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Indian RAW terrorist Sarabjit Singh Dead.

I was about say: This is one of those situations where "one man's hero is another man's terrorist". But then I thought,no. No hero goes out to target and kill innocent people who have wronged no one,only terrorists do that. Sikh,Muslim or wherever.

Poetic justice. A terrorist gets terrorized and dies.
I was about say: This one of those situations where "one man's hero is another man's terrorist". But then I thought,no. No hero goes out to target and kill innocent people who have wronged no one,only terrorists do that. Sikh,Muslim or wherever.

Poetic justice. A terrorist gets terrorized and dies.

Poetic justice? According to whose poems?
if he was a terrorist why did you guys wait too long to hang him and instead of that this brutal attack. Notanki!! :pissed:

he was terrorist he was not hanged for 20 years cause of the request of his mother and sister otherwise he himself admited that he bombed in faislabad in 90s in which 14 innocent pakistanis were killed ....i heard he created drama himself in jail but that drama turned into serious way .....
he was terrorist he was not hanged for 20 years cause of the request of his mother and sister otherwise he himself admited that he bombed in faislabad in 90s in which 14 innocent pakistanis were killed ....i heard he created drama himself in jail but that drama turned into serious way .....

Nonsense. You had no proof. Video of accepting is not considered as a credible evidence because one could be pressurized. You shared no documents with Indian authorities. And India kept on saying that if you have any credible evidence you come on table, since day one India kept on repeating that this is a case of wrong identification.
Interestingly if you go on twitter the Sikhs are not only hating on Pakistan (expected) but they're hating on India also!
Nonsense. You had no proof. Video of accepting is not considered as a credible evidence because one could be pressurized. You shared no documents with Indian authorities. And India kept on saying that if you have any credible evidence you come on table, since day one India kept on repeating that this is a case of wrong identification.

u Nonsense all the proofs had been provided to Indian authorities as it was strong case .....
Wait until the same hindostanis who howl and cry foul over kasab, make a hero out of him. Lets wait until they unleash their hypocricy show and defend him and his terrorist actions without any regard for the scores of innocent Pakistanis he butcheted, even thise who hadn't cared about him for last 2 decades.

The families of those who fell pray to his state sponsored terrorism, can have a closure if not the sense of justice.

Why does the media keep calling him a "spy"?
Shame on India he could have been given an easier death...
Poor Man used for diplomacy and as tool of media to talk non sense..
If he was really guilty he should have been punished according to the law. This is a murder. Shame on those who are celebrating this. But then many in Pakistan rejoiced Salman Taseer's murder too and showered rose petals on the murderer. This is not really surprising to me.
Nonsense. You had no proof. Video of accepting is not considered as a credible evidence because one could be pressurized. You shared no documents with Indian authorities. And India kept on saying that if you have any credible evidence you come on table, since day one India kept on repeating that this is a case of wrong identification.

Are you kidding me? Do you think this is the first case of its kind where a prisoner on death penalty was not executed? That it has never happened before? Let me know what you had for smoking, I bet it's real good.
@Dance welcome back.

Well our media is full of trash,as he wasn't a spy. He had been given pre identified targets to blow up and butcher Pakistanis in Faisalabad and Multan.
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Pakistan has strict laws regarding terrorism. I hope Sarbjeet will act as a warning to India not to indulge in terrorist activities on Pakistani soil.

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