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Indian worker of US Firm Worker Calls For Rape, Trafficking Of Kashmiri Women, Loses Job

Ashish Kaul's tweets are a representation of a greater disgusting mindset that the Hindutva ideology portrays
By Omair Kamran On Jun 1, 2020

A US-based company has suspended an Indian employee, Ashish Kaul, for his disgusting tweets about Kashmiri women. Development Dimensions International (DDI) suspended Kaul after his tweets calling for the rape and trafficking of Kashmiri women were circulated on social media.

Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir police also registered an FIR at Kothi Bagh police station against Kaul, over “abusive” and “offensive” tweets about Kashmiri Muslims that sparked widespread outrage.

The hate-monger’s views sparked outrage among Twitter users, and they were deleted shortly, but screenshots of the hate-speech were widely circulated online. His LinkedIn profile has also been suspended
Ashish spewed venom against Kashmiri women in a series of tweets saying:
“I love when Kashmiri Muslim women cry on roads-yeh masoom tha, begunah tha! Amarnath Cha thuss ya Aazadi- the proof is in the casualty chart of last 1 year, sorry 28 years! We are killing, maiming and raping you at will! Ha Haaa Cry aloud Aazadi.

The police also said they had asked Twitter for details and the location of the user to prosecute the case.


Ashish Kaul’s tweets reveal a mindset.
Ashish Kaul’s tweets are a representation of a bigger dangerous mindset that the Hindutva ideology portrays. The obsession with capturing ‘fair-skinned Kashmiri women’ is deep-rooted in the doctrine.

Kashmir, according to Hindutvadis, has been ‘annexed’ and ‘conquered’ by India, after the abrogation of Article 370. Therefore, people who are native to the land have been ‘defeated’, as this incorporation was against their wishes and in contrast to the tendencies in the Valley to gain independence from India.
Kashmiri Pandit.

And then you ask why they were thrown out of the valley.
Kaul means he is Kashmiri Pandit. So if Pakistanis claim all Kashmiris are Pakistanis, wouldn't that make him Pakistani?
Pakistan claim all the Kashmiris who choose to be Pakistani .... no matter if they live under the occupation of India in Indian Occupied Kashmir but NOT THOSE WHO CHOOSE INDIA and INDIANNESS

I hope Indiots now would understand Pakistan's position clearly not just about Kashmiris but about Indian Muslims.
Pakistan claim all the Kashmiris who choose to be Pakistani .... no matter if they live under the occupation of India in Indian Occupied Kashmir but NOT THOSE WHO CHOOSE INDIA and INDIANNESS

I hope Indiots now would understand Pakistan's position clearly not just about Kashmiris but about Indian Muslims.
wow .... there is no limit of Indian hypocrisy ..... they talk about Convenience but forget that they even claim Tulsi Gabbar as their own but a potential rapist and rioter person with sadistic and misogynistic attitude filled with religious hatred who happen to be a Hindu apparently from Indian Occupied Kashmir should be claimed as Pakistani. This is 'The Convenient' attitude ....

Pakistan from day one has the same stance as mentioned by me, otherwise we should also claim every single Indian Muslim residing in India or abroad or every single resident of Junagadh State which accessed to Pakistan, but we don't do this as we claim only those as ours how choose to be Pakistani. This is called Principle Stance
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Didn't the freedom fighters say they'd kill any 'settlers' found in kashmir?

They started by saying that they would free Kashmir.


Whats wrong with this country?

Nothing wrong with the country.A lot wrong with those brought up to hate Muslims.

Majority of Hindu Indians are like him

They are not. You need to stop denigrating an entire country based on one freak and his tweeting.
No matter where indians go, they all have same mentality.

Why do members like you come out only on such occasions?

I mean North Indian Hindus

You mean bhakts. There are decent north Indian Hindus. The bhakts are beyond the pale.

Look at him...an educated, urban, normal looking indian...and then look at his fantasies about raping Muslim women, forcing Muslims to sell their daughters etc.

THIS is representative of vast majority of indian hindus. A deep seated hatred of Islam/Muslims rooted in historical humiliations and civilization decimation inferior and weak Hindus faced at the hands of superior and infinitely more advanced civilization of Islam

Again, you have no idea what you are talking about, and you have the same mentality as those you have criticised. They club all Muslims together, you club all Hindus together.

Tell me, what is the difference? And especially so when your pop psychology is on display?

At least he said the truth, something the nasty Indians on this forum try to cover-up.

You are entitled to your opinion, however wrong and misguided it is.
we should show no hesitation to liberate kashmir when india is facing pressure from china at ladakh,it is time to launch attacks on indian army in kashmir

this is actually Indian state policy as well to change the demographics in Kashmir.

Ignore the Indians who come to these threads with pre planned dramas. Under pretext of War with China, waves and waves of volunteers from RSS have invaded Kashmir already.
Most Indians think like this. He is is just saying what all others feel.

All Indians should be treated like him by default.

That is as intelligent as saying that most Pakistanis make the same mistakes as you. Fortunately, they don't.

All Indians are like him. This is the pure Hindu mindset. Any Indian saying otherwise is hiding behind a mask.

Please stop talking bigoted rubbish, and please don't combine Indian and Hindu.
@Joe Shearer Here is your Chanakia o


similar tactics have been applied all across the himalayan region to change the demographics and give a universal 'hindustani' code in the country.

the pretenders just fake stuff for deflection
Again, you have no idea what you are talking about, and you have the same mentality as those you have criticised. They club all Muslims together, you club all Hindus together.

Tell me, what is the difference? And especially so when your pop psychology is on display?

There's a difference between saying "All hindus" and "the vast majority of Hindus"...look at your government, they didn't end up there by summoning Aladdin's djinn

Guys go to this website https://www.ddiworld.com/ use chatbot , file the complaint about this monkey. Suspension is fvcking joke... suspension means the company encourage to have such elements. In US they kickout asking no question for such a behavior on social media.

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That's what I was thinking. Suspension? Wtf? He should be behind bars.

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