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Indians have become the largest foreign-born group in London.

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I think discussion on religion should be strictly banned. Anyone discussing or bringing up the religion should be banned. Religion is strictly personal and nothing to be discussed about. Only then serious and fruitful discussion will take place, else the discussions becomes inflammatory and leads to complete nonsense with full of abuses. Anyways that's what I feel because most of the threads, whatever the topic might be leads to full of hatred and abuses in the end, here in PDF. That's what I have witnessed in this short span of time (from when I joined i.e. last month).

On topic: There is a pretty good chance that Indians will hte largest number of anything in the world, considering that we are the 2nd most populated nation on Earth, and soon might overtake China to become 1st most. Dont see what the big deal is...

What truth? That since Muslims are trying to take over Europe, that is why there is Islamophobia? Well if this is truth in your world than go have at it...inferior hindu.

Why do you guys have to "take over" places? Is co-existence with other groups haraam in Islam? :cuckoo:
@hinduguy, only inde guy not interested in having too many children hehe( i am messing with you , i find you very reasonable ;) ), you my best pepe after cherokke ;) (no homo)

Why do you folks want to have so many children, I agree children are a blessing from lord but at the same time we have to provide from them, give them a good upbringing, give them the proper necessities they need and as well make them good citizens and that cannot be done if you have like four or five children unless you are super rich.(this is slightly in religious tone and I apologize if this offends you in advance as it is not intended from my intention to enforce my beliefs)

Children now a days need soccer lessons, piano lessons, summer camp, clothes,day care(unless wife willing to sacrifice 1 year of her career on familie after birth ) food(big one), bills, mortgage, two cars(3 if you can afford it), line of credit and cottage. If we want to raise our children like this then either we work our ***** of or we stick with one or two children. Personally I unlike my collegues want a traditional household similar to my gramps or even my dads where there might be more childeren like 2 or even 3(i know i am being selfish) but balance this by not giving them extra luxeries and letting them earn it . I know there childhood will sucks especially you know not being given everything but if worked for my dad then it sure can work for them. Also once again before some one calls me chauvinist, I know having three children is excessive and obsessive but growing up if i did not have my babe brothe and sister then it would be boring chilhood for me mon ami

On topic: There is a pretty good chance that Indians will hte largest number of anything in the world, considering that we are the 2nd most populated nation on Earth, and soon might overtake China to become 1st most. Dont see what the big deal is...

Why do you guys have to "take over" places? Is co-existence with other groups haraam in Islam? :cuckoo:

Please mon ami, he is being offensive and majoritie of muslam want co-existance but sometimes not all of us follow our scripture and bring our hate, islam is a religion of peace and mon ami we love every body just as much and I think he is being a bad apple and should apologize to you. I cannot speak for him but from what i have been taught and being raised in a household was never to disrespect anyone's moral compass however if some thing is wrong then call them out on that so like terrorism is evil and nothing to do with any religion. Same thing with these people , they create corruption among people to create hatred and then monsieurs/athiest say look 'see how counter-productive religion is' , when it is intended to be exactly the opposite.

I am sure there are also bad apples in your communitie or for that matter any society and we should simply report and ignore these folks. Sorry for the long rambling and this is a defence forum so lets keep these religion chitchat to minimum and i know sometimes I infer some religion things too indirectly so I am just as guilty.
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@hinduguy, only inde guy not interested in having too many children hehe( i am messing with you , i find you very reasonable ;) ), you my best pepe after cherokke ;) (no homo)

Why do you folks want to have so many children, I agree children are a blessing from lord but at the same time we have to provide from them, give them a good upbringing, give them the proper necessities they need and as well make them good citizens and that cannot be done if you have like four or five children unless you are super rich.(this is slightly in religious tone and I apologize if this offends you in advance as it is not intended from my intention to enforce my beliefs)

Children now a days need soccer lessons, piano lessons, summer camp, clothes,day care(unless wife willing to sacrifice 1 year of her career on familie after birth ) food(big one), bills, mortgage, two cars(3 if you can afford it), line of credit and cottage. If we want to raise our children like this then either we work our ***** of or we stick with one or two children. Personally I unlike my collegues want a traditional household similar to my gramps or even my dads where there might be more childeren like 2 or even 3(i know i am being selfish) but balance this by not giving them extra luxeries and letting them earn it . I know there childhood will sucks especially you know not being given everything but if worked for my dad then it sure can work for them. Also once again before some one calls me chauvinist, I know having three children is excessive and obsessive but growing up if i did not have my babe frere and soeur then it would be boring chilhood mon ami

Please mon ami, he is being offensive and majoritie of muslam want co-existance but sometimes not all of us follow our scripture and bring our hate, islam is a religion of peace and mon ami we love every body just as much and I think he is being a bad apple and should apologize to you. I cannot speak for him but from what i have been taught and being raised in a household was never to disrespect anyone's moral compass however if some thing is wrong then call them out on that so like terrorism is evil and nothing to do with any religion. Same thing with these people , they create corruption among people to create hatred and then monsieurs/athiest say look 'see how counter-productive religion is' , when it is intended to be exactly the opposite.

I am sure there are also bad apples in your communitie or for that matter any society and we should simply report and ignore these folks. Sorry for the long rambling and this is a defence forum so lets keep these religion chitchat to minimum and i know sometimes I infer some religion things too indirectly so I am just as guilty.

Bro, what do you mean 'you people have so many children? We have come a long way, our birth rate is 2.59 now and decreasing. Our govt tries best, but we are democracy, cant really force people to have 1 child, unlike china.
bangladesh has done better, birth rate: 2.20
pakistan is worse : birth rate : 3.42

I dont know what religion you are talking about mon homi :smitten: , but In India muslim leaders are against birth control, apparently allah has forbidden them. Christians are not so, even though god said.. go forth and multiply... :)
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Bro, what do you mean 'you people have so many children? We have come a long way, our birth rate is 2.59 now and decreasing. Our govt tries best, but we are democracy, cant really force people to have 1 child, unlike china.
bangladesh has done better, birth rate: 2.20
pakistan is worse : birth rate : 3.42

I dont know what religion you are talking about, but In India muslim leaders are against birth control, apparently allah forbidden them. Christians are not so, even though god said.. go forth and multiply... :)

No my friend, you take me wrong as I am talking about the population boom in london not that I think its bad in any way. As far as religion is concerned, there is no organized clergy in islam and muslims only follow the scripture period and it is very stupid to be against birth control because you can just keep having kids infinetly and that is very stupide from a scientific and a moral stand point of view. Since this is a defence forum I will keep this out of religious context because religion may make a lot of other readers uncomfortable. Also please do write to your so called muslim leaders in india to stop brainwashing the people and read scripture instead of just controling people for power.(Geez feel bad for you folks having to deal with these dinosaurs)
If you guys ever followed a True Religion then you would know why we Muslims bring Al-Islam in every religion.

How typical,That's exactly what every religious fanatic ever lived said.That's exactly what make every religion in the world look ridiculous.
No my friend, you take me wrong as I am talking about the population boom in london not that I think its bad in any way. As far as religion is concerned, there is no organized clergy in islam and muslims only follow the scripture period and it is very stupid to be against birth control because you can just keep having kids infinetly and that is very stupide from a scientific and a moral stand point of view. Since this is a defence forum I will keep this out of religious context because religion may make a lot of other readers uncomfortable. Also please do write to your so called muslim leaders in india to stop brainwashing the people and read scripture instead of just controling people for power.(Geez feel bad for you folks having to deal with these dinosaurs)
Man, this thread is about 'foreign-born' group in london, no those born in london. Who is talking about population boom in London. We are talking about Indian immigrants.

And about Indian muslim leader( I actually meant scholars not political or social activists), they are not far off from those in london. Dont give me this innocent face as if you dont know these stuff. Even many proper educated muslims have such backward views.
I challenge you to open such a thread here, lets see how many people have such views.. :devil:

BTW, muslim birth rate is marginally higher than hindus in India, so even they bother about how to bring up their kids in proper way.
Man, this thread is about 'foreign-born' group in london, no those born in london. Who is talking about population boom in London. We are talking about Indian immigrants.

And about Indian muslim leader( I actually meant scholars not political or social activists), they are not far off from those in london. Dont give me this innocent face as if you dont know these stuff. Even many proper educated muslims have such backward views.

BTW, muslim birth rate is marginally higher than hindus in India, so even they bother about how to bring up their kids in proper way.

Look you are taking offence bud, If i live there in inde with you folks I would know the situation. My experience is limited to Canada and I am learning more pakistan heritage so If I am in pakistan ever I can be the judge of that. I might have use the wrong tone and please understand my english is not very good either and I meant no offence to inde at all. I saw all the pakistan and other people here celebrating having more population and misread it so I understand what you mean by foriegn population group and my apologies for misreading that. However my point being stop judging muslim from a bigot perspective(not all of us are the same), I never call out inde people in this forum even after all the hateful stuff i read but now you are accusing that proper educated muslim have backward views(not my problem anyway), well may be they are not really muslims and just backwards. My original point was misdirected and I just felt a tad bit annoyed at the excessive racism on this thread with regards to colonizing england, which is in bad taste and hopefully this clears everything!
@hinduguy, sure I accept the challenge but not on this forum as this is pakistan forum nor inde but my communitie :toast_sign:
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Look you are taking offence bud, If i live there in inde with you folks I would know the situation. My experience is limited to Canada and I am learning more pakistan heritage so If I am in pakistan ever I can be the judge of that. I might have use the wrong tone and please understand my english is not very good either and I meant no offence to inde at all. I saw all the pakistan and other people here celebrating having more population and misread it so I understand what you mean by foriegn population group and my apologies for misreading that. However my point being stop judging muslim from a bigot perspective(not all of us are the same), I never call out inde people in this forum even after all the hateful stuff i read but now you are accusing that proper educated muslim have backward views(not my problem anyway), well may be they are not really muslims and just backwards. My original point was misdirected and I just felt a tad bit annoyed at the excessive racism on this thread with regards to colonizing england, which is in bad taste and hopefully this clears everything!

Man, I never take offence unless it is intended. You clearly mean no offence.
Secondly I dont have a bigot's view, I tend to get info from news and decide the analysis myself. The fact is muslim scholars in India have backward views. Also the fact is, muslims in India DO NOT have such high birth rate compared to hindus.
Which means, the economic factor (cost of brining up a child) is the major one, not religious.

I am sorry, if I apprear rude or impolite because I do not know how to write otherwise. I like to keep my points simple and straight in debate. :cheers:
I never understood why Chinese have such a high population since East Asians have different breeding patterns from Indians and Africans. @Speeder2
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Man, I never take offence unless it is intended. You clearly mean no offence.
Secondly I dont have a bigot's view, I tend to get info from news and decide the analysis myself. The fact is muslim scholars in India have backward views. Also the fact is, muslims in India DO NOT have such high fertility rate compared to hindus.
Which means, the economic factor (cost of brining up a child) is the major one, not religious.

I was talking about the economics from the very first post while there were racist bigots here talking about east inde company and colonizing when it is really sad if some one looks from that prism. You said that don't act innocent and you know the story well I don't so how do you expect me to know everything, its like being a muslim now a days(i don't even know why we are even discussing faith lols) I am expected to explain the wrong doing of jamal living in a slum in mumbai and why he does not believe in contraceptives and this is how i felt after you told me that i knew it all :what:
Anyways lets stop this dumb religious theme talk and it will not help us bridge gaps in our discussion about this and I agree we should talk about the economic factors involved with raising children , which is alot more important and I admit something canadien society is failing at sadly even with all the economic prosperity.

So rahul, i watched kal ho na ho, lets talk about that for a change ;) ( you can call me abdul lols)
I was talking about the economics from the very first post while there were racist bigots here talking about east inde company and colonizing when it is really sad if some one looks from that prism. You said that don't act innocent and you know the story well I don't so how do you expect me to know everything, its like being a muslim now a days(i don't even know why we are even discussing faith lols) I am expected to explain the wrong doing of jamal living in a slum in mumbai and why he does not believe in contraceptives and this is how i felt after you told me that i knew it all :what:
Anyways lets stop this dumb religious theme talk and it will not help us bridge gaps in our discussion about this and I agree we should talk about the economic factors involved with raising children , which is alot more important and I admit something canadien society is failing at sadly even with all the economic prosperity.

So rahul, i watched kal ho na ho, lets talk about that for a change ;) ( you can call me abdul lols)

bro, I was talking about situation in UK, I thought you know about the backward mullahs here in Uk.
I dont want you as a defender of faith or tribe. Its a horrible thing to do, and you will end up defending actions you dont believe in yourself.
Those people who were rejoicing the fact that there are more Indians in london were just trolling, ask them about contraceptive yourself, you will know even trolls dont want more kids. lol.
bro, I was talking about situation in UK, I thought you know about the backward mullahs here in Uk.
I dont want you as a defender of faith or tribe. Its a horrible thing to do, and you will end up defending actions you dont believe in yourself.
Those people who were rejoicing the fact that there are more Indians in london were just trolling, ask them about contraceptive yourself, you will know even trolls dont want more kids. lol.

ahahah good to know my friend, I was scared for a second that they wanted lots more kids so they can get revenge on england for some thing that happened long ago and I know it is very painful subject to talk about but the trolls seriously caught me off gaurd today. I felt very insecure for a second, the white side was like oh crap ;) heheh. Anyways back to studying and nice chatting with you and hopefully we end this discussion on good terms and I am thankful that we were able to discuss our ideas, plus meet on a common ground and I hope these pseudo mulsim preachers have credibility behind them since i have never heard this backwerdness before. If it is not too much, can you tell me which university are these think tanks based from because I have never heard any scholors at grad school level talk this backwardness if they truly studied scripture.

Source: Couple of friend in grad school ;)(comparative studies)
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