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Indian woman is stripped naked and has her eyes gouged out before being beaten to death and incinera

Sadly I HAVE seen bigger christian BIGOTS than you.

LOL at your claims of "Bursting" my claims, you don't even understand sanskrit :lol:

I have provided the required Sarga in my link on Valmiki Ramayan WITH the sanskrit shloka and English translation.

Choke on that Jesus freak and don't bother to beg "forgiveness" for your disgusting bigoted propaganda.

The link you provided , you even havent read by your self read it first , its saying same thing.

And refrain from disrespecting other religions.
Abey lodu....you just gave link of Sarga 115 to 117.

Where is Sarga 118 to 119? It contains the real episode of agni pariksha. Sabko chutiya samajh rakha hai kya?

Sadly I HAVE seen bigger christian BIGOTS than you.

LOL at your claims of "Bursting" my claims, you don't even understand sanskrit :lol:

I have provided the required Sarga in my link on Valmiki Ramayan WITH the sanskrit shloka and English translation.

Choke on that Jesus freak and don't bother to beg "forgiveness" for your disgusting bigoted propaganda.
Valmiki is also saying same thing.

taruNaadityasaMkaashaaM taptakaaJNchanabhuuShaNaam |
raktaambaradharaaM baalaaM niilakuJNchitamuurdhajaam || 6-118-3
akliShTamaalyaabharaNaaM tathaaruupaamaninditaam |
dadau raamaaya vaidehiimaN^ke kR^itvaa vibhaavasuH || 6-118-4

3-4. kR^itvaa= bearing; aN^ke= in his arms; baalaa viadehiim= the youthful Seetha; taruNaaditya samkaasham= who was shining brightly as the rising sun; taptakaaN^chana bhuuShaNaam= was decked in ornaments of refined gold; raktaambaradharaam= and attired in a red robe; niilakuN^chita muurdhajaam= and wore dark curly hari; akliShTa maalyaabharaNaam= who was further adorned with ornaments of flowers which had not abraded (on her entering the fire and coming out of it); aninditaam= who was absolutely beyond reproach; tathaaruupam= and looked just the same (as she did while entering the flames); vibhaavasuH= the fire-god; dadau= restored (her); raamaaya= to Rama.

Bearing in his arms the youthful Seetha, who was shining brightly as the rising sun, was decked in ornaments of refined gold, attired in a red robe and wore dark curly hair, who was further adorned with ornaments of flowers, which had not abraded (on her entering the fire and coming out of it), who was absolutely beyond reproach and looked just the same (as she did while entering the fire and coming out of it), who was absolutely beyond reproach and looked just the same (as she did while entering the flames), the fire-god restored her to Rama.

You still dare to deny it

There was no "Agni pariksha" jihadi john.

Sita herself choose to jump into the flame she built and the God of Fire could not burn her due to her and returned her back to Sri. Ramachandraji.

If you read the Valmiki Ramayan, you would know that Rama did that in order to help Sita regain her position in society as a rightful queen of Ayodhya.

At no point did Sri. Ram ask her to burn herself or jump into the fire.

Now explain why muhammed had "mufa’khathata" with a child bride aiyesha.
Jumping into fire is Agni Preksha you dumb person.
There was no "Agni pariksha" jihadi john.

Sita herself choose to jump into the flame she built and the God of Fire could not burn her due to her and returned her back to Sri. Ramachandraji.

If you read the Valmiki Ramayan, you would know that Rama did that in order to help Sita regain her position in society as a rightful queen of Ayodhya.

At no point did Sri. Ram ask her to burn herself or jump into the fire.

Now explain why muhammed had "mufa’khathata" with a child bride aiyesha.
Abey lodu....you just gave link of Sarga 115 to 117.

Where is Sarga 118 to 119? It contains the real episode of agni pariksha. Sabko chutiya samajh rakha hai kya?

Abey bosadike lund choosu jesus freak.

I have provided link to sarga 118. ARe you blind ?

Sarga 119 deals is about Lord Shiva bringing King Dasaratha to meet Sri. Ramachandra ji.

LOL at your pathetic christian propaganda. Typical christian bigot. :sick:
Disgusting and sick. Sub animal behaviour. Want to make clear that this sort of behaviour is common in Pakistan as well. It is a South Asian problem so please no point scoring.
Sharam kar apne hindu hone par.... In that episode which is detailed in chapter 118 and 119....Rama tells Sita that you have been living with demon like Ravana for so long. How can I believe that you are chaste! You can go and live with whoever you please...be it a Sugreeva, Hanuman or Laxman...but get out of my sight. Sita was heart broken hearing such words from his Lord and Husband and said that its better for her to enter fire pyre instead of listening to such insults from his husband. SHE DIDNT GO TO PYRE OUT OF HER WILL. SHE WAS FORCED BY CIRCUMSTANCES TO ENTER PYRE.

There was no "Agni pariksha" jihadi john.

Sita herself choose to jump into the flame she built and the God of Fire could not burn her due to her and returned her back to Sri. Ramachandraji.

If you read the Valmiki Ramayan, you would know that Rama did that in order to help Sita regain her position in society as a rightful queen of Ayodhya.

At no point did Sri. Ram ask her to burn herself or jump into the fire.

Now explain why muhammed had "mufa’khathata" with a child bride aiyesha.
i don't know my friend i stay way farther from such places so you know more than me. I have only read this today in news and way back in social science text books.
its very sad that such stupidity still exists on this subcontinent. horrific incident
mufa’khathat is known as RAPE you dumb person. Why did muhammed force himself on aiyesha ?

You are insane instead of answering in civilized way you started attacking on Islam , I wont say bad things to sati or sita., i wont go that low. Bye keep rotting .
You are insane instead of answering in civilized way you started attacking on Islam , i wont go that low. Bye keep rotting .

LOL.... what "attack" ? I am keeping it civil. Why don't you tell us what "mufa’khathat" means ?

Why are you running away ? I did not run away from your vile attack on Ramayana.

Sharam kar apne hindu hone par.... In that episode which is detailed in chapter 118 and 119....Rama tells Sita that you have been living with demon like Ravana for so long. How can I believe that you are chaste! You can go and live with whoever you please...be it a Sugreeva, Hanuman or Laxman...but get out of my sight. Sita was heart broken hearing such words from his Lord and Husband and said that its better for her to enter fire pyre instead of listening to such insults from his husband. SHE DIDNT GO TO PYRE OUT OF HER WILL. SHE WAS FORCED BY CIRCUMSTANCES TO ENTER PYRE.

That is your Christian bigoted translation with lens filled with Hate for hindus and unashamed BIGOTRY.

This is the real face of "secular" christians of India. :lol:

I am glad I had this opportunity to showcase it to other naive hindus in pdf.

As for the Ramayana, anyone who needs to know the truth can read it himself since I have provided the link that gives all details.

Neither Sri. Ramachandraji nor the Ramayana needs any defence from anybody. Its disgusting that you think a Hindu needs to defend it :lol:

Maybe that was true during the time of your Masters british, but for now you better speak for your nuns who are raped in the convents on a daily basis.
Gand fati ke....thats the fake 118, you are mentioning. Saala out of the blue Dasrath-Shiva ka episode kahan se aa gaya? I have read actual hard copy of Valmiki Ramayan.

You people are trying to alter the text of original Valmiki Ramayana so that the whole episode gets brushed under carpet. Luckily for us....there are millions of hard copies of Valmiki Ramayana all over the world.

Abey bosadike lund choosu jesus freak.

I have provided link to sarga 118. ARe you blind ?

Sarga 119 deals is about Lord Shiva bringing King Dasaratha to meet Sri. Ramachandra ji.

LOL at your pathetic christian propaganda. Typical christian bigot. :sick:
Disgusting and sick. Sub animal behaviour. Want to make clear that this sort of behaviour is common in Pakistan as well. It is a South Asian problem so please no point scoring.
You are very sane poster sometimes but when it comes to Indian's you become filthy racist scum. Sad.
Gand fati ke....thats the fake 118, you are mentioning. Saala out of the blue Dasrath-Shiva ka episode kahan se aa gaya? I have read actual hard copy of Valmiki Ramayan.

You people are trying to alter the text of original Valmiki Ramayana so that the whole episode gets brushed under carpet. Luckily for us....there are millions of hard copies of Valmiki Ramayana all over the world.

Filthy jesus freak, have you gone blind ? I said 119 not 118 your evil $hit head.

Now tell us the story of how Mary was a "virgin" :lol:

Who is the real father of jesus ? What kind of "work" did mary actually do ? She had no skill except being a women. So its rather obvious she was no"virgin" was she ?
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