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Indian Scientists Successfully Intercept Ballistic Missile

Everything can be jammed. Pakistan air force will destroy your systems in a preemptive attack. Shower of missiles on your. So it is better for you to leave Kashmir and save your country.

I thanked you because of excellent post which i just saw above...! That post reflects the knoweledge you posses regarding this particular matter and yeah that preemptive attack option was really a good one:tup:

And regarding kashmir, Read my signature and keep crying:wave:

Conclusion: Fanboy
Tell me you intelligent fellow which systems you are talking about? Its easy for an intelligent fellow to act dumb with talking nonsense like many when talks about reality they run away. :lol:
You tell us how many of the DRDO projects got inducted into the armed forces and find out the time between DRDO's completion claims and the induction itself. I have no time searching for their failures. Aakash is one example.
You tell us how many of the DRDO projects got inducted into the armed forces and find out the time between DRDO's completion claims and the induction itself. I have no time searching for their failures. Aakash is one example.
As I said, he has no time to search for the failed project of DRDO though he claimed that all of them are failed!!! But he had time to write 100 word para of DRDO bashing. This is a usual ranting going on. Ask for specific project, he will run away. As I said most of the projects of DRDO is in service of the armed forces though many of them delayed but inducted later. Every country has such problem of delays. While DRDO do it in much less costs with minimum support from industry.
You tell us how many of the DRDO projects got inducted into the armed forces and find out the time between DRDO's completion claims and the induction itself. I have no time searching for their failures. Aakash is one example.

Dhruv ,NAG ,PRITIVI,AGNI ,ARJUN (FINALLY COMING TO ITS AGES),AKASH etc etc... DRDO annonounces completion when defence forces gives bulk order . Get my point ?? Now don't ruin this thread ,you can get me in contact by PM to satisfy your appetite
P.S- 1st learn to spell AKASH SAM ..
Dhruv ,NAG ,PRITIVI,AGNI ,ARJUN (FINALLY COMING TO ITS AGES),AKASH etc etc... DRDO annonounces completion when defence forces gives bulk order . Get my point ?? Now don't ruin this thread ,you can get me in contact by PM to satisfy your appetite
P.S- 1st learn to spell AKASH SAM ..

He thinks Akash is a failure!!! :lol:

He will say DRDO cant do anything, they are incompetent but ask for naming some projects the reply you get is he has no time!!! Low class ranting. Even the guy F-16_Falcon doing better than him.
Dont read wiki pages and come to the conclusion that these projects are blazing successes. When I said I dont have time to search for their failures I meant I dont want to dig up that sh!t now. Do you know when aakash missile was tested first? go read about that first. You guys have short term memory loss syndrome. You forget all failures for the decades when at the end theey make and declare a success with technology a decades old(at least the design). I did not say DRDO cannot do anything. Given a lifetime even Maldives can come up with a missile. All those which you mentioned are technically failures. Dhruv came from HAL.
He thinks Akash is a failure!!! :lol:

He will say DRDO cant do anything, they are incompetent but ask for naming some projects the reply you get is he has no time!!! Low class ranting. Even the guy F-16_Falcon doing better than him.

This's where things get messier buddy,they don't even understand or try to be ignorant that bulk order production only starts when product passes trail phase or satisfy required ASR (This is n universal phenomenon) ... Cheers..
Dont read wiki pages and come to the conclusion that these projects are blazing successes. When I said I dont have time to search for their failures I meant I dont want to dig up that sh!t now. Do you know when aakash missile was tested first? go read about that first. You guys have short term memory loss syndrome. You forget all failures for the decades when at the end theey make and declare a success with technology a decades old(at least the design). I did not say DRDO cannot do anything. Given a lifetime even Maldives can come up with a missile. All those which you mentioned are technically failures. Dhruv came from HAL.

Go get some red bull,it'll ultimately gives you wings..People like you read wiki pages buddy ,people like me usually witness things in real :lol: Living under Pechora SQN umberlla which gonna converted soon into Akash SQN by 2012 :partay:
Stages in a BMD


With a long range radar and new interceptors (PDV,AD1,AD2) that DRDO is working on, I think we can easily achieve mid-course interception for IRBMs (2000KM range missiles).

There are four mature BMD systems that are operational or in the process of being made operational: Aegis/Standard Missile-3 (SM-3), Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) and Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD).

The Aegis/SM-3 system is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles during parts of the ascent and descent phases. This system has already been deployed on 18 American guided-missile cruisers and destroyers, and two Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces warships and is operationally proven (though as an anti-satellite weapon rather than a BMD interceptor). The Aegis/SM-3 has been one of the most successful BMD programs in the U.S. inventory, and Gates’ proposal would increase funding for the SM-3 program and upgrade an additional six warships with the system (double the three announced earlier this year for the Atlantic fleet).

The THAAD system is mobile (designed to be deployed anywhere in the world) and is capable of intercepting a ballistic missile in its final midcourse descent and in its terminal phase, both inside and outside the atmosphere. The first THAAD battery — Alpha Battery of the 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment at Fort Bliss in Texas — was activated last year and is in the process of being fully equipped. Meanwhile, testing continues at the Pacific Missile Range in Hawaii (a test there in March marked the system’s latest success). After poor test performance in the 1990s, the program restarted testing in 2005 and has shown marked improvement. It is now considered technologically mature.

The Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) system is a terminal-phase intercept system that was operationally deployed and successfully used in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system is also currently operational at Fort Greely in Alaska and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, and is slated for deployment in Poland and the Czech Republic, although deployment of the system is encumbered by the requirement for fixed facilities, including concrete silos. …
Yeah learn to talk to each other and dont respond. Thats the way to hide your face when you rant without knowing what you are talking. If user trials are the benchmark date for missile development, why did akash's user trial happen only some 2-3 years ago? And how does it prove your claims of success? Witness things in real, urgh, plzz... you witness things in real when an enemy aircraft dodges akash and fires your @$$.
Yeah learn to talk to each other and dont respond. Thats the way to hide your face when you rant without knowing what you are talking. If user trials are the benchmark date for missile development, why did akash's user trial happen only some 2-3 years ago? And how does it prove your claims of success? Witness things in real, urgh, plzz... you witness things in real when an enemy aircraft dodges akash and fires your @$$.

Dude, open up a thread on DRDO, we'll see how many successes and failures DRDO have had.

Just one question, do you have any idea how we treat scientists in our country?
FOR SOME REASON- these fan boys over estimate DRDO. forgetting its a bloody govt run babu organization. just like dda or mcd.

where even if you have togo n take a dump in toilet you have to pay bribe.

ruby - bro just let them be in their fairy land. when the time will come and i hope it wont, they will know the real truth.

DRDO - is a big failure.
Dude, open up a thread on DRDO, we'll see how many successes and failures DRDO have had.

Just one question, do you have any idea how we treat scientists in our country?

over paid for their bulshit work.

these guys have no work ethics, same people in private firm work their arse off. and result is there.

reason is private firm give them something govt never does. BAMBOO.
There have been some good achievements which can be capitalized but DRDO needs management reforms - no doubt on that.
FOR SOME REASON- these fan boys over estimate DRDO. forgetting its a bloody govt run babu organization. just like dda or mcd.

where even if you have togo n take a dump in toilet you have to pay bribe.

ruby - bro just let them be in their fairy land. when the time will come and i hope it wont, they will know the real truth.

DRDO - is a big failure.

Please start a separate thread in members club if you just wanna cry and whine over failures of DRDO.
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