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Indians' ludicrous claims of Pakistani Passport carrying Terrorists Exposed!

freedom fighters fight in public spots where innocent women and children will be collaterals? nice struggle for freedom ... whose freedom if they cant protect their women and children.....

Dont get the indian occupation forces to hide in civilian areas and there will not be no "collateral damage".......more people have been murdered by the indians then killed by the freedom fighters in "collateral damage".

ah weak in what sense? there are weapons and explosives being sent into Kashmir which does not have the infrastructure of weapons manufacturing like FATA-NWFP has since soviet days ..... and still there are huge caches of arms and ammo recovered there frequently ...

I fully support pakistan arming the freeedom fghters and it is the right thing to do......You never carry your passport on a op so i know yout post is based on BS.....saying that i have no doubt pak army is helping the freedom fighters and should carry on doing so.

a. China-by mules from their bases in Tibet and Aksai Chin and from there all across Ladakh region (which is heavily militarised and restricted and trouble free) - a totally unlikely scenario here.

b. Tibetians - with factories in their marktes in Dharamshala which is actuallyinfested with RAW .... so another unlikely.

c. Indian Army - wont make sense to arm militants and then try and kill them until and unless you want to say IA is playing survival of the fittest with its men and officers (a totally nutty idea)

d. Across LoC - the only one who has reasons to arm and support groups here ..... and now if you say there is no PA there ...... then where is PA if when in WoT you say its on eastern border to defend against India?

take an option and we can move on ahead .....

Did i say pakistan is not supporting the freedom fighters?
My point is that the freedom fighters do not carry there passports with them.
This is all about forging passports and I would understand if the person tried to slip into India with the forged passport and then slip out.

But in this case he crossed over a border on his feet, so why does he need a passport? He can't obviously LEAVE India with the Pakistani passport without being called out by the immigration officer that the records show you never entered India in the first place.

So none of that flies.
Dude ever heard of something called computers? When the immigration guy at the airport enters a passport number into his computer and marks it for exit, it will pop up on his screen that this passport no never entered India.

Next you'll say ISI has even hacked your system.

its actually amazing ..... what is this computer?

have you tried to research on the basic characteristics of Indo-Nepal border? and how you can exfilterate from it? into Nepal and then you use your passport?

suggest kindly do so ....
its actually amazing ..... what is this computer?

have you tried to research on the basic characteristics of Indo-Nepal border? and how you can exfilterate from it? into Nepal and then you use your passport?

suggest kindly do so ....

So your saying that pakistani agents carry there passports around with them in india rather then leave them in nepal which would be the more logical and pick them up once they have "exfilterated" back into nepal......
First of all, terrorists do not carry their passports. If these people used their passports to get into india, then they are not terrorist probably framed by india, which they are good at doing.
its actually amazing ..... what is this computer?

have you tried to research on the basic characteristics of Indo-Nepal border? and how you can exfilterate from it? into Nepal and then you use your passport?

suggest kindly do so ....
Oi! You guys suggested this, not me! I'm just mocking the entire story.
So your saying that pakistani agents carry there passports around with them in india rather then leave them in nepal which would be the more logical and pick them up once they have "exfilterated" back into nepal......
Lol let it be man, this thread has been a classic case of "hit yourself on the foot". We called out their bongi.
Funniest reporting ever read...terrorist caught with passport.Next time caught them with parents and DNA report too. lolzzz........what wrong with Indians law enforcement agencies...
Funniest reporting ever read...terrorist caught with passport.Next time caught them with parents and DNA report too. lolzzz........what wrong with Indians law enforcement agencies...

they even make fake gun battles by planting dead bodies in buildings lol, and then evacuating the place, after firing a few shots, they let the media come in. Some might think i might be making up this, but there is a documentary on it.
This is all about forging passports and I would understand if the person tried to slip into India with the forged passport and then slip out.

But in this case he crossed over a border on his feet, so why does he need a passport? He can't obviously LEAVE India with the Pakistani passport without being called out by the immigration officer that the records show you never entered India in the first place.

So none of that flies.

A probable reason terrorists carry fake passports is, so that they can get through easily to Nepal and Bangladesh. Terrorists are known to be recieving weapons, maps via Nepal since getting supplies across LOC is very tough. India has a very strict immigration treaty with Nepal, since there is a huge migrant population of Nepalese in India. So getting around in Nepal with a fake Indian passport or vice versa is very tough, and runs a larger risk of being caught.

You have to understand that passports recovered are not genuine, because if they are then it means state agencies are issuing passprts to terrorists.
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Wow Indians must have reach to higher level. Now Indian movies stories are applied on real life. They sound so dramatic in real life too.
ok since when are terrorists going around carrying passports?
i could already tell the news is false and just made up
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Dont get the indian occupation forces to hide in civilian areas and there will not be no "collateral damage".......more people have been murdered by the indians then killed by the freedom fighters in "collateral damage".

ok you may have that view but why not lure the armed forces into forests in nearby areas by giving "hard intel" on which the forces are bound to act? the IA orbat stresses on need to act on hard intel -which gives a perfect setting for trapping the "occupiers" and really meaning the freedom struggle to be what it is, a freedom struggle. If IA is comminting atrocities why make the mistake of doing the same.

any insurgency - be it for or against "freedom" in this case - is based on maximum coercion and forcing the local populance to support either sides based on fear - a fact that is well known and established if you take the trouble to analyse the various "struggles" the world over. Am sure you shall take the trouble to analyse it before dismissing anything as BS

I fully support pakistan arming the freeedom fghters and it is the right thing to do......You never carry your passport on a op so i know yout post is based on BS.....saying that i have no doubt pak army is helping the freedom fighters and should carry on doing so.

I am glad atleast you are honest. But you have shown a lack of ability to grasp the nuances of Indo-Nepal border and the ease with which you can exfiltrate across as also the congenial environment today for Pakistan as the fact that they are being blamed world over for even a sneeze simply does away with bothering to explain acts .... even if you get caught. Anyways its difficult concept for you to grasp so wont press anymore.

Did i say pakistan is not supporting the freedom fighters?
My point is that the freedom fighters do not carry there passports with them.

I have a friend of Pakistan origin whose cousin was in SSG and spent 3 years in Jammu as a temple priest and was unlucky to be pinpointed and he pushed off from Delhi by regular PIA before he could be arrested on a PAKISTANI passport ... now am not sure how true is this story but it was told to me by him ..... I have a healthy respect for both ISI and SSG and am open to this being true .... professionalism of the two organisations can result in such an operation ......
this is classical case of not accepting anything other than what the delusive collective thought churns out from GoP ........

its akin to the facts of NLI regulars carrying Pakistani IDs being captured/recovered post-Kargil and Pakistan blaming Indians for "forging" ..... and accepting the same as being true few years down the line ...... another defensive mechanism as eliicited in human psyche - denial ......;)
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