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indians most racist people in the world


Mar 18, 2006
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‘Indians are among the most racist people in the world’

The moment an Indian comes face to face with another for the first time, all it takes are a few subconscious seconds for an ethnic profile to be formed on either side: Punjabi — rich, friendly, brash. Tamilian — affluent, reserved, intellectual. Bengali — middle class, arrogant, culture vulture. Goan —gregarious, laid back, fun.

They’re all stereotypes of course. Unfortunately, that’s how the average Indian perceives people-not-like-me. A predilection reinforced by popular cinema and television soaps that revel in ethnic caricatures. And compounded by an amazing ignorance or worse, contempt of the many shades that make up India.

Given our genetic diversity, when a fair-skinned Punjabi of Aryan descent dismisses a dark-skinned Dravidian as a ‘Madrasi’, what it essentially amounts to is racism. It is the same atavistic urge that makes white skins suspicious of brown skins. And it is what makes Indians put a premium on fair skin, whether in the marriage market, at a job interview or when adopting a child.
The average South Indian who responds to the ‘Madrasi’ tag by labelling everyone north of the Vindhyas a ‘Punjabi’ puts up a racial wall in his mind as well. Move to the North-East and you’ll be told tales of more overt racism. “We’re simply not looked upon as Indians,” says Khanchinpau Zo from Manipur. Most Indians from the hill states of the Northeast will tell you how they have to face an array of prejudices and preconceived notions, the commonest being that girls from the Northeast are ‘easy’, and that everyone from the region does drugs.

Sometimes, they are even denied entry to discos and pubs. A TV anchor from Sikkim was turned away along with his friends from Elevate, a Noida discotheque — while others queuing up after them were let in. He was later ushered in by the bouncers when he made a call to the club’s PRO. The Northeast states, too have pejorative terms for outsiders, and several have seen attempts at ethnic cleansing directed against ‘mainland Indians’.

As for all those protesting the way Indians with long beards are singled out at international airports today, they should perhaps try asking Sikhs what it was like after Indira Gandhi’s assassination. And if you’re outraged at the manner in which all Asians are being tarred with the terrorist brush abroad, hear what Samuel Fatai, a 24-year-old Nigerian studying at Delhi University, has to say: “I’ve been called kalu, Habshi, Negro, all sorts of names. I’ve felt insulted so often on flights — airhostesses have a way of letting you know how unwelcome you are, and Indians excel in it. I have been strip-searched at most Indian airports even before 9/11.”

The worst came after the Rahul Mahajan cocaine scandal, when Fatai was picked up by the Delhi police and kept in illegal confinement for three days. Why? They suspected he was a cocaine peddler. Says Fatai wryly, “Indians don’t want to make friends with a black man. Unless, of course, they get cocaine at discounted rates.” He echoes what most people of African descent will tell you in a candid moment: Indians are among the most colour-conscious and racist people in the world.
(With inputs from Samrat and Mayank Tewari in New Delhi)

And someone wondered why Indians are so obsessive about Pakistan!

So unfortunate that they forget what they say and then totally expose themselves to their own chicanery and Machiavellian thuggery!

Thankfully they don't signature the ethos of this forum and of hopefully, Pakistan!

Providentially, he has not produced something to do with Indian Moslems!

Should we produce something about Shias and Sunnis of Pakistan or of the minorities and the unfortunate Ahmediyyas or the Baloch, Pakhtuns, Chitralis, etc etc?

What is it that you wish to prove? That India is a lousy country? OK, if that pleases you, so be it. Can we move on on to something intellectual? Ah, that would be beyond you? OK.

I accept your claim that you are either a Hun's or Alexander progeny who was not taken back owing to the question of legitimacy, but so what?
Indians are very racist. Not surprising. And since when are Punjabis "fair".
And someone wondered why Indians are so obsessive about Pakistan!

So unfortunate that they forget what they say and then totally expose themselves to their own chicanery and Machiavellian thuggery!

Thankfully they don't signature the ethos of this forum and of hopefully, Pakistan!

Providentially, he has not produced something to do with Indian Moslems!

Should we produce something about Shias and Sunnis of Pakistan or of the minorities and the unfortunate Ahmediyyas or the Baloch, Pakhtuns, Chitralis, etc etc?

What is it that you wish to prove? That India is a lousy country? OK, if that pleases you, so be it. Can we move on on to something intellectual? Ah, that would be beyond you? OK.

I accept your claim that you are either a Hun's or Alexander progeny who was not taken back owing to the question of legitimacy, but so what?

This is perfect try of taking a situation and instead of discussing it turn it into totally diffrent make people move of subject and discuss some thing diffrent.please put up a argument that counter his claim attacking him and waving you hands in air only makes u look like a lunatic.and i loved your try to turn this into shia and sunni thread wow cool one.u wanna prove religious diffrence exsist in pakistan .u got to be kidding me have you forgotten or should i remind u of this diffrences in hindu muslim or untouchable and hindu sikhs gujrat roits or demolishing of the barbri mosque.there is 1000s of other things happening in india every day but.u wanna turn it into denial and attack.:bunny:
‘Indians are among the most racist people in the world’

As for all those protesting the way Indians with long beards are singled out at international airports today, they should perhaps try asking Sikhs what it was like after Indira Gandhi’s assassination. And if you’re outraged at the manner in which all Asians are being tarred with the terrorist brush abroad, hear what Samuel Fatai, a 24-year-old Nigerian studying at Delhi University, has to say: “I’ve been called kalu, Habshi, Negro, all sorts of names. I’ve felt insulted so often on flights — airhostesses have a way of letting you know how unwelcome you are, and Indians excel in it. I have been strip-searched at most Indian airports even before 9/11.”


I feed bad for the Nigerian girl. Especially when most indians are blacker than her. I guess the fair & lovely isnt working ..;)
I think the bad language being used by a sane person of if i say more than once person is aimed at closing this thread.

its old tactic being used at another forum.

Neo what you say ?????/

i think all need a warning on this thread.
Sorry dear, I was busy replying other thread, didn't see this earlier.
I've banned him!

To all members, I'm sorry we had to witness this pathetic and tasteless display.

Please continue the debate and try not to get personal! ;)


Okay maybe i'm making a mistake and jumping to conclusion, but is this forum run by Ahsan Farooqi or not? Also who is Sid, is it sidharth or Siddiqui? I ask these questions before i carry on!
Too late, this door is closed!
And guess who's on the wrong side of it? ;) :lol: :bunny:
Is RAPTOR banned for starting this thread for the purpose of only creating troubles. Oh man he is going to get banned like as he was never here.

I can't take this anymore i have given him many chances just because in which land he was born, but he is just continuelly degrading it. :read:
Thank you webby!
Guess some people don't know when to quit! :rolleyes:
Unbanned by Webby for the time being.
He gets one more chance.
All desis are pretty much racist.

Desis in the US are always searching for houses in white neighborhoods. Black/Spanish neighborhoods are avoided to extremes.

But you know what? It's not because of their color at all. Not that white's and desis have a lot more in common than the blacks and spanish people, its simple statistics of crime and maintenance of houses.

In color desis are a lot similar to blacks and the spanish. But still this attitude and this explanation would also be considered racist.
All offtopic stuff deleted.

Indians are racist, "Yes/No/Maybe?". How hard is it to reply in those terms without commenting on member of the forum? Civility would be appreciated and will go a long way throughout your stay on the forum.
Asim it's nice of you to delete the posts you didn't like... but please explain how my posts were "off-topic"... they were completely on-topic and not even offensive to anyone...
ok bro nvm, lemme just repost what I had posted earlier..

Fatai was picked up by the Delhi police and kept in illegal confinement for three days. Why? They suspected he was a cocaine peddler. Says Fatai wryly, “Indians don’t want to make friends with a black man. Unless, of course, they get cocaine at discounted rates.”
did he say, sell cocaine??? :disappointed: and then he asks why he was picked up... it's the same excuse used in the West... oh the cops stopped me because i'm black... and what I don't understand is, if all that is only discrimination against blacks, then why do crime rates go up in black communities and countries around the world???
ok bro nvm, lemme just repost what I had posted earlier..
Good, coz ur earlier post regarding this question had not quoted the text properly and there was some offtopic comments in some others. Furthermore, the "why" is not open to debate, for obvious reasons that participants on the thread did not behave. Not a peep on this now! :)

Sidenote: Always take the complaints to the appropriate section and threads. It all already exists, browse around a little.

Oh and welcome aboard.

did he say, sell cocaine??? :disappointed: and then he asks why he was picked up... it's the same excuse used in the West... oh the cops stopped me because i'm black... and what I don't understand is, if all that is only discrimination against blacks, then why do crime rates go up in black communities and countries around the world???

I believe the Nigerian dude was being sarcastic and pointing out a stereotype of the Indians. It was not admission about selling cocaine.

Even if he did, it still does not justify people singling out a random person as a drugs peddler. Although a little exercise of caution, handled with a bit of commonsense and politeness can go a long way in not making anyone feel bad.

Oh and crime rates are not high within black communities because of the genes that make the color of the skin black, its because since the slave labor days, blacks are still poor and poor people don't have the right education, the right environment and the right upbringing which leads to crimes.

Are you saying its okay to profile all poor people as potential criminals?

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