers to Talibs and the weapons again will be captured by the talibs like they captured weapons in Paktika and paktia province in afghanistan
what if some arab countries arm Talibans with Tanks and stingers like they did in 1990s when taliban came into power ... all i see is a same old BS going to happen in Afghanistan with Afghan army surrendering in large numbers to Talibs and the weapons again will be captured by the talibs like they captured weapons in Paktika and paktia province in afghanistan

Talibans got their main support from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia(I'd not confuse them with Mujahidins).now,it'll be tough to rearm them and send them to Afghanistan when whole world would be tracking situation in Afghanistan and a powerful ANA is in place.proper funding to Afghanistan will ensure no taliban dominance.its easy to dream about "Taliban ruling in Afghanistan",in reality,its different.too much fund,too much interest is involved now.
Talibans got their main support from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia(I'd not confuse them with Mujahidins).now,it'll be tough to rearm them and send them to Afghanistan when whole world would be tracking situation in Afghanistan and a powerful ANA is in place.proper funding to Afghanistan will ensure no taliban dominance.its easy to dream about "Taliban ruling in Afghanistan",in reality,its different.too much fund,too much interest is involved now.
youtube is banned in Pakistan otherwise i would have shown u the interview of Gen Musharraf in 2007 where he stated that 60 percent of Afghanistan is controlled by Afghani talibs.. if it was 60 percent then i thin now with less Nato presence in some province of Afghanistan i think the Afghani Talibs are stronger then ever ... and for ANA they cant move out of their military bases how the gona defeat the talibs u see in Paktia , paktika , khost , helmand Afghani talibs have their own courts their own check posts ANA give them money to move from one place to another so they dont attack them ... the most happy people in Afghanistan i think are the afghan talibs they are getting the money they are controlling the turf apart from Farsi dominated area there presence is almost in ever province at day its ANA but at night its Talibs who controll all the major routes and checkposts
youtube is banned in Pakistan otherwise i would have shown u the interview of Gen Musharraf in 2007 where he stated that 60 percent of Afghanistan is controlled by Afghani talibs.. if it was 60 percent then i thin now with less Nato presence in some province of Afghanistan i think the Afghani Talibs are stronger then ever ... and for ANA they cant move out of their military bases how the gona defeat the talibs u see in Paktia , paktika , khost , helmand Afghani talibs have their own courts their own check posts ANA give them money to move from one place to another so they dont attack them ... the most happy people in Afghanistan i think are the afghan talibs they are getting the money they are controlling the turf apart from Farsi dominated area there presence is almost in ever province at day its ANA but at night its Talibs who controll all the major routes and checkposts

Taliban couldn't control entire Afghanistan when they were in power,and they're controlled 60% when they kicked out of Afghanistan?? :cheesy: no wonder Pakistan is now negotiating with TTP.delusion is always harmful.Gen Musharraf made many comments,many of them are lies.true power of Taliban is already known when Afghanistan conducted their election without any hinderence.Taliban threatened to disrupt it and about "River of Blood"..don't know what made them busy. :lol:

plus,its open secret that over 40% of Taliban's regulars are Pakistani citizen(this estimate is old though,now probably increased).

Pakistan: "The Taliban's Godfather"?

ANA took the responsibility of their country over an year ago and upto now,they're doing it quite effectively.it'd be no wonder if they kick talib @$$ better than coalition force itself.
let Pakistan control TTP first.I'd not take Pakistan's model as a role model.even Pakistanis here disagree with it.plus,negotiation the Taliban??they'll demand implementation of "Shariah Law","closure of women schools" and "put women in burqa and never let them out of the house","Grow Beard" sort of thing apart from other restriction as the basis of peace talk(which they did in Pakistan).pretty much they'll put Afghanistan in 6th century,if not in further past.Afghanistan already experienced what it is like living in hell.probably,they'll not choose that life for another time.

I personally believe a dead terrorist is a good terrorist.

If the Mighty US & the Coalitions can't slay the Talibans what chance does the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan have? Beside budgetary concern aside it costs around $6K just to arm 1 Afghan soldier & couple of years to train them. In case you wondering the amount of soldiers needed for Afghan security is quite simply "insane" (considering the condition of its economy). I won't even count the toys because the numbers alone will give me a heart attack. The only way the Afghan can win is not by military mean, but rather through negotiations. It is the most realistic way the conflict can be solved. That's why I don't ask you to like them.

What's better is terrorist that's willing to work for you. That's where you & I differ. You want to kill them which mean you want to prolong the conflict even further & probably even worse. Not to mention it will be bad for Afghanistan in the long run. Where I'm willing to make compromise.

(FYI My country has its own "Taliban" & this is exactly how we're winning the war against them.)
Good i wish that happens we will dig graves of indians along with their lovers in afghanistan.
Taliban couldn't control entire Afghanistan when they were in power,and they're controlled 60% when they kicked out of Afghanistan?? :cheesy: no wonder Pakistan is now negotiating with TTP.delusion is always harmful.Gen Musharraf made many comments,many of them are lies.true power of Taliban is already known when Afghanistan conducted their election without any hinderence.Taliban threatened to disrupt it and about "River of Blood"..don't know what made them busy. :lol:

plus,its open secret that over 40% of Taliban's regulars are Pakistani citizen(this estimate is old though,now probably increased).

Pakistan: "The Taliban's Godfather"?

ANA took the responsibility of their country over an year ago and upto now,they're doing it quite effectively.it'd be no wonder if they kick talib @$$ better than coalition force itself.
when their are peace deals going on in Afghanistan with afghani talibs do u think that they will attack the election campaign the ans is absolutely not ... and secondly the are roaming in every province with minimum resistence from ANA .. then why would they Attack ANA ?? .... the use to attack ANA in paktia and paktika and in khost but now their is no presence of ANA there then whom they gona attack??
If the Mighty US & the Coalitions can't slay the Talibans what chance does the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan have? Beside budgetary concern aside it costs around $6K just to arm 1 Afghan soldier & couple of years to train them. In case you wondering the amount of soldiers needed for Afghan security is quite simply "insane" (considering the condition of its economy). I won't even count the toys because the numbers alone will give me a heart attack. The only way the Afghan can win is not by military mean, but rather through negotiations. It is the most realistic way the conflict can be solved. That's why I don't ask you to like them.

What's better is terrorist that's willing to work for you. That's where you & I differ. You want to kill them which mean you want to prolong the conflict even further & probably even worse. Not to mention it will be bad for Afghanistan in the long run. Where I'm willing to make compromise.

(FYI My country has its own "Taliban" & this is exactly how we're winning the war against them.)

you should compromise where you can.you can compromise with a rebel.but you can't compromise with a "Proxy".you bow before a "Proxy" and they'll torn you apart.we're facing this kind of threat for decades now,but we prevailed against them successfully.its not wonder to fight against proxy.it just needs good deal of training,innovative thinking and isolating the problem.

anyway,Afghanistan cleared that that negotiations with the Taliban could only begin after they stopped violence against civilians, cut ties to al Qaeda, and accepted the Afghan constitution which guarantees civil rights and liberties, including rights for women.plus they've to honor the gains made in the last 10 years since they were ousted from power,thats not going to happen.plus,they also made it clear that a foreign power could only be present only after they make their consent.USA and Pakistan probably dropped by anyhow.there is a lot of "If"s to get a success.

when their are peace deals going on in Afghanistan with afghani talibs do u think that they will attack the election campaign the ans is absolutely not ... and secondly the are roaming in every province with minimum resistence from ANA .. then why would they Attack ANA ?? .... the use to attack ANA in paktia and paktika and in khost but now their is no presence of ANA there then whom they gona attack??

are you serious bro??peace deals with Taliban??they rejected the possibility flatly.plus,they killed the Head negotiator.so,Afghanistan set up firm conditions to start any "Peace Talk"..just read my previous comment.

Good i wish that happens we will dig graves of indians along with their lovers in afghanistan.

Dig graves for Pakistanis first bro.Ganja is making peace deal with TTP.may TTP implement Shariah in Pakistan,thus making it truly islamic country.then,your "Tongue" will be cut for uttering "Evil's language-English". :bounce:
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NEW DELHI: India has signed an agreement under which it will pay Russia to supply arms and equipment to the Afghan military as foreign combat troops prepare to leave the country, in a move that risks infuriating Pakistan.

Under the deal, smaller arms such as light artillery and mortars will be sourced from Russia and moved to Afghanistan.

But it could eventually involve the transfer of heavy artillery, tanks and even combat helicopters that the Afghans have been asking India for since last year.

India has already been training military officers from Afghanistan, hosted a 60-member Special Forces group last year in the deserts of Rajasthan and supplied equipment such as combat vehicles and field medical support facilities.

But the decision to meet some of Afghanistan's military hardware demands – albeit sourcing them from Russia – points to a deepening role in Afghanistan aimed at preventing it from slipping back into the hands of the Taliban and other militant groups that are hostile to India.

It comes as China, another big player in the region which borders Afghanistan via a small, remote strip of land, is preparing for a more robust role in Afghanistan, also concerned that the withdrawal of Nato troops will leave a hotbed of militancy on its doorstep.

Like China, India is unlikely to put boots on the ground to reinforce its strategy in Afghanistan.

“We can't commit troops on the ground, we can't give them the military equipment that they have been asking us for, for all sorts of reasons including the lack of surplus stocks,” said an Indian foreign ministry official, declining to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

“Involving a third party is the next best option,” the official said, referring to plans to source military supplies from Russia for Afghan forces.

The lack of direct access to Afghanistan poses additional hurdles to arms transfers.

An Indian team visited Moscow in February to firm up the deal, the official said.

The two countries will also help Afghanistan restart an old armaments factory near Kabul and prepare an inventory of Russian military equipment in Afghanistan that could be refitted for use. That dates back to the Soviet invasion of 1979-89, although much of the hardware is beyond repair.

“We'll work with India directly as well as trilaterally involving Russia,” said an Afghan official in New Delhi.

“Most of India's weapons are made in Russia or co-produced with Russia, so it makes sense. Also the three-way arrangement is cost-effective.”

Indian officials said they had held talks with China, Japan and Iran to find ways to fund Afghan security demands that outgoing President Hamid Karzai told his Indian hosts during a visit last year would touch $4 billion a year.

Pakistan wary
India's neighbour and rival Pakistan is likely to be angered by any move to help arm Afghan forces, even if indirectly.

Pakistan shares a long border with Afghanistan and has traditionally exerted considerable influence on Kabul.

But under Karzai, and since the ouster of the Taliban movement in 2001, relations have deteriorated amid accusations that Pakistan has failed to stop militants crossing into Afghanistan and launching frequent, deadly attacks.

Asked about India's plans to supply Russian arms to Afghanistan, Pakistani foreign ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam said: “I don't have any confirmation, so it would be premature to comment on it.” A military spokesman did not return calls seeking comment.

Ahmed Rashid, an author and expert on the region, said the deal could aggravate relations between India and Pakistan – nuclear-armed neighbours who have fought three wars – if the arms supplied were heavy enough to be deemed “offensive.”

“Diplomacy and political dialogue are what will bring peace to Afghanistan,” he said. “What is not going to bring peace is more weapons.”

Russia's Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, the state agency responsible for arms and military cooperation deals, declined comment on the agreement.

But Alexander Golts, an independent Moscow-based defence expert, said Russia had a similar arrangement with the United States under which it had delivered Mi-17 helicopters to Afghanistan.

The programme is now threatened by US sanctions on Russian government officials and firms linked to President Vladimir Putin as punishment for intervention in Ukraine, he said.

Golts said India and Russia were likely to play a significant role in Afghanistan as coalition troops withdraw.

“At the end of the day, and despite all the contradictions, it's very important for Washington to keep Russia engaged in Afghanistan.”

Karzai's “shopping list” submitted to New Delhi last year comprised 66 items ranging from tanks to spares for Afghanistan's small fleet of helicopters. Karzai also wanted Indian instructors at the British-funded “Sandhurst in the Sand” military academy built outside Kabul to train Afghan military officers.

India’s aim to arm Afghan forces may anger Pakistan - World - DAWN.COM

Excellent move. Why worry about Pakistan? Now if Pakistan were to disarm on India's "request" then India might consider NOT arming the Afghans:-)
you should compromise where you can.you can compromise with a rebel.but you can't compromise with a "Proxy".you bow before a "Proxy" and they'll torn you apart.we're facing this kind of threat for decades now,but we prevailed against them successfully.its not wonder to fight against proxy.it just needs good deal of training,innovative thinking and isolating the problem.

anyway,Afghanistan cleared that that negotiations with the Taliban could only begin after they stopped violence against civilians, cut ties to al Qaeda, and accepted the Afghan constitution which guarantees civil rights and liberties, including rights for women.plus they've to honor the gains made in the last 10 years since they were ousted from power,thats not going to happen.plus,they also made it clear that a foreign power could only be present only after they make their consent.USA and Pakistan probably dropped by anyhow.there is a lot of "If"s to get a success.

are you serious bro??peace deals with Taliban??they rejected the possibility flatly.plus,they killed the Head negotiator.so,Afghanistan set up firm conditions to start any "Peace Talk"..just read my previous comment.
hahhahahahah bro its Afghanistan everthing is not scripted by RAW funded media there ... but the ground reality is totally different dont judge people and states by their statements .... Good Luck u do ur Job our ISI is doing its job and guess what our spy master is quiet happy regarding afghanistan i think things might be going quiet well for ISI in afghanistan

Excellent move. Why worry about Pakistan? Now if Pakistan were to disarm on India's "request" then India might consider NOT arming the Afghans:-)
then u should not be worry about jehadis coming from afghanistan into india to take revenge from ur govt for arming ANA
hahhahahahah bro its Afghanistan everthing is not scripted by RAW funded media there ... but the ground reality is totally different dont judge people and states by their statements .... Good Luck u do ur Job our ISI is doing its job and guess what our spy master is quiet happy regarding afghanistan i think things might be going quiet well for ISI in afghanistan

LOL..thats the typical "Ostrich" attitude.see,you're own country gets torn up by TTP,yet you guys want to establish its half brother in Afghanistan.but ANA is doing pretty good job till now,kicking talib @$$ effectively even when they're inadequately armed.

BBC News - Afghans 'repel big militant attack on border army base'

you were telling me that at Patkika,there is no ANA force,right???here is the report...
LOL..thats the typical "Ostrich" attitude.see,you're own country gets torn up by TTP,yet you guys want to establish its half brother in Afghanistan.but ANA is doing pretty good job till now,kicking talib @$$ effectively even when they're inadequately armed.

BBC News - Afghans 'repel big militant attack on border army base'

you were telling me that at Patkika,there is no ANA force,right???here is the report...
same was said by Russians in mid 80s that afghan army is winning against mujahideen .... Talibs are without tanks and stingers do u think that it will stay that way ?? if anti Saudi , UAE or Pakistan govt is installed in Afghanistan??:angel::smokin:

LOL..thats the typical "Ostrich" attitude.see,you're own country gets torn up by TTP,yet you guys want to establish its half brother in Afghanistan.but ANA is doing pretty good job till now,kicking talib @$$ effectively even when they're inadequately armed.

BBC News - Afghans 'repel big militant attack on border army base'

you were telling me that at Patkika,there is no ANA force,right???here is the report...
and secondly kiddo TTP is in waziristan
same was said by Russians in mid 80s that afghan army is winning against mujahideen .... Talibs are without tanks and stingers do u think that it will stay that way ?? if anti Saudi , UAE or Pakistan govt is installed in Afghanistan??:angel::smokin:

and secondly kiddo TTP is in waziristan

again the same delusion.its not that mujahidin destroyed Russia sponsored govt.its lack of aid which destroyed Afghanistan that time.any functional country can withstand this kind of threat without having much trouble.the example is LTTE-SL war.UAE,Pakistan and Saudi can give as much aid as they can,but it'd not be able to drive a functional army away,not without heavy equipment,which they'll lack unless PA itself provide it.and even TTP is in waziristan,there is already near 50K dead or injured in Pakistan.
you should compromise where you can.you can compromise with a rebel.but you can't compromise with a "Proxy".you bow before a "Proxy" and they'll torn you apart.we're facing this kind of threat for decades now,but we prevailed against them successfully.its not wonder to fight against proxy.it just needs good deal of training,innovative thinking and isolating the problem.

anyway,Afghanistan cleared that that negotiations with the Taliban could only begin after they stopped violence against civilians, cut ties to al Qaeda, and accepted the Afghan constitution which guarantees civil rights and liberties, including rights for women.plus they've to honor the gains made in the last 10 years since they were ousted from power,thats not going to happen.plus,they also made it clear that a foreign power could only be present only after they make their consent.USA and Pakistan probably dropped by anyhow.there is a lot of "If"s to get a success.

Nice job pointing out the obvious. Why the quotation then? I assume by proxy you mean "Grunt." That's not whom you should be making deal with its with the "head honco" if the Taliban were willing to sit down & talk that mean they already shown signs of trying other venue of negotiations. After that let's see how the ball rolls from there. The Taliban is not some 2-bit rebels you see on India. They're more well armed & organized than the Afghan military. This is not the kind of enemy you fight, but negotiated with.
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