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Indian Special Forces

im talking abt Lal Masjid dumbo.....the people whom against we carried out op were more then 800+. where as in Mumbai drama u had just 9 men to take care of and for that it took u 72hrs. Anyways 44min Kamra AB op where the sensitive a/c r kept was also done by more then 9 men 11 maybe. Still it took us 44 min and u 72hrs even in islamabad according to u it took us 60hrs which is pretty exaggerated. But still 60 vs 72 is big difference.

Rest of yr post:lol:.........Why dont u watch our new film waar and see how real men fight? its going to be released on 17th.

in all these years u dont know me?

im a kashmiri myself thats why im as rightfully transfixed by this issue.


Lal Masjid incident was a confined scenario where the situation was more crowd control than anything else.
The actual number of militants were around 150 lesser than the 160 SSGs. They were outgunned and were confined like rats in a flat structure like a Masjid unlike buildings which give vantage points and more cover.
Compare that to 26/11 where the battle ground was a large metropolis, a railway station, an apartment complex, and 1000+ hotel rooms. 26/11 was more complicated in terms of warfare with bomb blasts, indiscriminate shootings and seige and THE MOST IMPORTANT, TERRORISTS DIDN'T CONFINE THEMSELVES IN AN ENCLOSED LOCATION unlike all the three incidents you mentioned.
If you know anything about Guerrilla warfare, then you should know that numbers don't matter as small numbers can inflict more damage than large numbers, 26/11 is example in itself as all the 3 OH SO complicated of your incidents had lesser casualties compared to 26/11.
26/11 was a logistical challenge as well as an anti-siege operation and compare that to Lal Masjid, Mehra or Kamra attacks none were as complicated or even had any similar logistical problems.

As for Waar.
Yeah sure, compare a work of fiction to real life.
Now you should know that you have no right to diss someone who says that you all live in clouds.
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Lal Masjid incident was a confined scenario where the situation was more crowd control than anything else.
The actual number of militants were around 150 lesser than 160 SSGs. They were under outgunned and were confined like rats in a flat structure like Masjid ulike buildings which give vantage points and more cover.
Compare that to 26/11 where the battle ground was a large metropolis, a railway station, an apartment complex, and 1000+ hotel rooms. 26/11 was more complicated in terms of warfare with bomb blasts, indiscriminate shootings and seige and THE MOST IMPORTANT, TERRORISTS DIDN'T CONFINE THEMSELVES IN AN ENCLOSED LOCATION unlike allhe three incidents you mentioned.
If you know anything about Guerrilla warfare, then you should know that numbers don't matter as small numbers can inflict more damage than large numbers, 26/11 is example in itself as all the 3 OH SO complicated of your incidents had lesser casualties compared to 26/11.
26/11 was logistical challenge as well as a anti-siege operation and compare that to Lal Masjid, Mehra or Kamra attacks none were as complicated or even had any similar logistical problems.

As for Waar.
Yeah sure, compare a work of fiction to real life.
Now you should know that you have no right to diss someone who says that you all live in clouds.
Really, operation took place at a religious place and a residential area.
Have u ever been to islamabad?
Really, operation took place at a religious place and a residential area.
Have u ever been to islamabad?

Yeah sure, compare an enclosed area to building structures inside a 233 sq mi area.
PS- I don't need to be in Islamabad to have common sense.
Yeah sure, compare an enclosed area to building structures inside a 233 sq mi area.
PS- I don't need to be in Islamabad to have common sense.
No wonder, as u have never been to islamabad so u cant guess or know this area that im talking about.
No wonder, as u have never been to islamabad so u cant guess or know this area that im talking about.

Please enlighten me and do tell me how big lal masjid is?
And I'm sure it is bigger than Mumbai which is is why you fail to grasp the crux of my post.




Grand Master Shifuji
worlds best Commando trainer


No way is he the best...he is not even training the Indian SF currently.His form of martial arts is not in the syllabus also and he looks like a comedian to me.He knows martial arts but he doesnt know CQB so why the hell is he even posing like an idiot.

These guys are training the Indian SF in Pekiti Tersia Kali.

P.S-I do MMA so i know what i am talking about.Infact i was so impressed by these guys that i have even sent them an email to enroll.
They comapre to the best units in the world and are the best you said..Which best units may i ask?..Are you talking about DEVGRU,SAS,SPETSNAZ,GROM,SHAYETET13?

Sir,Do you even know what a special force is and what its purpose is?..because had you known that you would be holding your head after watching their fashion show poses in facebook.

After getting trained in a school(CIJWS) which is meant for IA regulars aka Infantrymen or the foot soldiers you claim them to be world beaters?...And for your kind information the school that trains SF is the one based in Nahan and not in CIJWS when you talk about the Army and Marcos have theirs in Kerala(a new one is comming up in Goa).

And for you information in Operation Barras the SAS Sniper team was deployed for 7 days(they didnt move for those 7 days)..and you say NO SF CAN LAST 4 DAYS.

Firstly learn to read and saying shit I never said. I clearly said, they are among the best 'police' commando units. I also said most SF forces train to be deployed in the field for 4 days while regular COBRA training starts with 12 days and regular missions in the field can go on for a month and a half, clearly they are trained well enough to stay out for a long time and live off the Jungle, it's silly to be comparing SAS's 7 day mission to a COBRA's regular 2-3 week mission. I am not saying they are best SF unit in the world, however they do have very specialized skills and they certainly better trained than many SF units in the world. Even basic infantry untis are better trained than many SF units in the world.

CIJWS is not just a school for infantry, it is also a school for SF units and many inlcuding NSG, SFF, Marcos, COBRA, Garuds go there for jungle warfare training. All SF units in India go to various schools across the country for extensive training and opertaional deployments. Indian SF training can last between 3-4 years and during this period they train extensively in various facilities in desert, jungle, mountain and marine environments.

CoBras were basically used against naxals. Do you have any info about operations/ success achieved by them? We hear 100 Grey Hounds/CRPF dead in a single raid by naxals (at least 2 incidents). How many naxals killed by CoBra?

COBRA are domestic police commando unit used against armed factions and rebels. COBRA is a relatively new unit (set-up since 2009) and by 2011, they had managed to kill 61 Naxals, mostly higher cadre and hardcore PWG fighters and they had by 2011 apprehended over 800 people. This number should be much higher now for both kills and arrests. COBRA has had very few deaths too, less than half a dozen have died, most died due to IEDs and a couple during encounters with a very large ground of Maoists.However, they have managed to kill many of the notorious maoist leaders in small targetted raids.

The greyhounds are higly experienced but had a massive loss in 2008, when an ill planned return by another state police force led to them being ambushed by hundreds of maoists with LMGS and RPGs, 32-35 died. However, lessons learned, deaths have been minimalized since this incident.
Firstly learn to read and saying shit I never said. I clearly said, they are among the best 'police' commando units. I also said most SF forces train to be deployed in the field for 4 days while regular COBRA training starts with 12 days and regular missions in the field can go on for a month and a half, clearly they are trained well enough to stay out for a long time and live off the Jungle, it's silly to be comparing SAS's 7 day mission to a COBRA's regular 2-3 week mission. I am not saying they are best SF unit in the world, however they do have very specialized skills and they certainly better trained than many SF units in the world. Even basic infantry untis are better trained than many SF units in the world.

CIJWS is not just a school for infantry, it is also a school for SF units and many inlcuding NSG, SFF, Marcos, COBRA, Garuds go there for jungle warfare training. All SF units in India go to various schools across the country for extensive training and opertaional deployments. Indian SF training can last between 3-4 years and during this period they train extensively in various facilities in desert, jungle, mountain and marine environments.

Firstly and foremostly kindly explain what a SF is?Lets talk about the rest later.

And for me these are the worlds best Police units:-


What according to you is the difference between a Special Force and a Special Unit by the way?
still 60hrs with more then 800+ vs 72hrs with just 9 commandos of SSG.:lol:

Kid our SSG is the most battle hardened. They carry ops every single day!

Anyways Waar is going to be release in UK in 17 jan.

Why not watch it and learn how real men fight.

Looks like real men were sleeping in. 1971 ..Hehehehe

On topic

What are the standard gears used by Marcos and why in some pics ther r not wearing anything substantial For there protection
Grand Master Shifuji
worlds best Commando trainer






By NO measure is he the world's best commando trainer. He is a wannabe. He may be proficcent in hand-hand combat but that is about it. He has next to 0 training in weapon handling/firing and in ACTUAL COMBAT. Look through his pics, he has the PARA (SF) badge in some, their Maroon beret in others, the MARCOs trident in others and in others the NSG's insignia- having neither served in nor trained ANY of these units. He's a pathetic. Just look at what he's demonstrating- none of this is relevent in modern warfare and is nothing but posing.

I cannot tell you how much this fool annoys me. AFAIK though all CAPFs and state police units that had enlisted his services years back have subsequently seen how little value he adds to their training syllabus and he is no longer contracted by any govt/state entity.

Firstly and foremostly kindly explain what a SF is?Lets talk about the rest later.

And for me these are the worlds best Police units:-


What according to you is the difference between a Special Force and a Special Unit by the way?
Bro, to be fair to the CoBRAs, they are a fine unit who do a VERY hard and specific job. Their reason d'etre is jungle warfare, which in itself is one of the hardest forms of combat any police or military unit can train in. There's no doubt calling them SFs was SO WRONG, but they are a Special Unit.

I've already outlined across this thread that there are only THREE "true" SFs in India as designated by the GoI, all others are Specilised units of the CAPFs. When you say SWAT which State/City's SWAT team are you reffering to? LA's SWAT team?

Also I think one should include the FBI's HRT on the list- these guys are exceptionally good at what they do and mostly recruit from the US SOF community.
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By NO measure is he the world's best commando trainer. He is a wannabe. He may be proficcent in hand-hand combat but that is about it. He has next to 0 training in weapon handling/firing and in ACTUAL COMBAT. Look through his pics, he has the PARA (SF) badge in some, their Maroon beret in others, the MARCOs trident in others and in others the NSG's insignia- having neither served in nor trained ANY of these units. He's a pathetic. Just look at what he's demonstrating- none of this is relevent in modern warfare and is nothing but posing.

I cannot tell you how much this fool annoys me. AFAIK though all CAPFs and state police units that had enlisted his services years back have subsequently seen how little value he adds to their training syllabus and he is no longer contracted by any govt/state entity.

Bro, to be fair to the CoBRAs, they are a fine unit who do a VERY hard and specific job. Their reason d'etre is jungle warfare, which in itself is one of the hardest forms of combat any police or military unit can train in. There's no doubt calling them SFs was SO WRONG, but they are a Special Unit.

I've already outlined across this thread that there are only THREE "true" SFs in India as designated by the GoI, all others are Specilised units of the CAPFs. When you say SWAT which State/City's SWAT team are you reffering to? LA's SWAT team?

Also I think one should include the FBI's HRT on the list- these guys are exceptionally good at what they do and mostly recruit from the US SOF community.

Is this thing any better?:what:
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