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Indian researchers’ team finds endogenous water on the Moon

Truth hurts buddy, learn to accept facts, not the brainwashing propaganda your media, government and ISRO spews.

You know more about Chandrayaan than ISRO??

Propaganda ? By ISRO? stfu.

It was Moon Impact Probe,Indian instrument on Chandrayaan that discovered water on Lunar Surface.
You know more about Chandrayaan than ISRO??

Propaganda ? By ISRO? stfu.

It was Moon Impact Probe,Indian instrument on Chandrayaan that discovered water on Lunar Surface.

Complete lie.

It was a NASA instrument. India contributed nothing but the transportation.
"Indian researchers’ team finds endogenous water on the Moon"

Canadian man finds zits on his backside - Is this news?
Complete lie.

It was a NASA instrument. India contributed nothing but the transportation.

MIP was a Nasa instrument??:omghaha:

It was CHACE( CHandra’s Altitudinal Composition Explorer) on Indian Moon Impact probe that found the,presence of water on the moon...

@$$ burning?

"Indian researchers’ team finds endogenous water on the Moon"

Canadian man finds zits on his backside - Is this news?

'False flag pretending to be Canadian finds his @$$ in fire' not a big news here,on pdf :omghaha:
these self proclaimed "Space Scientist" noobs fighting here for SU's credit for discovering water forgot one thing..its Endogenous water that ISRO discovered(water of volcanic origin — water that has originated from deep within the Moon’s interior — rather than water-bearing igneous surface lunar material detected hitherto by different lunar missions including Chandrayaan-1).... and that data came from M3(Nasa's equipment)..as it was a joint mission of 20 countries,perticipant countries of course shared the data(sorry,China wasn't invited).SAC(of ISRO) discovered it...

so stop this chut!y@g!r! and contribute more on this topic...

@Aeronaut @WebMaster @nuclearpak

please clean this thread..trolls destroyed another important thread,without even reading whats inside it.
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these self proclaimed "Space Scientist" noobs fighting here for SU's credit for discovering water forgot one thing..its Endogenous water that ISRO discovered(water of volcanic origin — water that has originated from deep within the Moon’s interior — rather than water-bearing igneous surface lunar material detected hitherto by different lunar missions including Chandrayaan-1).... and that data came from M3(Nasa's equipment)..as it was a joint mission of 20 countries,perticipant countries of course shared the data(sorry,China wasn't invited).SAC(of ISRO) discovered it...

so stop this chut!y@g!r! and contribute more on this topic...

@Aeronaut @WebMaster @nuclearpak

please clean this thread..trolls destroyed another important thread,without even reading whats inside it.

Save me the hypocrisy, You're one big troll yourself on threads about china
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Save me the hypocrisy, You're one big troll yourself on threads about china

everybody knows who is troll here..and if saying truth gives me the title of "troll",so be it..I can't agree with morphed truth and hyped facts..pardon me,but why don't you better concentrate on the topic than personally attacking another member???

P.S. show me one post I was trolling and quote me on that thread,not here..
everybody knows who is troll here..and if saying truth gives me the title of "troll",so be it..I can't agree with morphed truth and hyped facts..pardon me,but why don't you better concentrate on the topic than personally attacking another member???

P.S. show me one post I was trolling and quote me on that thread,not here..

Soviet role in the pacific war. :yahoo: Got caught with you pant down.
Soviet role in the pacific war. :yahoo: Got caught with you pant down.

told you troll,don't quote here..quote in that thread with my so called "trolling Post"..now shooooo...by the way,my signature is "Trolling Trolls Using CounterTrolling Techniques"...that may describe your accuse against me... :omghaha: :omghaha:
MIP was a Nasa instrument??:omghaha:

It was CHACE( CHandra’s Altitudinal Composition Explorer) on Indian Moon Impact probe that found the,presence of water on the moon...

@$$ burning?

'False flag pretending to be Canadian finds his @$$ in fire' not a big news here,on pdf :omghaha:

NASA's M3 instrument found water on the moon. Absolutely nothing to do with India.

End of story :coffee:
Your ancient history is only restricted to some bog bodies findings, Romans called you Barbarians. You guys need to feel proud of Roman or Greek heritage because you were devoid of your own heritage. :wacko:

Except of course that the Romans and Greeks were our heritage, being fellow Europeans. And our ancient history includes civilizing your people during the Indo-Aryan migrations, lest you so quickly forget. You have no ancient history to speak of.

This is besides the point anyway, who cares about one specific era? The entire history of humanity puts your people to shame. Your nation and her ancestor nations have almost always been larger than all of Western civilization combined, yet you still have problems with doing 1% of the things that we do.
Your ancient history is only restricted to some bog bodies findings, Romans called you Barbarians. You guys need to feel proud of Roman or Greek heritage because you were devoid of your own heritage. :wacko:

The latter European Civilizations that formed after the Greeks and Romans were their natural successors.

Grab a sheet of paper, and jot down every piece of technology you use in your daily life, from computers, to automobiles, from light bulbs to cellphones/telephones. Almost all of them will have their origin in the mind of a European pioneer/inventor.

Nowadays, everyone else copies Western/European technology, yet very few people from the East have the capability to come up with a entirely new invention. While, on the contrary, within the past 300-400 years many European minds have up come with brilliant entirely new and original inventions that today result in a modern society.
NASA's M3 instrument found water on the moon. Absolutely nothing to do with India.

End of story :coffee:

you missed the point..Chandrayan was a 20 country's joint mission..ISRO,ESA and NASA was involved(Though mainly it was ISRO's mission..other just sent various equipment,just like Russia's Phobos-Grant mission,where China performed that role)..and that discovery made by ISRO,based on M3's data..you might find it strange since China had very little co-op in space with other countries apart from Russia..
Except of course that the Romans and Greeks were our heritage, being fellow Europeans. And our ancient history includes civilizing your people during the Indo-Aryan migrations, lest you so quickly forget. You have no ancient history to speak of.

This is besides the point anyway, who cares about one specific era? The entire history of humanity puts your people to shame. Your nation and her ancestor nations have almost always been larger than all of Western civilization combined, yet you still have problems with doing 1% of the things that we do.

There was no concept of Nation until 300 years ago.. :whistle:

and you forgot Colonial era,where European Countries robbed the whole world including your country..you may not know,but before colonial era,we had around 26% of World's GDP,while whole Europe had 23%..200 years,thats a long time to rob almost everything..don't talk rubbish buddy.there is always a "Rob Story" behind every developed country,apart from Japan.
There was no concept of Nation until 300 years ago.. :whistle:

I don't think I ever said that...

and you forgot Colonial era,where European Countries robbed the whole world including your country..you may not know,but before colonial era,we had around 26% of World's GDP,while whole Europe had 23%..200 years,thats a long time to rob almost everything..don't talk rubbish buddy.there is always a "Rob Story" behind every developed country,apart from Japan.

What did we robe the world of? Can you name the resources and the countries of origin? Can you also name the amount of resources and how much they contributed to our nations development? Can you also tell me how we, a tiny little continent, were so able to take over the rest of the world, and in such a short time no less? Superior technology maybe? Did we steal that too? :cheesy:

And your India having a large GDP is not at all impressive. Having more people than all of Western civilization combined will do that. Didn't India have a GDP around 3-4x that of Britain when they were invaded by 1/10th of their Armed Forces? Ouch... So much for that superior GDP, it seems like it meant absolutely nothing.
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