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Indian Soldiers Dancing Every Where in Ladakh ,Celebrating What?

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One thing I always notice is Indians grunts are too old and look wayyy out of shape. Why is this?
One thing I always notice is Indians grunts are too old and look wayyy out of shape. Why is this?
Because the new generation is too scared of fighting ... and who can blame them after Galwan or confrontations with the PA on the LOC :enjoy:
Indian soldiers like to dance so much 17 of them fell into the frigid river and died of hypothermia.
I don't think this is feasible. Unless there is a simultaneous Chinese attack in the Ladakh direction, there will be no way for PA to cut off all Indian soldiers in Kashmir. And considering the IA is numerically superior, an encirclement like 1971 will be impossible to pull off. The Indians are known to retreat like cowards so more than likely, they will abandon key positions way before they are cut off anyway ... the best option is to strike the Indians while they are withdrawing.
Now is the only time for them to retreat. Once their IAF will be denied to use its airspace by Chinese and Pakistani Air forces, denial of land transportation will act as siege effect. Non-availability of supply routes for ration, medicine and weapon and spare replenishment will create huge chaos. Maintaining 1 million personnel will be impossible for them during war even for a shorter period. They will be forced to surrender in huge numbers.
the Chinese sent a lead guy who was swarmed by your horde
This is very unprofessional. Who gave them the order to behave like this with a foreign military? No wonder Indians got their asses handed over to them.

Only one Indian seem to have some brain cells in that video.
Just playing along with Punjabi songs being played by Chinese!
This is very unprofessional. Who gave them the order to behave like this with a foreign military? No wonder Indians got their asses handed over to them.

Only one Indian seem to have some brain cells in that video.
This is the classic act of beating/shooting the messenger. The PLA soldier was clearly just there for negotiation and ended up getting gang beat by these Indians. I can bet the same Indians in this clip ended up losing their lives to the Chinese at Galwan so karma is indeed a bitch.
Now is the only time for them to retreat. Once their IAF will be denied to use its airspace by Chinese and Pakistani Air forces, denial of land transportation will act as siege effect. Non-availability of supply routes for ration, medicine and weapon and spare replenishment will create huge chaos. Maintaining 1 million personnel will be impossible for them during war even for a shorter period. They will be forced to surrender in huge numbers.
If the airspace over Kashmir becomes completely dominated by Chinese and Pakistani fighters (which I would say is likely), then the Indians can just withdraw from Kashmir. Unless they decide to fight it to the bitter end, which is highly unlikely given Indian morale, the Chinese and Pakistani ground forces won't be able to cut them off (due to Indian resistance and the mountainous terrain) in South Kashmir to prevent an escape. Of course, I doubt the Indians would even consider withdrawing from Kashmir unless they were completely defeated in the air, which would once again depend on China's involvement in the conflict.
This is the classic act of beating/shooting the messenger. The PLA soldier was clearly just there for negotiation and ended up getting gang beat by these Indians. I can bet the same Indians in this clip ended up losing their lives to the Chinese at Galwan so karma is indeed a bitch.
India fashions itself as some powerful country but the grunts here behave like rogue animals. Can't think of any professional military that behaves like this.
India fashions itself as some powerful country but the grunts here behave like rogue animals. Can't think of any professional military that behaves like this.
Me neither. You can tell how India would treat prisoners of wars if they got their hands on them ... I'd say judging by what they did to this lowly messenger, you can presume what POWs would go is not pretty at all. If a female Chinese pilot got shot down over India, I can only imagine her horrid fate against these savages.
India fashions itself as some powerful country but the grunts here behave like rogue animals. Can't think of any professional military that behaves like this.
Me neither. You can tell how India would treat prisoners of wars if they got their hands on them ... I'd say judging by what they did to this lowly messenger, you can presume what POWs would go is not pretty at all. If a female Chinese pilot got shot down over India, I can only imagine her horrid fate against these savages.

You both need to get a room or something. Cuz the true side of Indian army is shown in this article. read on
How an Indian officer helped an enemy captain win Pakistan’s highest gallantry award
Dancing on Panjabi songs displayed by China on loudspeakers. This dancing is exactly the same as if ostrich hides her face into the muddy sand thinking nobody is looking at her but in doing so has to lift her tail so high thus exhibiting all that shit around it to the world.
indian army has fought two big battles in 1971 and 1998 beaten enemy very badly .

1971 was 50 years ago, by that logic PLA is still battle hardened from the beating u got in 1962. And how did u win in 1998? U lost more soldiers and territory and yet u win? Oh yeah i forgot, india always wins even if beaten like a dog
India fashions itself as some powerful country but the grunts here behave like rogue animals. Can't think of any professional military that behaves like this.
May I help you if you can't think of ? They are the ones seen carrying white iron rods in this clip that started year's first clash between India and China in the month of May, 2020.

I don't think this is feasible. Unless there is a simultaneous Chinese attack in the Ladakh direction, there will be no way for PA to cut off all Indian soldiers in Kashmir. And considering the IA is numerically superior, an encirclement like 1971 will be impossible to pull off. The Indians are known to retreat like cowards so more than likely, they will abandon key positions way before they are cut off anyway ... the best option is to strike the Indians while they are withdrawing.
If the airspace over Kashmir becomes completely dominated by Chinese and Pakistani fighters (which I would say is likely), then the Indians can just withdraw from Kashmir. Unless they decide to fight it to the bitter end, which is highly unlikely given Indian morale, the Chinese and Pakistani ground forces won't be able to cut them off (due to Indian resistance and the mountainous terrain) in South Kashmir to prevent an escape. Of course, I doubt the Indians would even consider withdrawing from Kashmir unless they were completely defeated in the air, which would once again depend on China's involvement in the conflict.
It is the folly of Indian leadership, that they are pushing China toward armed conflict at Ladakh sector. Once Chinese front activates, it will be the greatest opportunity for Pakistan to liberate IJK.

After start of hostilities at LOC and LAC, retreating of 1 million personnel from the LOC and LAC fronts will be almost impossible due to winter and continuous bombing and shelling. PoWs will be in huge numbers, more than several lacs.
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they are dancing cuz they finally have the chance to get butt f*ck*d.
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