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Indians Warn Of Invasion

It's crazy fighting over a little island like that! Do we need it?
Brother I advise you not to fall for the jingoistic politics of some right wing Tamil political parties. Both DMK & AIDMK hold tremendous power in Center. Ask them for a change, to look into your fisherman's problem rather than concentrating on how to rescue their cadres from 2g scam.

I think already Jaya has started to do that.
Indians may bash me for saying this but, I think we all agree that 'Kargil' was a massive strategic and military blunder for Pakistan. Are you poposing that we do the same?

I just don't see the point in fighting over such a small little island...

Did GoI said anything about taking back this island? No................So I don't see the point. We are not sending any amphibious units.It will be some unarmed people in speed boats.
Indians may bash me for saying this but, I think we all agree that 'Kargil' was a massive strategic and military blunder for Pakistan. Are you poposing that we do the same?

I just don't see the point in fighting over such a small little island...

Bro, as per that island agreement lankan govt should allow tamils to participate in the temple festivals of the island as well, but now they are not allowing fishing near that island too. so we need to act coz they are violating the agreement.

Katchatheevu is settled - Sri Lanka
Indians may bash me for saying this but, I think we all agree that 'Kargil' was a massive strategic and military blunder for Pakistan. Are you poposing that we do the same?

Of course not. We should learn from the Pakistanis' mistakes and avoid them.

The first and foremost mistake that the Pakistanis have always made and which we should never make is to take head on an enemy one does not have the capacity to win over.

We should never punch above our weight, a mistake that Pakistan has always made with us.

I just don't see the point in fighting over such a small little island...

The the very same mentality that has reduced the size of our country to nearly half of what it once was.

It's this very lack of killer instinct that's so despicable.
It is the Govt of India which has ceded that island to the Govt of Sri Lanka. If the action was wrong or illegal or unconstitutional, it is for the Indian Parliament and the Indian Courts to decide. If India should want the island back it is for the Govt of India to bring up the issue with the Govt of Sri Lanka. Till the two govts decide to reverse the transfer, the GOI will honor its commitment. Tamil nationalists or the BJP have no locus standi here. If they invade the island, they are violating Indian laws and are committing an offence under Indian laws.
The the very same mentality that has reduced the size of our country to nearly half of what it once was.

It's this very lack of killer instinct that's so despicable.

Rather, I think it's this kind of aggressive attitude that makes one an overconfident adversary. An overconfident, arrogant and easy adversary. You should know this, you were just lecturing me on Pakistani mistakes.

I'm all for showing spine but the timing should be right.

And this whole discussion's moot anyway. This isn't an official statement by the GoI rather some jingoistic saber rattling by some ultra nationalists.
LOL. BJP is going to invade an island? LOL.

Gee I don't think Jaitley would be able to run with an AK in his hand. :lol:. I guess the invasion is more about getting the troops involved.;)
Indian govt should act on this issue, they dont need to worry about china or anyone in this issue.

Till the tamils are alive, there is no threat to india from the south and the history teaches the same as well, if a need arises even tamil womans have the ability to led armies and won wars .

Velu Nachiyar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir you could be a tarzan in your village or town but rest of the world dosent really cares...international laws are bound to be followed...Sri Lankans claimed that island and your Govt accepted that claim few years ago...now you come up crying that it belongs to you....where were you then?
This island is Sri Lanka and it has nothing to do with your Tamil nadu or Kerala whatever....Dont under estimate Sri Lankans and they have friends in the region too.

i agree Sri Lankans might not be interested in Huge warships and destroyers at this point in time but they can definitely afford long-range modified anti-ship harpoon missiles:lol:
Sir you could be a tarzan in your village or town but rest of the world dosent really cares...international laws are bound to be followed...Sri Lankans claimed that island and your Govt accepted that claim few years ago...now you come up crying that it belongs to you....where were you then?
This island is Sri Lanka and it has nothing to do with your Tamil nadu or Kerala whatever....Dont under estimate Sri Lankans and they have friends in the region too.
i agree Sri Lankans might not be interested in Huge warships and destroyers at this point in time but they can definitely afford long-range modified anti-ship harpoon missiles:lol:

You cared enough to reply ! And what is with your Tarzan and monkey fixation !! ??
On topic, the issue is between SL and India. Nobody else has a say here !
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