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Indians, Pakistanis join hands in Congo battle

Think about how can we work with China and build a prosperous Asia. we all should be united, no need to be against this country or that country especially in Asia that suffers poverity and conflicts.

PLEASE DO NOT BRING IN CHINA HERE. Lets keep as a desi unity thread.

I brought China in this topic, because we Indians know without Pakistani help Indians cannot do anything against China. Impossible.

But no flame baiting, I was just asking for your opinions.
Anyway, Indians (north Indians, not south Indian Dravidians) and Pakistanis belong to the same race which some called desis. So from that angle I think in future it is highly possible that Indians and Pakistanis will get united against the Chinese who are different in race.

Well, I am saying this from a racial point of view, not from religious point of view as you opined.

Will India help Pakistan if the Americans or the Russians cause problems for Pakistan :rolleyes:

We all know what the answer is, so stop dreaming. China is Pakistan's closest ally. India is the only country we fought war against and still have so many disputes with.
Prove to me what I said is incorrect. What I wrote is not even 1/10th as bad as the stuff I read in indian forums about Pakistan and Pakistanis.

Everyone who've visited indian forums, watched indian media would agree with my previous post.

Did you have a look at the other Pakistani forums also.... And before pointing fingers towards Indians have a look within you and your posts.

As per your understanding you mean to say that Pakistan should stand against India.... Do you really think it would be in Pakistan's interest?

---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------

Will India help Pakistan if the Americans or the Russians cause problems for Pakistan :rolleyes:

Do you think Pakistan will help if we have skirmishes with China????
Do you think Pakistan will help if we have skirmishes with China????

Yes, that is my point. Lets focus on it.

If Pakistan sides with India, Pakistan will lose China forever. But how much Pakistan will gain from India if Pakistan joins hands with India against China?

Indian members are welcome to comment.
We all know what the answer is, so stop dreaming. China is Pakistan's closest ally. India is the only country we fought war against and still have so many disputes with.

So what???? So what do you actually want to say? Keep the current stand till the end of time? or should Pakistan declare war on India? What are you trying to say?

Boss Indians dont have any problem in increasing their defenses because we have just 2% invested but it will surely drain out more resources from Pakistan out of fear from Indian aggression. Its more in interest of Pakistan to be "Bhai Bhai" with Indians....
Yes, that is my point. Lets focus on it.

If Pakistan sides with India, Pakistan will lose China forever. But how much Pakistan will gain from India if Pakistan joins hands with India against China?

Indian members are welcome to comment.

Regarding merger of India and Pakistan neither India nor Pakistan would do so.... And if any such thing happens Indians would be on the loosing side because of economic, social, political conditions in Pakistan. There is nothing big to gain in such a scenario.....
Situation improved in Congo's province after Pakistan peace keepers deployed.

PPI - Pakistan Press International

| October 06, 2005 | COPYRIGHT 2005 Asia Pulse Pty Ltd. This material is published under license from the publisher through the Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan. All inquiries regarding rights should be directed to the Gale Group. Copyright

BUKAVU, (D. R. Congo), October 06 (PPI): The security situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo's South Kivu province has tremendously improved after the deployment of troops from Pakistan who are on a UN peacekeeping mission called MONUC. Jean Paul, the Head of Office of MONUC in the South Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, stated this. He was talking to a group of Pakistani journalists who are on a visit to the area."The security is not yet fully as it should be. But being in South Kivu for about 10 months now, I can say that the situation is tremendously improved after the deployment of the Pakistani troops," he remarked. The Head of Office of MONUC in the area further stated that a number of questions were raised when he arrived in South Kivu. The people were saying that they would be invaded by neighbouring Rwanda, Jean Paul said adding that this is no longer a question that I hear from the people in the streets. He said that the elections in the country when presently there is a transitional set up, the polls would be held and that would be very positive step forward. Elaborating, Jean Paul, a Belgian, stated that first, there would be a referendum on the constitution and then there would be presidential and national assembly elections. He said that so far there is only a transitional constitution and pointed out that fortunately, there is a draft constitution but it has not been adopted by the population at large. He said that the referendum is scheduled by the end of next month but it is very difficult to meet the deadline because a significant chunk of the population has not been registered. The Head of Office of Monuc in South Kivu pointed out that the chairperson of the Electoral Commission has cast some doubts just a few days ago about the deadline.

Replying a question about the local army, he said that there should be 18 brigades ready but so far, we have only six of them who can deal with the issue. Jean Paul again lauded the contributions of the Pakistani troops who are on a UN peace mission assignment in the area, for already imparting training to more than 3,000 soldiers and 600 officers of the local army called FARDC. He said that this has been very much appreciated by the entire population at large and it has also given the local troops and wearing uniform that they did not have before.

Replying yet another question, the Head of Office of Monuc in South Kivu said that the political solution is to unify the DRC, a big country in Central Africa, which is of the size of Western Europe. He further pointed out that the DRC is faced with so many ...

Source: Article: Situation improved in Congo' province after Pakistan peace keepers... | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library advocacy

Pakistani Army contributing to peace, security, and stability in the D.R Congo.
Will India help Pakistan if the Americans or the Russians cause problems for Pakistan :rolleyes:

We all know what the answer is, so stop dreaming. China is Pakistan's closest ally. India is the only country we fought war against and still have so many disputes with.

Recent course of events shows that many Pakistanis are interested in building Bhai Bhai relationship with Indians. For example A1kaid and other members are supporting this view.

Perhaps you can say better as you live in Pakistan. What do you think? Who are the majority, pro Indians or pro Chinese in Pakistan?
Did you have a look at the other Pakistani forums also.... And before pointing fingers towards Indians have a look within you and your posts.

As per your understanding you mean to say that Pakistan should stand against India.... Do you really think it would be in Pakistan's interest

Its really not hard to figure out Indian mentality. Pakistan doesnt want bad relations with any country but we have numerous disputes with India and Pakistan is a reality, so for all your fellow indians who dream about merging Pakistan with India tell them to wake up and smell the coffee because Pakistan is a reality.

Do you think Pakistan will help if we have skirmishes with China????

My previous post was in response to the indian member who said because Pakistanis and Indians are the same "race" they should unite against China which is the most ridiculous comment I have ever heard in this forum.

China is Pakistan's closest ally and no country in the world helped Pakistan as much as China did. Pakistan and India went through 4 wars and still have disputes over Kashmir, Siachen, and Sir Creek...why on earth would we want to take India's over China?

Many Indians are living in dream world and should start being realistic about their neighborhood.
Recent course of events shows that many Pakistanis are interested in building Bhai Bhai relationship with Indians. For example A1kaid and other members are supporting this view.

Perhaps you can say better as you live in Pakistan. What do you think? Who are the majority, pro Indians or pro Chinese in Pakistan?

You dont even have to live in Pakistan to figure that one out, all Pakistanis all across the globe are more pro Chinese. Even little kids know that China is Pakistan's best friend.
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Just because we fought with Indians in battle ground does not mean we will support them in war against China.No way in hell.China is our ally and we don't want to back stab our ally and yes, Pakistanis people have a lot of good feelings towards Chinese even religious parties like China..every army officer is pro china so you can't mobilize the population against China.Just forget it.
Guys keep the China away from this thread. we were talking about Pakistani and Indian army personal fought together against those who killed our fellow Bangladeshis in Congo. One of the best topic i loved reading so far. thanks to A1Kaid for posting it.

Nice to hear that..... But nothing to get excited about
Just because some Pakistanis and Indians fought against some African rebels you guys are singing bhai bhai.

Go check anywhere on the internet where it mentions Pakistan, check indian forums, watch indian news, see what kind of comments Indians write, Indians hate us. If tomorrow America announces a war against Pakistan, Indians all across the world will jump for joy. They hate Pakistanis and hate the idea of Pakistan.

My Dear friend I heard that Negative is more powerful than Positive.
I seems true to you comment :-)devil:)...
Just because some Pakistanis and Indians fought against some African rebels you guys are singing bhai bhai.

Go check anywhere on the internet where it mentions Pakistan, check indian forums, watch indian news, see what kind of comments Indians write, Indians hate us. If tomorrow America announces a war against Pakistan, Indians all across the world will jump for joy. They hate Pakistanis and hate the idea of Pakistan.

I am afraid there are your counterparts in India too whose minds are stuck in history. You people kinda work on the same agenda however averse to each other you are. You wont let India and Pakistan live together. Thats the irony of it. You point to our people to project your hate, and our people say see how Omar et all are thinking about India and all Pakistanis are like that. The worst part is these groups actually attract more individuals who matter for decision making but cannot make their own judgements making it look like there is sooo much hatred between us.(Probably the first time I used 'us', I only use Indians and Pakistanis usually)
@others: Once we start to move on, we will begin to calm people like this down. As I have read in the letter here

India not our enemy

we respect our elders sacrifices and their intentions to secure our countries. But we also want to look at their mistakes and correct them.

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