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Indian Weapon Hunger ..

like i said move, most pakistanis don't give a crap about what india has anymore… we know its never going to be used against us ever again…
It will be, if you try to take our land. It won't be, if you don't. That's how it has always been.
It will be, if you try to take our land. It won't be, if you don't. That's how it has always been.
keep thinking that lol…… the only people your going to use those weapons on are your own citizens in kashmir

“More than 60 years after becoming a republic and 50 years after the debacle with China, the opaque Indian defense production establishment does not produce high quality clothing and personal inventory items like boots, let alone a suitable rifle for a one million army, or tanks and aircraft.”

Still you notice that and open a thread on PDF.

Still your country get defeated miserably 4 times in 67 years.

Still your military whines about the power imbalance.
like i said move, most pakistanis don't give a crap about what india has anymore… we know its never going to be used against us ever again…

I think you should explain that to @rana shamsher and not me. Like you said Pakistanis aren't concerned but i feel poor shamsher is having nightmares.
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keep thinking that lol…… the only people your going to use those weapons on are your own citizens in kashmir
well there is a difference between indian and pakistani armed forces and what you just said is a perfect example of "the pot calling the kettle black" we all know what punjabi pak fauj did in bangladesh in 1970 and now doing in baloochistan and Azad Kashmir
keep thinking that lol…… the only people your going to use those weapons on are your own citizens in kashmir
We never use aipower or even heavy weaponry in Kashmir, unlike you people do against your own insurgencies. All we use are INSAS and AK rifles. All the tanks and airplanes we are buying or making are meant for any foreigner who foolishly tries to take our land. Only Pakistanis have found themselves on the wrong end of our artillery guns or tanks or mirage gunpods. That is how it has always been, that is how it will be.

(The raid on the golden temple was the only time we used heavy weapons inside the country. That won't happen again, because now we have specialized counter insurgency forces, the best in the world who only need rifles to quell insurgencies.)
well there is a difference between indian and pakistani armed forces and what you just said is a perfect example of "the pot calling the kettle black" we all know what punjabi pak fauj did in bangladesh in 1970 and now doing in baloochistan and Azad Kashmir
stick to the topic or move onto the next thread nobody has time trolls right now

We never use aipower or even heavy weaponry in Kashmir, unlike you people do against your own insurgencies. All we use are INSAS and AK rifles. All the tanks and airplanes we are buying or making are meant for any foreigner who foolishly tries to take our land. Only Pakistanis have found themselves on the wrong end of our artillery guns or tanks or mirage gunpods. That is how it has always been, that is how it will be.
what about china? didn't you try to fight to them as well?
what about china? didn't you try to fight to them as well?
Yes, which is why I said any foreigner trying to take our lands.

As of today, there is only one neighbour who seriously thinks they can steal a state from us or even wants to. China and India have better things to do. The border war with China happened more than half a century ago when both countries were dirt poor.
Yes, which is why I said any foreigner trying to take our lands.

As of today, there is only one neighbour who seriously thinks they can steal a state from us or even wants to. China and India have better things to do.
china and india have a border dispute going on and china took land from india last time i checked……
but what do i know.. i guess india is only able to fight armies 5 times smaller…
we don't have any intentions of stealing a state from you, the will of kashmir is with us, it always has been and always will be… i hope your able to integrate them into your country but i doubt it…and the people shall have their way… its the 21 st century welcome to it…
china and india have a border dispute going on and china took land from india last time i checked……
but what do i know.. i guess india is only able to fight armies 5 times smaller…
we don't have any intentions of stealing a state from you, the will of kashmir is with us, it always has been and always will be… i hope your able to integrate them into your country but i doubt it…and the people shall have their way… its the 21 st century welcome to it…

No China did not take land from us, they unilaterally withdrew after beating our troops, because they could not sustain a war across the mountains or hold on to territory. The result was status quo ante bellum.

Kashmir is well and truly integrated into our country. It is an Indian state, and the people enjoy every right and priviledge that other citizens enjoy, and then some more. Due to topography and weather, physical connectivity was rather limited in the past, but that has changed now. We are making huge investments to further integrate it to other states, with tens of billions of dollars spent on road and rail connectivity. The tallest rail bridge in the world is being constructed there to drastically reduce the travel time within the state, as well as between the state and the rest of India. (It is an engineering marvel.) Several all weather roads and world class tunnels have also been constructed in the past decade, so that the region is integrated with the rest of India and part of the giant Indian economy throughout the year, regardless of the weather. An IIT is also planned in this budget for Kashmir, to impart world class scientific education.

Chenab Bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rohtang Tunnel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
National Highway 1A (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So don't teach us about the 21rst century, because we are well and truly living in it. Our priorities are infrastructure and investment and opportunities for Kashmir (just as the rest of India), and not teaching them primitive ideologies and sending them to their death across the border. Our Kashmiris won't go on to become lashkars and mujahideens, they will become traders and artisans and engineers and doctors and scientists. All the weapons we purchase are to make sure of this fact - to make sure that primitive jihadis from across the border, or their state sponsors, cannot take our land away from us, and take Kashmir back to the 7th century.
If India permitted fair referendum in Kashmir, Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura these states will definitely secede. If pushed to wall, even Punjab (Khalistan) and Seemandhra would secede. It is not democracy which 'holds India' together. It is Military and use of extreme force and it is the Fascist organizations like RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal that "Hold India" together. India is fully justified in importing record weapons.
If India permitted fair referendum in Kashmir, Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura these states will definitely secede. If pushed to wall, even Punjab (Khalistan) and Seemandhra would secede. It is not democracy which 'holds India' together. It is Military and use of extreme force and it is the Fascist organizations like RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal that "Hold India" together. India is fully justified in importing record weapons.
stick to the topic or move onto the next thread nobody has time trolls right now

what about china? didn't you try to fight to them as well?
well chinamight be a so called "all weather friends for pakistanies" but we treat it as a great nation but potential enemy yes we had a fight with them and lost it too but we learbned owr mistakes and are building owr forces as per owr own security we unlike land of the pure buy and make wepons to protect owr citizens and mother land not the other way round as you see in land of the pure as per there ladle "atom bombs" ;)
like i said move, most pakistanis don't give a crap about what india has anymore… we know its never going to be used against us ever again…

This is not to use against Pakistan..but to make sure you know what you will be dealing with if you try any mischief!
I am only referring to the future...not the past!

keep thinking that lol…… the only people your going to use those weapons on are your own citizens in kashmir
Thanks for accepting...("your own citizens in kashmir")
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