It is naive of you to believe that foreign diplomats are not going to report to their governments about their findings. Since Pakistan had already suffered a bad reputation hence all the more reporting. As for towing the line, all world capitals have asked india to lift the curfew, release the detainees and let foreign diplomats and Human Right representatives into the Valley. So India in a nutshell has been boxed into a corner which is why we continue to see such stunts by your government and military.
Take it this way this recent stunt of yours, not one country asked Pakistan to do more and control so called militants, why? because we already took the world there to see for themselves if Pakistan is hiding anything. Heck we even asked the Indian consulate to accompany us which they did not. All in all India got checkmate internationally once again. However Modi only cares for domestic audience and since elections were coming and he as always nothing to show for other than how tough he has been on Pakistan, used this stunt. Some day he will be made answerable to the blood of not only Pakistani & Kasmiris but Indians as well who lost their lives in Pakistan's retaliation. The sad part is Indian army has become a tool for Modi's political agenda.