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Indian troll long lasting in Pak-Def forum?

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New Recruit

Oct 29, 2008
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I felt it's so strange to find Indian trolling clowns in this forum called Pakistani defence. I can name Jako, and perhaps Garbar too, to report to the mods.

I suggest that the mods check what I have been discussing and what responses I got from the jako. Not a single rational response but provokative! How can this clown existed in the forum for such long time, just to provoke a Chinese or Pak poster for fun?

Any forum has certain standards about just and prejudice. Both Pakistani and Chinese members can never expect a rational discussion in an Indian forum. As a Pakistani forum certain rules to restrict Indian nonsense are rational. Why should the mods of this forum allow that Indian trolls play tricks and jokes in this forum for such a long time? Not fair, not constructive and no fun!

I think I'll just say byebye to you for now, mods. Take care!
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I felt it's so strange to find Indian trolling clowns in this forum called Pakistani defence. I can name Jako, and perhaps Garbar too, to report to the mods.

I suggest that the mods check what I have been discussing and what responses I got from the jako. How can this clown existed in the forum for such long time, just to provoke a Chinese or Pak poster for fun?

Any forum has certain standards about just and prejudice. Both Pakis and Chinese can never expect a rational discussion in an Indian forum. Why should the mods of this forum allow that Indian trolls play tricks and jokes in this forum for such a long time? Not fair, not constructive and no fun!

I think I'll just say byebye to you for now, mods. Take care!

thank you.....the mods can see how the conversation rolled on the particular thread......you cdn't back up your claims,and thus started ranting......but hey,why am i telling all this? I don't need to defend myself.......mods shall take appropriatd actions against me if they feel like......done with ya.....
I felt it's so strange to find Indian trolling clowns in this forum called Pakistani defence. I can name Jako, and perhaps Garbar too, to report to the mods.

I suggest that the mods check what I have been discussing and what responses I got from the jako. How can this clown existed in the forum for such long time, just to provoke a Chinese or Pak poster for fun?

Any forum has certain standards about just and prejudice. Both Pakis and Chinese can never expect a rational discussion in an Indian forum. Why should the mods of this forum allow that Indian trolls play tricks and jokes in this forum for such a long time? Not fair, not constructive and no fun!

I think I'll just say byebye to you for now, mods. Take care!

Brother, there is a report button just below every profile photo. Please press the button and type your allegation there and send it to the mods. The mods will definitely take care of that accused member.
thank you.....the mods can see how the conversation rolled on the particular thread......you cdn't back up your claims,and thus started ranting......but hey,why am i telling all this? I don't need to defend myself.......mods shall take appropriatd actions against me if they feel like......done with ya.....

You f*king urine lover should go back to an Indian forum. You are just playing around here with your peanut head! Senior? What a joke!

Pakistani mods are too nice to treat a dirt like you.

And if you find no action from the mods, please ignore that member. Do not reply. I do not reply to some irritating Indian members. Thats just waste of time and waste of energy.
You f*king urine lover should go back to an Indian forum. You are just playing around here with your peanut head! Senior? What a joke!

Pakistani mods are too nice to treat a dirt like you.

hahah.....you amuse me....regards
mr YH1

You r behaving like a 7 year old crying irritated child who first rant and abuse here and there. When it comes to himself go back to mom complaining others.

You r just trying to hijack all the indian thread and when not get success abusing other member, even after that if it doesn't work crying here.

You r not matured enough to be a part of a defence forum.

At least i m agree with communist here u can report in a matured manner instead crying here

And if you find no action from the mods, please ignore that member. Do not reply. I do not reply to some irritating Indian members. Thats just waste of time and waste of energy.

I thank you for your kind comments and suggestion. If the guy is a new comer I wouldn't mind. But since the guy is a Senior it's alarming. I can sense how these shameless Indians are being protected in this forum and they do enjoy being here by just trolling around. I would suggest the mods try an Indian forum to feel how the rule of Pakistani forum should be. Bye for now!
I thank you for your kind comments and suggestion. If the guy is a new comer I wouldn't mind. But since the guy is a Senior it's alarming. I can sense how these shameless Indians are being protected in this forum and they do enjoy being here by just trolling around. I would suggest the mods try an Indian forum to feel how the rule of Pakistani forum should be. Bye for now!

I had this suspicious from a long time that this forum is a fraud to use Pakistani name but to promote indian point of view (many threads praising and even confirming indian propaganda). May be this an operation to demoralized Pakistanis and let indian propaganda go unchecked. Imagine a Pakistani going to indian forum and write exactly the same nonsense that these veggies writes on this forum? you will banned in 2 seconds.

I understand that mods are LIBERAL and live the in the west but common you have to be looney liberal to let these veggies an open forum to spew their hatred and lies against Pakistan unchecked. Some things in life are very important for a nation to defend and to die for like Kashmir, integrity and unity of the nation.

indians calls Pakistan and Pakistanis many names but you call them any other name then indian see you get a warning and a special email from mods.

Perhaps Mods on this forum are indians and this forum is a psyop by veggies (not a conspiracy theory even Chinese friends have noticed that). More Pakistanis get banned on this forum than indians.
I had this suspicious from a long time that this forum is a fraud to use Pakistani name but to promote indian point of view (many threads praising and even confirming indian propaganda). May be this an operation to demoralized Pakistanis and let indian propaganda go unchecked. Imagine a Pakistani going to indian forum and write exactly the same nonsense that these veggies writes on this forum? you will banned in 2 seconds.

I understand that mods are LIBERAL and live the in the west but common you have to be looney liberal to let these veggies an open forum to spew their hatred and lies against Pakistan unchecked. Some things in life are very important for a nation to defend and to die for like Kashmir, integrity and unity of the nation.

indians calls Pakistan and Pakistanis many names but you call them any other name then indian see you get a warning and a special email from mods.

Perhaps Mods on this forum are indians and this forum is a psyop by veggies (not a conspiracy theory even Chinese friends have noticed that). More Pakistanis get banned on this forum than indians.

You're way off in your conspiracy theory. Since I've been active on this forum, I've seen many Indian members come and go like anything. Even the most senior Indian members with 2500+ posts have been kicked out within a second when for their hate spewing against Pakistan or any individual for that matter.

So yeah, this forum isn't a Psychological operation by the 'Veggies' but a platform for all Pakistani's and South Asians to unite in well behaved and moderated discussions.

And by the way, NO Indian here call Pakistani's anything other than Pakistani. If someone's out of line, they publicly apologize and they're warned properly regardless of their nationality.

And by the way, there are some Pakistani's who come here and act racist all the time along with Indians and many others. But tell me, would you want that Pakistani to be active on this forum with his fruity slurs and abuses? I know I wouldn't.
The strength of this forum is that it does allow for people of different views to discuss important issues. I love the fact that there are so many Indian members who post here. Do you know what you Pakistanis and Indians have in your conflict? A shared history. Not always peaceful, but inextricably intertwined. You both have professional, courageous, armed forces, and you both have countries that are developing, sometimes with difficulty. Do not let one or two members who cannot act like gentleman spoil things. Pakistani and Indian professional soldiers are gentlemen. How can you be a leader and example for your countries if you are not? I have become very irritated when my country has been attacked here and I thought it unfair. Imagine how I feel at times. Almost no one likes America here, but I will not let some members who act poorly effect my sense of honor in dealing with any gentleman.
I felt it's so strange to find Indian trolling clowns in this forum called Pakistani defence. I can name Jako, and perhaps Garbar too, to report to the mods.

I suggest that the mods check what I have been discussing and what responses I got from the jako. Not a single rational response but provokative! How can this clown existed in the forum for such long time, just to provoke a Chinese or Pak poster for fun?

Any forum has certain standards about just and prejudice. Both Pakistani and Chinese members can never expect a rational discussion in an Indian forum. As a Pakistani forum certain rules to restrict Indian nonsense are rational. Why should the mods of this forum allow that Indian trolls play tricks and jokes in this forum for such a long time? Not fair, not constructive and no fun!

I think I'll just say byebye to you for now, mods. Take care!

The thing about Indians you HAVE to understand is that they have a crazy obsession over Pakistan. Whenever Pakistan is mentioned anywhere on the internet, atleast 50 Indians will troll around. Look at this forum and compare it to Indian forum, theres as much Indians here, if not more, than Pakistanis and no Pakistani visit Indian forums, instead Indians discuss Pakistan in their forums with each other dreaming of plans of either destroying Pakistan or taking it over.

Indians hate Pakistanis and they hate that Pakistan even exists, and thats why they want to spread their propaganda everywhere on the internet about Pakistan.

Dont worry, we know who our friends are and who our enemies are. Indians will never succeed in their crazy dreams about our nation.
You're way off in your conspiracy theory. Since I've been active on this forum, I've seen many Indian members come and go like anything. Even the most senior Indian members with 2500+ posts have been kicked out within a second when for their hate spewing against Pakistan or any individual for that matter.

So yeah, this forum isn't a Psychological operation by the 'Veggies' but a platform for all Pakistani's and South Asians to unite in well behaved and moderated discussions.

And by the way, NO Indian here call Pakistani's anything other than Pakistani. If someone's out of line, they publicly apologize and they're warned properly regardless of their nationality.

And by the way, there are some Pakistani's who come here and act racist all the time along with Indians and many others. But tell me, would you want that Pakistani to be active on this forum with his fruity slurs and abuses? I know I wouldn't.

You just proved my point by defending indian behavior and calling Some Pakistani racist.

How do we know that you are not a "veggie" pretending to be a Pakistani. How do we know you are not a skinny in some slum of bombay pretending to be Pakistani with with your pseudo liberalism to bring all communities of south asia together? And if you are a Pakistani then good thing you don't live in Kashmir or Gujrat. Otherwise you wouldn't be saying this nonsense.:pakistan::D

We had enough of your type in Pakistan in the form of Asma J. How indians says "candle burning border kisser lot" don't have any thing positive to say about Pakistan. Its alway blame Pakistan first crowd who wants to "talk" to india. Guess what indians don't want to talk to you about Kashmir or You already sold Kashmir for some bollywood chic?

SHAME ON YOU IF YOU ARE A PAKISTANI. Which i don't believe you are.
I had this suspicious from a long time that this forum is a fraud to use Pakistani name but to promote indian point of view (many threads praising and even confirming indian propaganda). May be this an operation to demoralized Pakistanis and let indian propaganda go unchecked. Imagine a Pakistani going to indian forum and write exactly the same nonsense that these veggies writes on this forum? you will banned in 2 seconds.

I understand that mods are LIBERAL and live the in the west but common you have to be looney liberal to let these veggies an open forum to spew their hatred and lies against Pakistan unchecked. Some things in life are very important for a nation to defend and to die for like Kashmir, integrity and unity of the nation.

indians calls Pakistan and Pakistanis many names but you call them any other name then indian see you get a warning and a special email from mods.

Perhaps Mods on this forum are indians and this forum is a psyop by veggies (not a conspiracy theory even Chinese friends have noticed that). More Pakistanis get banned on this forum than indians.

Buddy I think you are an Indian, are you
You just proved my point by defending indian behavior and calling Some Pakistani racist.

How do we know that you are not a "veggie" pretending to be a Pakistani. How do we know you are not a skinny in some slum of bombay pretending to be Pakistani with with your pseudo liberalism to bring all communities of south asia together? And if you are a Pakistani then good thing you don't live in Kashmir or Gujrat. Otherwise you wouldn't be saying this nonsense.:pakistan::D

We had enough of your type in Pakistan in the form of Asma J. How indians says "candle burning border kisser lot" don't have any thing positive to say about Pakistan. Its alway blame Pakistan first crowd who wants to "talk" to india. Guess what indians don't want to talk to you about Kashmir or You already sold Kashmir for some bollywood chic?

SHAME ON YOU IF YOU ARE A PAKISTANI. Which i don't believe you are.

Quite simple. Because I don't have to prove anything to you, moron. Everyone knows who I am. ;)
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