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Indian rhetoric has destroyed hopes for reconciliation: Nawaz!

You mean the Indian government does not want a good relationship with Pakistan. India's loss. Central Asia of tomorrow spells "Pakistan and her allies".
You overestimate Pakistan's worth. We don't have a substantial market in the Central Asia anyway. And economically speaking Pakistan is not worth taking into consideration. We can increase out trade with Maldives and the deficit will be made up. In case it's India's loss, good for you. Happy weekend. :tup:
We have improved our relations with every single neighbour of ours barring Pakistan.

Our relations with Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar are at a historic high!

And we have not budged when it comes to terrorist sponsoring nations.[/QUOTE]
*cough* BLA
you tried to use afghanistan as a backyard to launch attacks on India
And how this lpgic works wjen there is not any connection between India and Afghanistan??
India has improved its foreign relations with pretty much every other country in the region in the last one year - except Pakistan. While there were initial indications of peace talk, India has opted otherwise taking a stance of no budging. Not sure if this is a result of intelligence reports about Pakistan indicating something sinister just like Kargil happened when we decided to initiate peace talks.
Indian rhetoric has put the players in the right spots...with us being in a correct position ourselves as well...
+Sri Lanka
+Afghanistan etc etc


For God's sake...who cares, that's what is normal in the first place.
indian sub-continent,
Its not Indian sub-continent.. correct yourself..

India has 4 consulates at Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif, Jalalabad, and Kandahar. pak has consulates in all these 4 locations. and we have only one cultural centre at kabul in afghanistan. both the countries have pretty much same number of consulates in same locations so, what are you whining about ??
And what about Nagarhar, Paktika, Paktia, Kunar etc
Stupid Nawaz went to the innaugration of Feku Modi who orchestrated genocide of Muslims in Gujarat. Nawaz and people who convinced now stand guilty of rehabilitating a disgraced criminal leader.
Its not Indian sub-continent.. correct yourself..

And what about Nagarhar, Paktika, Paktia, Kunar etc

Go ahead ..show us the Indian consulates in these cities.
I am happy that Modi has shed the camouflage and showed his true colours but we all know jo garajte hen wo baraste nahi :D

These empty threat mean nothing. Indias entire politics is obsessed by Pakistan. Their elections are win or lost on how well a party takes a strong stance against Pakistan. Pakistan mania or phobia is central to Indian politics.
Its not Indian sub-continent.. correct yourself..


And what about Nagarhar, Paktika, Paktia, Kunar etc

the provincial capital of nangarhar-jalalabad hosts one of the 4 Indian consulates in afghanistan.. India neither has a consulate nor a cultural centre in paktika,paktia and kunar.
PM Sharif should be aware that the support of his government to jihadi terrorism in the region is the main cause that there is no hope for reconciliation..
Its not Indian sub-continent.. correct yourself..

And what about Nagarhar, Paktika, Paktia, Kunar etc
What has Pakistan got to do with the number of Indian consulates in Afghanistan?? It's a matter strictly between India and Afghanistan... Afghanistan is not a colony of Pakistan.
Will Pakistan next start dictating how many consulates it can have in other countries too??
India must stop sponsoring state terrorism in Pakistan.India is a terrorist state your PM has admitted it.So their is no chance of peace with the terrorist sponsoring state like India.


This is like Hafeez said telling others terrorist.


If I wold have said Negative, your objections are understandable but if I say positive, you should not have any problem.
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