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Indian Special Forces

But Yeah they will be very useful unless or until somebody decides go join the opp side for a better pay...Anyways wat i am assuming is these Afghan mercs wont be given the same training as Indian teams. They would be given mostly sub standard training than Indian SF teams. They ll probably be used has small proxies to do our dirty work. They ll be probably used to act has rebels or insurgents etc in central asia. They might just an force multiplier asset for Indian SFs. This is just my assumption.

LOL thats what i just assumed. :P So am right.
I wasn't taking about ONLY Afgan Mereenaries. We have got variety there around whole map of Asia :D
Yes they can choose Opposite side but they aren't let unattained and we don't need them for day to day business. If a SF can do the job, then these guies aren't involved in OP at all.
As far as their training is concerned I don't think that would be much as these guies are well prepared in their own profession. Some fine touchs and weapons. That's all.

These guies are stand alone assets. No joint OPs. They are only used to hit and run OPs

Something interesting to read in you want to know how dirty the game can become:
^^^ IF all that u are talking is true then why the hell DAWOOD is stil alive ?:hitwall:

He is in ISI's protection plus his own Men. And you can't take on Army guies in the centre of City with handfull of Merc. If any one of them caugh alive and talk about OP then you know what will be the result.

Taking down Dawood will be difficult but won't be impossible. What we lack is a political will. And not the asset or resources.

BTW I never claim anything True. I am just sharing what I collect from various sources. It's upto you to belive or not. We live in information era. Information is a weapon :D
He is in ISI's protection plus his own Men. And you can't take on Army guies in the centre of City with handfull of Merc. If any one of them caugh alive and talk about OP then you know what will be the result.

Taking down Dawood will be difficult but won't be impossible. What we lack is a political will. And not the asset or resources.

BTW I never claim anything True. I am just sharing what I collect from various sources. It's upto you to belive or not. We live in information era. Information is a weapon :D

Dawood would have been an easy kill for these mercenaries.
He is in ISI's protection plus his own Men. And you can't take on Army guies in the centre of City with handfull of Merc. If any one of them caugh alive and talk about OP then you know what will be the result.

Taking down Dawood will be difficult but won't be impossible. What we lack is a political will. And not the asset or resources.

BTW I never claim anything True. I am just sharing what I collect from various sources. It's upto you to belive or not. We live in information era. Information is a weapon :D

i guess lake of politicle will else considering the situation rite now in pakistan no one is safe .....

Dawood would have been an easy kill for these mercenaries.

Exactly ....

He is in ISI's protection plus his own Men. And you can't take on Army guies in the centre of City with handfull of Merc. If any one of them caugh alive and talk about OP then you know what will be the result.

Taking down Dawood will be difficult but won't be impossible. What we lack is a political will. And not the asset or resources.

BTW I never claim anything True. I am just sharing what I collect from various sources. It's upto you to belive or not. We live in information era. Information is a weapon :D

true or false thanks for the info actually i got an organisation from which i can get my protagonist for my novel :chilli:

Can you explain how ???

operation gerenemo :guns:
i guess lake of politicle will else considering the situation rite now in pakistan no one is safe .....

Exactly ....
DAWOOD is a big asset for ISI. His network in India can do a lot of things. So keeping him alive is priority.
Last report of GOI about him mention he live in a ISI safe house guarded by special forces (may be SSG)
And we get the idea of ISI safe house from OBL raid. So he isn't sitting duck.

In Pakistan no one is safe - its just for common man
Can you explain how ???

This international unit of SG comprising of Mercenaries from Central Asian countries could easily kill a drug lord..if not then they are good for nothing...I mean what would it take to get a guy killed even after knowing his adress..even a sniper can take him out..Its too easy kill for a Spec Ops Unit.
DAWOOD is a big asset for ISI. His network in India can do a lot of things. So keeping him alive is priority.
Last report of GOI about him mention he live in a ISI safe house guarded by special forces (may be SSG)
And we get the idea of ISI safe house from OBL raid. So he isn't sitting duck.

In Pakistan no one is safe - its just for common man

Hmm lets make this asset in to liability first and then kill What say ...:sniper:
In the early 1980s, the Special Group was raised as the r&aw's equivalent to the cia's Special Activities Division and given a mandate for cross-border operations. The force is believed to have carried out a few classified missions before falling into disuse. However, most 'snatch and grab' operations have been restricted to borders in counter-terrorist operations in J&K and the Northeast.

India's scattered special forces to combat terror : NATION - India Today
This international unit of SG comprising of Mercenaries from Central Asian countries could easily kill a drug lord..if not then they are good for nothing...I mean what would it take to get a guy killed even after knowing his adress..even a sniper can take him out..Its too easy kill for a Spec Ops Unit.

totally agree if they cant kill then the risk of forming this unit is not worth...
This international unit of SG comprising of Mercenaries from Central Asian countries could easily kill a drug lord..if not then they are good for nothing...I mean what would it take to get a guy killed even after knowing his adress..even a sniper can take him out..Its too easy kill for a Spec Ops Unit.

Sniper issue is closed when you say safe house. It would have been already considered by ISI :D
Mercenaries can kill a drug lord. No doubt. But can they run over a safe house all by themselves when 15/20 commandos guarding it. Forget the personal gaurds. And from a place where backup and reinforcement for them is few min aways ???
It will be a suicide mission.
If one has to take such target one need to Wait and watch. And trap the opportunity when came out. Be first and foremost thing we need political go

Hmm lets make this asset in to liability first and then kill What say ...:sniper:
The moment he become liability they will kill him themself
This all mercenary thing is not true.After spending hours on the net searching i have found these pieces of documents which says that there is only 1 Special Group of the SFF and it is called the Vikas Unit of which Major Uday Singh was a part...hence there are no 3-4 units having international mercenaries.

It also says that Army is heavily involved if you are capable of reading in between the lines.

http://aftdelhi.nic.in/benches/prin...il2012/Hav Kareppa Sanak & Ors _OA 454_11.pdf

Start reading from point no. 3.
I know a One OP long away from Indian boarder where IA SF extracted a VVIP package from enemy territory and take it to safe place before airlifting it to INDIA. Mercenary forces where used to divert the attention from this activity which gave SF time window for extraction.
I can't write the name of enemy or package. But this happen in 2008. And OP wasn't near any of Indian boarder. This will be enough for guess

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