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Indian shelling in tatta pani.Pakistani Soldier Havaldar Mohyudin martyred

Sir, ISI had link with JeM and when US declared as terrorist outfit and you banned them, they attacked you too. Same JeM which attacked India multiple times. They used to roam freely in Pakistan.

LeT planned Mumbai attack from Pakistan, not Timbaktu. You also know donations used to be taken for Jihad in open in Pakistan.

Your own county is facing terrorism in heart of Pakistan, are you saying there is no backing to these allegations.

No Terrorist camps in Azad Kashmir is what I'm trying to put across.
I never said that we weren't crossing people over until the 2003 ceasefire, but it was hardly one sided. I have personally beaten the living daylights out of 4 Indian Saboteurs in 2002-03.

People are still crossing over who were the 10 militants we shot dead in the last 2 months? they came across the LOC
Hi.. you would know better than others that such things are not made public. What is the point in this then ?

On the contrary, these things should be made public with all hue and cry that one can muster. Definitive proof is basically a death sentence for a covert Op.
So first they had been decapitated, then their heads reattached and now the throats have healed too, I'm pretty sure their wounds will heal and they'll be up and walking in a few days.

The bold part is a little uncalled for.. The Spokesperson has just denied the throat slitting of the 2nd dead soldier. Decapitation of the 1st soldier is the constant in all reports..
Lets wait for more mutilation bodies recovery reports from indian media, Hope this time they won't mind it.:guns:
People are still crossing over who were the 10 militants we shot dead in the last 2 months? they came across the LOC

It's all bullshit, they kill local insurgents and try to show that they were border jumpers, everything is rosy in Kashmir.
The OBL fiasco, Mehran base attack, the AF base attack..coupled with some tumultous political happenings like that Tahirul Qadri dude etc...these also add to whatever you said. So try some little sparks with India, create the boogeyman and we are all set.

More like India feels after all these incidents Pak army is weakened, so now is the time to begin limited scale attacks, since Pak army which occupied with countering terrorism, won't be able to hit back effectively. But your finding out that's not the case right. Anyway, it's not over.
The bold part is a little uncalled for.. The Spokesperson has just denied the throat slitting of the 2nd dead soldier. Decapitation of the 1st soldier is the constant in all reports..

Then what is this kalia guy is saying.

The body of one of the soldiers was found mutilated in a forested area on the side controlled by India, Rajesh K. Kalia, spokesman for the Indian army's Northern Command, said. However, he denied Indian media reports that one body had been decapitated and another had its throat slit.

It's all bullshit, they kill local insurgents and try to show that they were border jumpers, everything is rosy in Kashmir.

Ah that card you wish to play okay what about the captured militants we have?
On the contrary, these things should be made public with all hue and cry that one can muster. Definitive proof is basically a death sentence for a covert Op.

And what makes you believe that they have not been shared with Pakistan at the highest levels ? I know my govt does have a fetish for dossier diplomacy even though it aint working clearly. Surely absence of proof does not mean proof of absence. In this case absence in public domain.
No Terrorist camps in Azad Kashmir is what I'm trying to put across.

And neither you admitted that Osama was in Pakistan just about 100 kms near Islamabad alongwith Army Camp. :azn: :azn:

This is the reason no one believes what Pakistan says. :disagree:
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