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Indian troops’ vehicle ‘deliberately’ mows down man hurling stones in occupied Kashmir (Video) Three

Have some self esteem and call them Muslims and not Kashmiri. No Hindu or Buddhist from Kashmir has a problem. Only Muslims do.
In fact only the recent converts who still have Hindu last names do. It's psychological - they need to prove that their ancestors who were raped and converted were not pussies. How else do you explain all the recent terrorists who were culled having last names of Wani, butt, pardar, lone?
Yeah, it is surprising to see terrorists with last names like Bhatt and Pandit. These are literally Hindu names.
They are Kashmiris
They are muslims
They are the majority

You want us to worship idols and flying monkeys and other freaks just because our ancestors were dum enough to do so

Kashmiris became muslim and free from the Jahilat of paganism

Kashmiri muslims are the majority across Kashmir

The hindus betrayed Kashmiriyat when they betrayed Kashmiris for foreign dark hindus from India
Kashmir is a religious, cultural, linguistic extension of Northern Pakistan

This is fucking hilarious...
So you're calling Kashmiri Hindus "Jahil", spitting on their religious beliefs, insulting their gods, humiliating them and then expecting them to be loyal to "Kashmiriyat" which according to you is local nationalism.
What exactly are they supposed to be loyal to? People who look down on them and spit on their religion? Or to those that threaten to execute their families and drive them out of their home?
By that logic, most Muhajirs should be loyal to India, NOT Pakistan.
This is fucking hilarious...
So you're calling Kashmiri Hindus "Jahil", spitting on their religious beliefs, insulting their gods, humiliating them and then expecting them to be loyal to "Kashmiriyat" which according to you is local nationalism.
What exactly are they supposed to be loyal to? People who look down on them and spit on their religion?

If they were loyal to Kashmir and Kashmiris they wouldn't have become traitors and supported indian abuse in Kashmir

Because they supported a hindu india for obvious reasons they broke the connection to the millions of Kashmiris in majority and became traitors
If they were loyal to Kashmir and Kashmiris they wouldn't have become traitors and supported indian abuse in Kashmir

Because they supported a hindu india for obvious reasons they broke the connection to the millions of Kashmiris in majority and became traitors

Loyalty is to land. Isnt that what Kashmiriyat is about? Isnt that the argument Kashmiris make that "Kashmir is their land"?
So when the Pundits were driven out of the very land, by people who should be their brothers in arms and fighting for the land, NOT their religions, what exactly is left for the Hindu pundits to be loyal to?
Especially when people like you abuse their religious beliefs and consider them beneath you.

I'm really hard pressed to understand this logic.
Loyalty is to land. Isnt that what Kashmiriyat is about? Isnt that the argument Kashmiris make that "Kashmir is their land"?
So when the Pundits were driven out of the very land, by people who should be their brothers in arms and fighting for the land, NOT their religions, what exactly is left for the Hindu pundits to be loyal to?
Especially when people like you abuse their religious beliefs and consider them beneath you.

I'm really hard pressed to understand this logic.

What is there not to understand. A Muslim needs to be loyal to Muslim Ummah first and foremost.
What is there not to understand. A Muslim needs to be loyal to Muslim Ummah first and foremost.

So then why call the Hindu Pundits traitors then?
That's my issue. Apply the same logic.

Why muddy the issue with "Kashmiriyat" which doesn't exist. Its basically a religious war..not one for nationalism. Period!

And then India is justified to be there. We do not want another Iraq or Syria to your north. Nor another theocratic state in our neighborhood.
So then why call the Hindu Pundits traitors then?
That's my issue. Apply the same logic.

Why muddy the issue with "Kashmiriyat" which doesn't exist. Its basically a religious war..not one for nationalism. Period!

And then India is justified to be there. We do not want another Iraq or Syria to your north. Nor another theocratic state in our neighborhood.

Hindus are living in Muslim majority area hence they need to follow Islam or leave.
Hindus are living in Muslim majority area hence they need to follow Islam or leave.

They're living in India first which is a secular country. So how about NO!
No muslim living in Hindu areas or Hindus in a muslim majority region need to do anything to placate the majority.

All this religious nonsense can be saved for Pakistan. Does not work in India.
They're living in India first which is a secular country. So how about NO!
No muslim living in Hindu areas or Hindus in a muslim majority region need to do anything to placate the majority.

All this religious nonsense can be saved for Pakistan. Does not work in India.

Pagan Hindus cannot dictate what Muslims should do. Islam already mandates Muslims to follow Sharia when Muslims are in majority. So Hindus of Kashmir have no option but to follow Sharia or leave.
Loyalty is to land. Isnt that what Kashmiriyat is about? Isnt that the argument Kashmiris make that "Kashmir is their land"?
So when the Pundits were driven out of the very land, by people who should be their brothers in arms and fighting for the land, NOT their religions, what exactly is left for the Hindu pundits to be loyal to?
Especially when people like you abuse their religious beliefs and consider them beneath you.

I'm really hard pressed to understand this logic.

Loyalty isnt to land

Loyalty is to people

The Pandits betrayed their own people for a foreign people,
Kashmir as I said is a cultural and linguistic extension of Northern Pakistan not india. The pandits supported or were atleast silent in the abuse of Kashmir by indians simply because they shared a religion

This betrayal created immense hatred for the Pandits and they were rejected

The Pandits and Kashmiri muslims had lived in Kashmir side for centuries, the pandits would have had a place and respect if they had not betrayed their people

They're living in India first which is a secular country. So how about NO!
No muslim living in Hindu areas or Hindus in a muslim majority region need to do anything to placate the majority.

All this religious nonsense can be saved for Pakistan. Does not work in India.

As india turns more hindutva this is the norm in india

Secularism is dying a dogs death
Hindus are living in Muslim majority area hence they need to follow Islam or leave.
Well sir, then it is no longer 'Kashmir' issue. It is more of a radical Muslim issue. Kashmiris then are no different than ISIS, and we know what to do with ISIS, don't we.

Loyalty isnt to land

Loyalty is to people

The Pandits betrayed their own people for a foreign people,
Kashmir as I said is a cultural and linguistic extension of Northern Pakistan not india. The pandits supported or were atleast silent in the abuse of Kashmir by indians simply because they shared a religion

This betrayal created immense hatred for the Pandits and they were rejected

The Pandits and Kashmiri muslims had lived in Kashmir side for centuries, the pandits would have had a place and respect if they had not betrayed their people
So, in that case, you should not be bothered if 'Hindu Brothers' of Kashmiri Pundits are avenging their slain brothers. Isn't it?
Loyalty isnt to land

Loyalty is to people

The Pandits betrayed their own people for a foreign people,
Kashmir as I said is a cultural and linguistic extension of Northern Pakistan not india. The pandits supported or were atleast silent in the abuse of Kashmir by indians simply because they shared a religion

This betrayal created immense hatred for the Pandits and they were rejected

The Pandits and Kashmiri muslims had lived in Kashmir side for centuries, the pandits would have had a place and respect if they had not betrayed their people

Did you make up this history sitting on most innovative chair in human mankind in loo?

By the time pathans left or driven out of Kashmir in 1820, there were six exodus of Hindu Pandits that already had happened by then. Kashmir would be void of Hindus in 19th century itself if Ranjeet Singh hadn't extended his helping hand. Pakistan would have been formed by them.

After India formed, it was seventh exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in 1989.

Here is origination or surname Geelani who is separatist leader of Hurriyat
Gilani is a Gilaki surname, originating from the Gilan Province. IRAN

As india turns more hindutva this is the norm in india

Secularism is dying a dogs death


koshur is Kashmiri language which has no classes, no teachers, no syllabus, no govt institution using it in Kashmir, it's mostly reduced to speaking. And here you are giving sermons on Hindutva and freedom. These are "natives" demanding freedom that don't even learn their own language.

Here is Koshur on Indian currency. Read it!

INR 2000 = د ساس رۄپے
INR 100 = ھطم رۄپے
Your education system is really awful. Abdali was an Afghan. He was born in Herat. He killed countless Muslims, pillaged and destroyed countless towns in current day Pakistan. You are deluded.

No, he was born in Multan you idiot. Google it.

Not you. Your country men.

Again, interpretation. Whenever something religious gets implemented, you need either the iron hand of a ruler or dictator. Like we have today true islam, interpretation of Islam and rest, one will have interpretation of the same. And violence for the same.

Anyways, am out.

Most of my countrymen really couldn't care what Al Saud says.

I'll ask you again, name me one conflict in Pakistan's history that revolved around Sharia?
No, he was born in Multan you idiot. Google it.

You are dumb as a rock. Not your fault. Your country's education system is shit. Foreign invaders and persecuters are your heroes. It is a shame.

BTW, Ahmed Shah Abdali was born in Afghanistan He was an Afghan invader. He burnt down your cities, sold your people into slavery, and raveged the land. This shows how low self esteem you have.
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