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Indian RAW kidnaps retired Pakistan Army officer from Nepal

I think RAW kidnapped this poor guy. They will try to bargain and will demand release of their spy captured from balochistan.

RAW captured ISI agent planning attacks on India and we will use him to get the poor businessman kidnapped by Pakistan..
Don't entertain his attempt to derail the thread.

"Don't entertain his attempt"
Lol what?

Speak correctly/relevantly and stay on topic.

I was replying to the guy who was remarking immaturely on my "I smell bullshit post".. stop taking things out of context and trying to deceive others on this forum.
Kulbhushan was a naval officer, would make sense if it was an Army officer working in intelligence. But makes no sense to recruit Naval officers and send them to Baluchistan of all places/. He was not in Pakistan, neither was he an intel operative. He was abducted from Afghanistan and was a simple businessman.
but your government said that he was in iran.
Indians are still confused. Why would a person with fake identity and iranian visa enter afghanistan without any visa???
Indian government say he was in iran doing business, but yo are saying that he was a spy who used iran as a launch pad against neighbors. Thank you for supporting our stance.

Yes they did, they also claimed that he was kidnapped from Iran :P
Kulbhushan was a naval officer, would make sense if it was an Army officer working in intelligence. But makes no sense to recruit Naval officers and send them to Baluchistan of all places/. He was not in Pakistan, neither was he an intel operative. He was abducted from Afghanistan and was a simple businessman.
which one of this is correct.
First indin government knew an that's why remained silient for months.
Then indian media made a surgical strike of it.
and two indians here watch different news channels.
I think this action by india will have little to no international response. india isn't considered an important country by many nations, so there's that. Well, I do wish this innocent man gets out of this horrible mess. Doesn't deserve it at all.
Any indians care to explain the conclusive evidence that made them decide the man is a Pakistani ISI agent? Like did his possessions include the following;

-GPS tracker pointing to Islamabad?
-New Pakistani passport with no stamps?
-Secret manual with all ISI plans?
-A Full Pakistani linen flag?
-Beef kabob roll?
ven many indins here said that he is innocent.
They definitely should have omitted the ISI postings. Now with his ISI history plastered all over the Internet. It only gives credibility to the view that he was there for no good..
also his job interview call and ticket sent from london along with recordings of his conversation, indian website owners, fake numbers all prove him innocent.
Pakistan needs to Internationalise this issue before any "Kulbhushan" kind of video surfaces implicating ISI
You sounded like You have been feeling a bad ITCH Around your............ for a long time because of that bald,coconut headed indian rat we grabbed.is he your relative??? why you,re mentioning him here??
All of that can be faked .
not in few hours.
ticket cannot be generated in few hours and that too about past. You cannot go to past to upload a cv.
telephone record with neplese number needs ISI complete hold of nepal.
not in few hours.
ticket cannot be generated in few hours and that too about past. You cannot go to past to upload a cv.
telephone record with neplese number needs ISI complete hold of nepal.

The man has been missing for the past 3 days. And as I said earlier, this could be an ISI operation gone bad. Maybe the ISI wanted everyone to believe that he was there in Nepal of all places! for a job interview. So created a fake website, exchanged phone calls, emails, so that in the future if things do go pear shaped (like it did), they can show these evidence to claim his innocence.

Are you telling me an intelligence officer is so dumb that he didn't even bother to do a background check on the company and walked right into a trap?
The man has been missing for past 3 days. And as I said this could be an ISI operation gone bad. Maybe the ISI wanted everyone to believe that he was there in Nepal of all places! for a job interview. So created a fake website, exchanged phone calls, emails, so that in the future if things do go pear shape, they can show these evidence to claim his innocence.

I am looking for a barista for my cafe in Melbourne, let me know if you know anyone that fits the bill, min cred 10 yrs working for the ISI.
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The man has been missing for the past 3 days. And as I said earlier, this could be an ISI operation gone bad. Maybe the ISI wanted everyone to believe that he was there in Nepal of all places! for a job interview. So created a fake website, exchanged phone calls, emails, so that in the future if things do go pear shaped (like it did), they can show these evidence to claim his innocence.

Are you telling me an intelligence officer is so dumb that he didn't even bother to do a background check on the company and walked right into a trap?
even indian media reported this news 22-24 hours ago.
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