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Indian woman is stripped naked and has her eyes gouged out before being beaten to death and incinera

dude you are missing one thing here ,that 99% of the hindus (including me) don't know about what is there in our books and what not . i personally have never even seen "gita" , me and even my parent's knowledge about ramayana and mahabharata is (mostly)only limited to whatever they showed in the tv series . sati was a very bad thing and it went away ! child marriage is a crime now in india ,it may still be practiced in remotest part of india(not sure) but soon it will be dead ,just like sati . honestly we hindus don't care / don't know what is written in our books , because 99% of us haven't even read 1 page of it . so quoting stuff is irrelevant

Quoting stuff without understanding it is irrelevant.

As per scriptures , a student has to adhere to Brahmacharya. So if a girl is a student, there is no way she can get married even as per Hindu scriptures.
I have posted link that show islamic nations that allow marriage of people who are less than 18 years............. and contrasted that with India, which does not allow it. LOL at your denial.

I will post images of all matters that support my POV. You must be a fool to think I will do your work for you.

Your claims have no substance since islamic laws in most nations allow for child brides for muslims. Including pakistan which allows for 16 year old brides.

LOL..... you are free to call names in your frustration. Its the only thing you can do after being proved wrong.

Definition of child is "Biologically, a child (plural: children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty" --- Wikipedia
For you, child bride is anyone with age less than 18 years....Why?
Till 1983, it was the legal age for bride to give consent was 13 years, but you may already knew that.
Below is a link to Indian Express, which show that 1 in 6 Indian women marry before the legal age of 18; So, as per your definition 102 million women (read article) in India were Child Brides; WOW..... India left behind all in this also.
Pathetic incident. The bastards who did this will rot in hell.
Definition of child is "Biologically, a child (plural: children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty" --- Wikipedia
For you, child bride is anyone with age less than 18 years....Why?
Till 1983, it was the legal age for bride to give consent was 13 years, but you may already knew that.
Below is a link to Indian Express, which show that 1 in 6 Indian women marry before the legal age of 18; So, as per your definition 102 million women (read article) in India were Child Brides; WOW..... India left behind all in this also.
yes my grandmother was married at 14 . but things change fast with every generation. i can't imagine girls marrying this early now , it must be rare . specially this generation of india and south asia in general , for most of the indian families the current generation (around 20 years old people) are the first to get college education from their families .
Definition of child is "Biologically, a child (plural: children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty" --- Wikipedia
For you, child bride is anyone with age less than 18 years....Why?
Till 1983, it was the legal age for bride to give consent was 13 years, but you may already knew that.
Below is a link to Indian Express, which show that 1 in 6 Indian women marry before the legal age of 18; So, as per your definition 102 million women (read article) in India were Child Brides; WOW..... India left behind all in this also.

The reason is the same as keeping 18 as the age wen you can VOTE.

Mental growth of the child that will help them make a informed decision.

Even as per your link,

the highest concentration of underage unions was in Rajasthan (31.38 per cent).

Here again the children are not allowed to have a conjugal relationship until they are over 18 years. They continue to live in their parents homes.

Rest of the statistics is from West Bengal (29.23 per cent), Jharkhand (27.90 per cent), Bihar (22.99 per cent) and Madhya Pradesh (22.49 per cent).

All of South India, North east India, and large part of North India is absent from this statistics. Since I am not aware of the customs there I cannot comment on it.

In any case, all of these marriages cannot be registered since they do not pass the minimum legal requirement. So they remain unmarried in the eyes of the law and they are legally married only after they reach 18 years of age for women and 21 for men.
I showed you child bride pics to make you understand that it is a social evil irrespective of religion. You can call it fake morality or whatever. Any neutral person all around the world can see who is fake/hypocrite and who is genuine.

Ahhh yess... Some wise man had very aptly said this about people like you. "You can wake up a sleeping person but you can't wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep".

I dont need Sanghi certificate on morality. God/Ishwar sees everything and he can see through your heart as well as mine.

LOL at your fake morality that preaches against Bigotry after posting pictures of Hindu child brides :lol:

Spare me your hypocrisy. As fake as your attempt to teach morality to Sri. Ramchandra ji.
Hey whatever helps you sleep at night and escape your miserable existence.

Those images proved a point. Most people got it. if you didn't get it, not my problem.
you are indian life is simply miserable......sleep well
I showed you child bride pics to make you understand that it is a social evil irrespective of religion. You can call it fake morality or whatever. Any neutral person all around the world can see who is fake/hypocrite and who is genuine.

Ahhh yess... Some wise man had very aptly said this about people like you. "You can wake up a sleeping person but you can't wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep".

I dont need Sanghi certificate on morality. God/Ishwar sees everything and he can see through your heart as well as mine.

Ya right :lol: ........ we are not aware of the realities of India unless a bigot posts pictures in a pakistani forum :lol:

You posted them to take pot shots at Hinduism. Only you choose to ignore the child brides in Christianity in christian land. Funny how you were blind to that.

Your bigotry is so deep rooted and deep seated that you are not even aware of it and even when someone like me points that out, you are in denial. Or maybe you are so used to Mallu hindus take such abuse from you without any complain that you think its natural and normal.

Nobody is going to give you any certificate on morality or ethics. What you deserve is a blackened face and a ride on the village donkey. God can see into you heat as can many here after I have exposed you, the only person who is blind to this is YOU.
I have a hard time believing Turkey is at this stage

we have a better image than land of the pure will ever have because that is reality

Get used to it
not really Indias only claim to fame in the west is having the most amount of people living below the global poverty index anywhere in the world.

and in the last 3/5 years its very evident the west is calling India the rape capital of the world

laters veggie boy!
not really Indias only claim to fame in the west is having the most amount of people living below the global poverty index anywhere in the world.

and in the last 3/5 years its very evident the west is calling India the rape capital of the world

laters veggie boy!

Pakistani from UK taking about rape ... save your advice for the groomers
Pakistani from UK taking about rape ... save your advice for the groomers
indian taking about rape to a pakistani you couldn't have made this up.
the world knows indians biggest hobby is to rape. Rap capital of the world is not in UK but in India :haha:
Gandkari.... When did I object to you posting pics of child marriages among christians? I always maintained that this is a social evil practiced among many people, irrespective of their faiths. Tu itna bada GADHAA hai ki tere palle kuch nahi padtaa..

Chutiye ka chutiya hi rahega tu. Har baat ko hinduism se jodne lagta hai tu... Dhakkan kahin ka...
Ya right :lol: ........ we are not aware of the realities of India unless a bigot posts pictures in a pakistani forum :lol:

You posted them to take pot shots at Hinduism. Only you choose to ignore the child brides in Christianity in christian land. Funny how you were blind to that.

Your bigotry is so deep rooted and deep seated that you are not even aware of it and even when someone like me points that out, you are in denial. Or maybe you are so used to Mallu hindus take such abuse from you without any complain that you think its natural and normal.

Nobody is going to give you any certificate on morality or ethics. What you deserve is a blackened face and a ride on the village donkey. God can see into you heat as can many here after I have exposed you, the only person who is blind to this is YOU.
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