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Indian rupee slumps as S&P warns of junk status downgrade


Mar 24, 2006
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Indian rupee slumps as S&P warns of junk status downgrade - Emirates 24/7

The Indian rupee has once again started to weaken against the US dollar after Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services yesterday warned the major economy could become the first BRIC nation to see a downgrade to junk status.

India is currently rated BBB- by S&P, one level above ‘speculative’ or junk grade, and the lowest among the BRIC nations, which also comprise Brazil, Russia and China. “Slowing GDP growth and political roadblocks to economic policymaking are just some of the factors pushing up the risk that India could lose its investment-grade rating,” S&P said in a statement.

Following yesterday’s comments, the Indian rupee declined from its Friday’s closing price of Rs15 against a UAE dirham to Rs15.19 vs. Dh1 yesterday.

The rupee has slumped further this morning, and was trading at Rs15.26 against Dh1 (Rs56 against $1) at 10.30am UAE time (6.30am GMT).

The ratings firm S&P had, in April, lowered the outlook on India’s BBB- rating to negative from stable, and had then said that there was a one-in-three chance of a downgrade over the following 24 months.

A recently released report by S&P, titled ‘Will India Be The First BRIC Fallen Angel?’ states that the Indian government’s reaction to potentially slower growth and greater vulnerability to economic shocks could largely determine whether the country can maintain an investment-grade rating or become the first ‘fallen angel’ among the BRIC nations.

“Setbacks or reversals in India’s path toward a more liberal economy could hurt its long-term growth prospects and, therefore, its credit quality,” said S&P credit analyst Joydeep Mukerji.

“The combination of a weakening political context for further reform, along with economic deceleration, raises the risk that the government may take modest steps backward away from economic liberalisation in the event of unexpected economic shocks. Such potential backward steps could reverse India’s liberalisation of the external sector and the financial sector,” said Mukherji.

The rupee was among the worst performing major currencies in 2011, and the downtrend has continued into 2012 with the currency making ten fresh lifetime lows this year so far.

The currency of the South Asian economy has declined by more than 27 per cent in the 10 months since August 2011, with analysts maintaining a further downside in the wake of a policy stalemate that is unlikely to resolve before the 2014 general elections.

What are the key factors that can bring such a drastic shift? The mere speculation of Junk Status will ensure it reaches the stage of junk status, its a pretty damning statement.

One thing I'm hearing over and over that India has shifted from its liberal economic policy making - what does that really mean? It's not allowing foreign investors to open shop in India?
Rupee opens higher against dollar at 55.69

13 Jun 2012

The Indian rupee continued to recover on Wednesday against the dollar after three sessions of falls. It opened higher at 55.69 to the dollar, 0.2 per cent higher than Tuesday’s close.

At 9.04 a.m., the currency was trading at 55.78/80, slightly stronger than its close on Tuesday.

The rupee had breached the key psychological 56-level against the US dollar to hit a one week low of 56.07 on Tuesday. However, it recovered to close at 55.80 per dollar, 0.11 per cent lower than Monday's close.
Throw this Pranab Mukherjee into trash can and give Finance portfolio to either Manmohan Singh or Montek Singh Ahluwalia.. Political parties need to come together too.. Then only we can expect immediate reversal..
Indian rupee slumps as S&P warns of junk status downgrade - Emirates 24/7

What are the key factors that can bring such a drastic shift? The mere speculation of Junk Status will ensure it reaches the stage of junk status, its a pretty damning statement.

One thing I'm hearing over and over that India has shifted from its liberal economic policy making - what does that really mean? It's not allowing foreign investors to open shop in India?

policy paralysis due to weak central government, which happened because of numerous corruption scandals in 2010-11
What are the key factors that can bring such a drastic shift? The mere speculation of Junk Status will ensure it reaches the stage of junk status, its a pretty damning statement.

Very true. This happens all the time, it is a vicious cycle.

This news, and the warning of further downgrades, is actually leading to further loss of confidence in India's economy. Hence becoming something of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
i Guess Non Residents must be rushing IN every exchange in DUBAI For remittence
I'm confident about our bureaucratic system in matters like these, they sure will find ways to fight the tide.
i Guess Non Residents must be rushing IN every exchange in DUBAI For remittence
Offcorse But Thats actually Helping India by Strengthening Rupees ...

Even if the Policy Paralysis ends ... investors have lost Confidence on the Present Government due to Corruption ... So even if Election Happens & Congress again Comes to Power the Situation not Gonna Change ... & if No one gets a Clear Majority then Situation Gonna get worser ... we will see India Economy Slipping to that of pre-1991 Era ...

So My Sincere Request to every Indians ... Give a Full Majority to BJP...

Congress on Moral Grounds Should Quit & Announce Re-election if there is any shame Left in them... But With Sonia Controlling the Party it can only be in Dream... She knows if Congress Quits then they would not have Come back for another 10 years ... & we will see Congress Loosing in every other seat ... first Would be Maharashtra , Andra pradesh , Raja-than & Delhi more in Line...

So until that Lets be Prepared for the worst...
Throw this Pranab Mukherjee into trash can and give Finance portfolio to either Manmohan Singh or Montek Singh Ahluwalia.. Political parties need to come together too.. Then only we can expect immediate reversal..

Montek Singh Ahluwalia - You mean the guy who spent 35 lakhs to upgrade two toilets..?:tdown:
no, what's worrying is the S&P warning is the horn of US hedge fund selling rampage, to short Indian currencies, and short Indian equity market, I said in another post GOI need take measures ASAP to counter the attack upcoming.
Montek Singh Ahluwalia - You mean the guy who spent 35 lakhs to upgrade two toilets..?:tdown:

20, not 2.

Do you know prices of cement, sand, bricks, tiles, sanitary? Normal toilet with basic features will fetch 1.5 Lakh+ easily.

35 Lakhs is justified after 30 years in abuse. Dont you complain about stinky smell in govt. places?
Indian rupee slumps as S&P warns of junk status downgrade - Emirates 24/7

What are the key factors that can bring such a drastic shift? The mere speculation of Junk Status will ensure it reaches the stage of junk status, its a pretty damning statement.

One thing I'm hearing over and over that India has shifted from its liberal economic policy making - what does that really mean? It's not allowing foreign investors to open shop in India?

1. Get rid of the two centers of governmental power - prime minister and Sonia - PM wants reforms quickly but Sonia is warped in vote bank politics and the old congress socialist mindset.
2. Coalition politics - Get rid of Mamata mainly - she stalled FDI in retail, railway tickets price rise
3. Corruption pressure - government is spending all its energy in battling the corruption charges - so the decision making has come to a standstill
4. Failure for land acquisition reforms and other reforms due to the governmental paralysis

What is needed is a strong leadership at this point and that is where MMS is failing. I had reservations for Modi till now but more and more I feel Modi is needed.
1. Get rid of the two centers of governmental power - prime minister and Sonia - PM wants reforms quickly but Sonia is warped in vote bank politics and the old congress socialist mindset.
2. Coalition politics - Get rid of Mamata mainly - she stalled FDI in retail, railway tickets price rise
3. Corruption pressure - government is spending all its energy in battling the corruption charges - so the decision making has come to a standstill
4. Failure for land acquisition reforms and other reforms due to the governmental paralysis

What is needed is a strong leadership at this point and that is where MMS is failing. I had reservations for Modi till now but more and more I feel Modi is needed.

these are good suggestions in political field and reform front.

GOI now need some urgent provisional remedies in case of a financial crisis.

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