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Indian Special Forces

then "Indian Army's Commando Wing" what does it refers to?
The "commando" school in Belguam imparts a mandatory training course that all infantry officers have to take after passing out of officer training before joining their infantry battalions. The course is basically an intensive combat leadership one like Ranger school in the US but It is not an SF school.
I spoke to a friend of mine who is studying in London and was at the Wembley event for Modi and also a few other locations where Modi went to in London. He is into defence stuff (more aviation though) and told me that there was a massive amount of SPG around and they were easy to spot because a) they looked Indian (obviously) and b) they had Indian flag badges on their lapels. It definitely seems to be the case that the SPG now takes care of their own needs when on foreign tours whilst in the past they were less represented and had foreign units more visibly protecting the Indian PM. The SPG's practices when abroad are becoming more and more assertive which is good to see.

He is also, for some reason, under the impression that their was a SPG Counter Assault Team (CAT) at Modi's hotel in London, I have emailed him back to find out what made him think that so it'll be interesting learn more.

@Koovie @Aminroop [USER=35302]@Roybot @kbd-raaf @Unknowncommando[/USER]

None of the SF forces are using INSAS or desi gear, something must be done to make the SF get rid of their love for phoren maal.
None of the SF forces are using INSAS or desi gear, something must be done to make the SF get rid of their love for phoren maal.
Why should they use INSAS rifles? Why do you think that they are inept of making the right choices when it comes to what they want to carry into battle?
And why does your spelling suck so hard?
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Lets do one thing ...Lets start with you going on the LOC with an INSAS rather than "phoren maal" rather than you talking from your AC room chilling on your couch.

Meanwhile in Kashmir a SF operator of the elite 21 PARA SF lost his life due to this...Indian maal

Source: Indian Special Forces | Page 420
Really? Well if your gonna make big purchases your gonna need forex reserves for that phoren maal. Ontop of that the training is more important than the equipment. Equipment is easy to get, with money but training, discipline, coordination are all hard to get and require a certain amount of sweat. Not blaming the troops, but remember the situation with America, were the Police have more guns than the IA and do they need guns or training?
Also the Patka provides decent protection for someone with a kesh. And INSAS is a rifle that still works. So is any rifle. Shooting ranges are needed and as well as optic sights.
The kind of equipment needed, need not look SPACE age or out of Star Wars.
And at the end of the day the IA brass know better than you.
Lets do one thing ...Lets start with you going on the LOC with an INSAS rather than "phoren maal" rather than you talking from your AC room chilling on your couch.

If everybody else can chill in their room and comment of Indian Army love for phoren maal why not me?
If everybody else can chill in their room and comment of Indian Army love for phoren maal why not me?

SF units are an exception here. Even US special forces use German, Belgian or whatever equipment. Since their numbers are so small the origin of their equipment isnt as important as compared to equipping over one million men.

They buy what they think fits their roles best. And thats the optimal solution. Blind nationalism is not gonna help anyone.
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