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Indian Superbug now spread to Japan


Jun 28, 2010
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New drug-resistant superbug NDM-1 shows up in Japan
New drug-resistant superbug NDM-1 shows up in Japan - The Globe and Mail

Japan has confirmed the nation's first case of a new gene in bacteria that allows the microorganisms to become drug-resistant superbugs, detected in a man who had medical treatment in India, a Health Ministry official said Tuesday.

The gene, known as NDM-1, was found in a Japanese man in his 50s, Kensuke Nakajima said.

Researchers say the gene — which appears to be circulating widely in India — alters bacteria, making them resistant to nearly all known antibiotics.

Drug-resistant bacteria are not new. Many bacteria are resistant to the world's first antibiotic, penicillin, as well as successive generations of drugs. Excessive use and improper use of antibiotics have exacerbated the problem and led to the emergence of superbugs.

“The potential of NDM-1 to be a worldwide public health problem is great, and co-ordinated international surveillance is needed,” according to a widely publicized report in the British medical journal Lancet in August.

The gene has been seen largely in the deadly E. coli bacteria and on DNA structures that can be easily copied and passed onto other types of bacteria.

The man was hospitalized in April 2009 after returning from India where he had medical treatment. Nakajima declined to say what kind of treatment the man had received in India, citing the man's privacy.

The man had a high fever while staying at a hospital in Tochigi, north of Tokyo. He was discharged in October last year.

The hospital — Dokkyo Medical University Hospital — kept a preserved sample of the suspected superbug from the man. The hospital examined the sample after the Lancet report.

The Tochigi hospital notified the Health Ministry about the detection of the NDM-1 gene. It told the ministry that no in-hospital infections were found. Following the confirmation of the discovery — Japan's first NDM-1 case — the Health Ministry launched a nationwide survey, asking local health authorities to check on hospitals for evidence of more infections.

Along with India, the new superbug gene has been detected in small numbers in Australia, Canada, the United States, the Netherlands, Sweden and the U.K. Researchers say since many Americans and Europeans travel to India and Pakistan for elective procedures like cosmetic surgery, it was likely the superbug gene would spread worldwide.

Antimicrobial resistance — the ability of microorganisms to escape drugs' efficacy — is an increasing global health problem that could affect control of diseases such as respiratory infections and dysentery, according to the World Health Organization.

The WHO says NDM-1 requires monitoring and further study. With effective measures, countries have successfully battled multi-drug resistant microorganisms in the past.

It recommends that governments focus their efforts in four areas: surveillance, rational antibiotic use, legislation to stop sales of antibiotics without prescription, and rigorous infection prevention measures such as hand-washing in hospitals.

The World is in BIG TROUBLE.
Why is this called the Indian Superbug? I know some cases were found in India, but why is it named after just India? Were the first cases discovered there?
September 14, 2010

A new superbug from India thought to be resistant to nearly every known antibiotic poses a global threat, scientists have warned, urging health authorities to track the bacteria.

"There is an urgent need, first, to put in place an international surveillance system over the coming months and, second, to test all the patients admitted to any given health system" in as many countries as possible, said Patrice Nordmann of France’s Bicetre Hospital.

"For the moment, we don’t know how fast this phenomenon is spreading... it could take months or years, but what is certain is that is will spread," Professor Nordmann said, noting that measures have already been agreed in France and are under discussion in Japan, Singapore and China.

"It’s a bit like a time bomb."

Prof Nordmann was in Boston for the 50th annual meeting of the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, the world’s largest gathering of infectious disease specialists, which is drawing some 12,000 people.

The head of Bicetre’s department of bacteriology and virology said the bacteria will find fertile ground in India’s vast population of 1.3 billion, and could easily be carried back and forth by the country’s widespread diaspora.

The so-called "superbug," NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1), and its variants appear to have originated in India and were first detected in Britain in 2007.

The NDM-1 is a gene that produces an enzyme that deactivate basically all antibiotics.

After the bug was detected, the number of infected people began to increase, reaching more than 70 in Britain and more than 170 in India and Pakistan.

The bug attracted media attention after the August publication of a research article in Britain’s Lancet journal that said an Indian “medical tourist” appeared to have brought the bacteria to Britain.

After the article, cases were reported in Canada, the US, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, France, Germany, Kenya, Australia, Hong Kong and Japan.

A Belgian citizen hospitalised in Pakistan after a car accident was the first known death related to infection by the superbug.

Unlike other multi-drug resistant bugs reported during the last 20 years, NDM "brings several additional factors of deep concern for public health," Prof. Nordmann said.

For example, scientists have determined that the NDM gene "is very mobile, hopping from one bacteria to another," he said.

Specialists can help "stem the onslaught of DNM producers" through "early identification of the very first cases of NDM-related infections and preventing their spread by implementing screening, hygiene measures and isolation of carriers," Prof Nordmann said.

Timothy Walsh with Cardiff University in Britain, who first uncovered the gene and wrote the Lancet report, worried that experts did not know how wide the bug had spread in India.

"One of the great concerns is the lack of sanitation -- more than 600 million people in India don’t have sanitation -- and also because of the massive antibiotic use in those countries that can fuel the antibiotic resistance," Mr Walsh said.

Drug resistance in bacteria, blamed on excessive and improper use of antibiotics, is not new, and health experts warn of an increasingly dangerous environment where the problem can flourish.

Scientists warn of deadly 'superbug' - The West Australian
Why is this called the Indian Superbug? I know some cases were found in India, but why is it named after just India? Were the first cases discovered there?

Yes it is called Indian Superbug because it was originated from New Delhi

i thought Indian government denied it. :undecided:

India rejects UK scientists' 'superbug' claim
BBC News - India rejects UK scientists' 'superbug' claim

India like usual is playing the race card crying racism.
If it's true it might be a consequence of foreign companies testing new drugs and antibiotics on poor people without enough precaution, causing bugs to become resistant.
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