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Indian troops stage cross-border raid

It's about current system we have, which is lot different from India. And terrorism in Pakistan multi-headed beast and civil govt. despite being given full 5 years this time had done nothing but destroyed more. You will say PA don't let them allow as many other say but my stance is when people elect them and send them into parliament than it's their responsibility to take over control and must resign if they can't do but these SOB have not moral authority and are full of corruption that they just look for looting and remain in power without doing anything. There is a reason when you see people celebrating whenever there is coup. Current election system is destroyed enough that it's not possible to have fare election - so net result same rotten eggs with new party banners sitting in parliament again. Your politicians are also corrupt but at-least you see development but here already established corporations are being destroyed. So - You can never understand problems of Pakistan with Indian glasses.

And you think that the army is free from vices like corruption and nepotism? Strange considering that Pakistanis would be more knowledgeable considering their past experiences...

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely...
And you think that the army is free from vices like corruption and nepotism? Strange considering that Pakistanis would be more knowledgeable considering their past experiences...

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely...

Not saying generals are angels but many time better than politicians and PA overall is the only disciplined institute. That's why i told you - people always look towards army in troubles from natural disasters to political disaster. Again, I will say same-thing - you can never understand dynamics of Pakistan with Indian glasses.
Not saying generals are angels but many time better than politicians and PA overall is the only disciplined institute. That's why i told you - people always look towards army in troubles from natural disasters to political disaster. Again, I will say same-thing - you can never understand dynamics of Pakistan with Indian glasses.

No they aren't. It's just that the generals aren't exposed to the same avenues to loot like the politicians are. They are as bad or worse for the nation.
Military least corrupt institution: TIP | The Nation
@cyphercide there is No nepotism in Army ! I have persönaly seen general's children failing at ISSB. And their boys getting the same Ragra in PMA! No syasi bharti in army{political commisioning} you hindustanis only know how to poison minds
Look at your own army!
For the first time, securitymen kill more civilians than terrorists in J&K - Times Of India

@cyphercide there is No nepotism in Army ! I have persönaly seen general's children failing at ISSB. And their boys getting the same Ragra in PMA! No syasi bharti in army{political commisioning} you hindustanis only know how to poison minds
Look at your own army!
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@LoveIcon we pakistanis must stop believing what every tom,dick or himesh says about our army!:sniper: Its not our fault indian army is a sh.it hole :coffee:! Not even two days ammo left! Army chief being offered bribes! :rofl:
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The UN inquiry issue is very fishy when you think about it, I can't understand how and why India would deny the offer considering how this world very much HATES PAKISTAN (an overstatement,I know but there's more truth in it than anything). Daal mein zaroor kuch kallak hay.
Alas -- most of the trolls around here (from both the countries) are like we'll do this --- We did this in history and --- Pakistani history is distorted and all that bla bla bla --- so first -- just take a look at this about your own history before pointing fingers --

Indian fake history exposed - YouTube

Secondly all of us can start ranting about how the history of this or that went down --- how the mighty indian army never lost a war, just settled for peace in tashkent when it was in such a "winning state" or how it just went for the UNO and demanded cease fire when it was "winning" in 1947 kashmir war ---

The fact is histories of both nations have been distorted to the point where nothing can really be deemed "hardcore truth" --

The fact however remains, that if we talk about a war now --- its got many differences from the wars before it --

-Unlike wars before kargil, Pakistan is not divided in to two wings.
-Both of the countries are now nuclear armed nations unlike 47,65 and 71.
-Both have accurate and tested means to deliver nuclear weapons unlike any of the wars before.
-Both can target nearly all of the rivaling countries part with nuke delivering capabilities.
-The numerical ratios of discrepancy between numerical strength of troops and aircrafts has dropped, in favor of Pakistan.

And for the ones that say --- we will nuke u --- (both Pakistani and Indian) here is a list of things you should do in the case of nuclear attack --- You all are requested to do the following --

wars always have a solid backround and solid reasons,
i dont think we have come on the verge of war just because of these small skirmishes...
wars always have a solid backround and solid reasons,
i dont think we have come on the verge of war just because of these small skirmishes...

Correct. It is not even 1% of what requires to even think about a war. Its not easy to commit the life of our soldiers for small incidences like this.
Military least corrupt institution: TIP | The Nation
@cyphercide there is No nepotism in Army ! I have persönaly seen general's children failing at ISSB. And their boys getting the same Ragra in PMA! No syasi bharti in army{political commisioning} you hindustanis only know how to poison minds
Look at your own army!
For the first time, securitymen kill more civilians than terrorists in J&K - Times Of India

Military least corrupt institution: TIP | The Nation
@cyphercide there is No nepotism in Army ! I have persönaly seen general's children failing at ISSB. And their boys getting the same Ragra in PMA! No syasi bharti in army{political commisioning} you hindustanis only know how to poison minds
Look at your own army!
For the first time, securitymen kill more civilians than terrorists in J&K - Times Of India

Neither was I bashing the Pakistani Army nor was I absolving the Indian Army from it's share of troubles. The critical difference in response would be that Indians will never agree to the army exercising control beyond it's barracks regardless of the deficiencies of the political apparatus .

Either way; your army, your public, your problem. Excuse me as I hunt for the next Pakistani soul to harvest!!! :D
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I was offered a bribe of Rs. 14 crore, says Army Chief - The Hindu: Mobile Edition
and these chuwal hindustanis still have the guts to walk upto us in pakistan defence forum and talk about pakistan army.:sniper:
@A.Rafay sir! Just look at the confidence of these trolls!

show a little respect dude...
we r not here to fight...
and overall we can't compete with such peoples....
remember such low level peoples first drag u to their level and then defeat you...
soo keep ur level and moral high....
don't call chawals etc or trolling....
am not an angel..:D
bt jab baat had main hoo to thori bardasht...:)

Correct. It is not even 1% of what requires to even think about a war. Its not easy to commit the life of our soldiers for small incidences like this.

ask the mother of that shaheed is that a small rzn or not...
well overall i agree with u we should avoid war bt we should also talk on our issues...
otherwise nothing will improve....
and small rzns combine to form a great cause soo here is a better idea...
avoid these small rzns.....:)
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