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Indian troops foil China’s incursion attempt in Ladakh, minor injuries on both sides after stone-pe

I was hoping some made In China MIZZILES would have bee thrown over by Chinese Incursion party.... but they had to resort to stone pelting.... LOL
Cry chear leader, cry. You became speechless and sleepless after this shamefull act of your master.

Let 100% kashmiris asks for freedome, wewont give.

The only ones that should be crying and ashamed are those who cannot destroy their enemy who is more than 7x smaller than india whilst having abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst the 7× smaller adversary is denied this privilege........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
any other media reporting it...sounds like fake...i mean stone pelting by soldiers...really??
They aren't allowed to shoot as of yet. Firing even one bullet means war. That's why stones.

The only ones that should be crying and ashamed are those who cannot destroy their enemy who is more than 7x smaller than india whilst having abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst the 7× smaller adversary is denied this privilege........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Same applies to your sugar daddy china, having worlds largest army, permanent seat in UN, nsg membership, worlds most powerfull nuclear weapons interms of yield after russians and uncle sam, better nissile technology than india, 10 times strong economy than india and last but not least they have DF21 missile. Yet they are fighting with stones.:omghaha::omghaha:
Same applies to your sugar daddy china, having worlds largest army, permanent seat in UN, nsg membership, worlds most powerfull nuclear weapons interms of yield after russians and uncle sam, better nissile technology than india, 10 times strong economy than india abdlast nit least they have DF21 missile. Yet they are fighting with stones.:omghaha::omghaha:

Sugar daddy?????.......so says the person from the nation that has been conquered, humiliated, raped and pillaged by many different empires for more than a 1000 years........lol.......:lol:

So now China has a population 7x bigger than india and relies on the West and Russia for their advanced weapons systems aswell?.............:rofl::rofl:
Let the Chinese prepare ground for full scale invasion ...Pehley mahoul banaeinge phir mareinge...This incident happened on august 15...India independence day...Not good for Indians at all...

I think Modi is absolute jerk...Whatever he said, gets backfire completely...He was taunting Pakistan how not a single bullet has been fired on China-India border...Guess what, this is about to get change as it appears...Can't stop laughing :rofl:

He is a genius dude he predicted that Chinese will only do stone pelting hence said not a single bullet will be fired :D
Sugar daddy?????.......so says the person from the nation that has been conquered, humiliated, raped and pillaged by many different empires for more than a 1000 years........lol.......:lol:

So now China has a population 7x bigger than india and relies on the West and Russia for their advanced weapons systems aswell?.............:rofl::rofl:

Those who were raped,humiliated changed their faith and those who resisted still living with their faith.
Pakistanis reaction in this thread :lol::rofl:

The above news is probaly fake. Been up for nearly 2 hours yet there is no confirmation from genuine, honest and reliable international media outlets. Nothing on RT, Washington Post, BBC , CNN etc. Even the indian allies are not reporting it. It's looking more and more fake news or an indian bollywood fantasy.

@waz @Horus @WAJsal

Guys its fake

But even your allies are not admitting this event took place. The indian media doesn't even have footage.......:lol:

It's FAKE NEWS. Been checking. The indian media doesn't even have footage nor are the allies of india confirming this news............:lol:

Guys trust me its fake

NONE. Because it never happened. It's another indian bollywood fantasy. Even india's allies are not reporting this......:lol:

Guys please trust me its fake

Everyone, the news appears to be FAKE. The indian media have no footage nor has this news been cinfirmed by india's allies. 6 pages if this thread have been based on indian bollywood fantasies.

Guys please trust me its definitely fake
Isn't that how it works everywhere??And as for the part in bold, that's utter rubbish.Sure, IAF lost more planes but it had more to with IAF flying three times more number of offensive sorties inside hostile air space compared to PAF and also, due to its outdated inventory!!
Oh i am glad you accepted you are full of shit and lie all the time on wars with pakistan.No that,s was because of poor training and morale of IAF.
Pakistanis reaction in this thread :lol::rofl:

Guys its fake

Guys trust me its fake

Guys please trust me its fake

Guys please trust me its definitely fake

That's what indian kind were saying about Pakistan's nuclear weapons program.....:lol:
Indian border guards thwarted an attempt by Chinese soldiers to enter Indian territory along the banks of Pangong lake in Ladakh on Tuesday, leading to a stone-pelting incident that caused minor injuries to people on both sides, officials said.
What now the two highly professional armies will fight a next war with stones :lol:
May be our pathans will export some quality slingshots to india and china and earn big money.
Unnecessary escalations because of hype created by media of both sides. water is spilling across the whole border.
Chinese are desperate because of closeness between US and India.
LOL you want to call your daddy USA? What happened to India shupa powa? You have no idea the strategic decapitation strikes we have ready for Modi. This is not 1962 anymore. Behold the thermonuclear style 1962!
Everyone, the news appears to be FAKE. The indian media have no footage nor has this news been cinfirmed by india's allies. 6 pages if this thread have been based on indian bollywood fantasies.
You have been asking for credible sources, and citing all the other sources on this thread in unreliable. Heres the reuters link:

Lets wait for the Dawn & Dunya news stories about this just to be sure. Reuters isn't credible enough.
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