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Indians hacking into Pakistani computers with promises of defense secrets

Isnt making your own special type of flash storage that does not conform to any international standards sound safer?

older simple and slower USB use is decreasing, faster SDHC, SDXC and encrypted new generation USBs are being introduced for the past 2 years.
older simple and slower USB use is decreasing, faster SDHC, SDXC and encrypted new generation USBs are being introduced for the past 2 years.

I didn't say anything about versions at all, I don't see the relevance of what you said?

I wish my message could be seen :\ better than encrypting (which enemies can eventually crack anyways) make your own standard, if it's too much just make round or triangular or some other weird shaped USB drives do something dont just depend on cheap encryption even a 10 year old can do on their cell phone
Fortunately .. most of the sensitive computers aren't connected to the internet

I would imagine most security agencies would go a step further and have entrapment scenarios. Like how credit card companies deliberately allow some numbers to be phished so they can use their transactions to track down the hackers.
Pakistan should pass law for cyber attacks and should declare them an act of war :sniper:

Some Times The benefits of allowing (as long as you know what you are doing)the attacks out weights countering it or preventing it for that matter .You can use their own hack to feed them all the info they are looking for :omghaha:
While the Syrian Electronic Army gets all the publicity and the US-China hacking campaigns are now well known, India and Pakistan quietly have their own thing going on. According to two anti-virus firms, ESET and Symantec, Pakistani government agencies have been targeted by spear-phishing attacks—fraudulent emails that trick people into giving up sensitive information—from India for at least two and as long as four years.

Seems like Indians are trying to compete with the Nigerian scam industry. I'm not surprised.
Are you claiming our computer security to be foolproof, Sir? I would respectfully disagree.
It is foolproof. Apparently, they use them as paperweights and computer containing sensitive info just means that sensitive papers are stuffed into the computer.... seriously.. sometime I feel some of the information here are pulled from thin air....

Targets receive an email with attached Microsoft Word or pdf documents, with names like pakistandefencetoindiantopmiltrysecreat.pdf (Pakistan defense to Indian top military secret) and pakterrisiomforindian.pdf (Pak terrorism for Indian). The contents of the documents supposedly outline ”India’s ambitious defense policy” and its plans to “fight China and Pakistan at the same time.” Despite the far-fetched nature of the latter scenario, enough people opened the files,which contained malicious code that installed itself on their machines. More baffling yet, they were impressed enough to forward the files on to other hapless victims

Indians are hacking into Pakistani computers with promises of defense secrets – Quartz
This should be posted here:


I can't stop laughing!!

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