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Some people have lost human values and inner sense or instinct of compassion, empathy or any good value. Their so called belief in religion has killed all good values of Human being and they want to do all this killing and violence citing their religion. This mentality is threat to whole world and we need to fight them collectively.

Don't worry mate.
Their days are numbered, at least in India.

They are loosing ground and will have no where to hide.

Their duplicity in insulting Hindus & Hinduism in every instance has been completely exposed. If these morons thought 2014 was a high point, they have no idea of the tsunami that's hitting them in 2019.
Hope the Intellectual Kerala Sanghis too Follow this to bring gender equation in favour of Men
RSS wing has prescription for fair, tall ‘customised’ babies
The project claims to have ensured the delivery of 450 “customised babies” so far, and its target is to have a Garbh Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra, a facilitation centre, in every state by 2020.

Written by Ashutosh Bhardwaj | New Delhi | Updated: May 7, 2017 4:49 am


Representational Image/Thinkstock
THREE MONTHS of “shuddhikaran (purification)” for parents, intercourse at a time decided by planetary configurations, complete abstinence after the baby is conceived, and procedural and dietary regulations.

According to the Garbh Vigyan Sanskar project of the RSS’s health wing Arogya Bharati, this is what is needed for a woman to deliver an “uttam santati” — a perfect, “customised child”.

Speaking to The Sunday Express, top office-bearers associated with this ambitious programme said it was launched in Gujarat over a decade ago, and taken up at the national level in 2015. Today, the project, assisted by the Sangh’s education wing Vidya Bharati, has around 10 branches in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, with more units to come up soon in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

“Our main objective is to make a samarth Bharat (strong India) through uttam santati. Our target is to have thousands of such babies by 2020,” said Dr Karishma Mohandas Narwani, national convener of the project.

According to the office-bearers, the project was inspired by Germany, which they claimed had “resurrected itself by having such signature children through Ayurvedic practices within two decades after World War II”.

“The parents may have lower IQ, with a poor educational background, but their baby can be extremely bright. If the proper procedure is followed, babies of dark-skinned parents with lesser height can have fair complexion and grow taller,” said Dr Hitesh Jani, national convener, Arogya Bharati.

Jani, a veteran RSS swayamsevak who also heads the panchkarma department at Gujarat Ayurved University in Jamnagar, said the procedure to get an “uttam santati or a customised child is mentioned in the (Hindu) shastras”.

The project claims to have ensured the delivery of 450 “customised babies” so far, and its target is to have a Garbh Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra, a facilitation centre, in every state by 2020.

According to Narwani, Arogya Bharati has held several seminars and counselling sessions on Garbh Vigyan Sanskar in Delhi and Mumbai, and smaller cities such as Udupi in Karnataka, Kasaragod in Kerala, and Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh.

The next counselling sessions were scheduled to be held in Kolkata over the weekend, followed by Rohtak and Gurgaon in Haryana, she said.

Narwani claimed that the project “is not an intervention in the natural process” but based on the principles of Ayurveda.

“Ayurveda has all the details about how we can get the desired physical and mental qualities of babies. IQ is developed during the sixth month of pregnancy. If the mother undergoes specific procedures, like what to eat, listen and read, the desired IQ can be achieved. Thus, we can get a desired, customised baby,” she said.

The office-bearers claimed that this procedure “repairs genes” by ensuring that genetic defects are not passed on to babies.

Dr Ashok Kumar Varshney, an RSS pracharak for over 30 years and national organising secretary of Arogya Bharati, said that apart from the university in Jamnagar, two other institutions have incorporated Garbh Vigyan Sanskar in their curriculum: Children’s University in Gandhinagar and Atal Bihari Vajpayee Hindi University in Bhopal.

Varshney said the project was inspired by the advice a senior RSS ideologue received over 40 years ago in Germany.

“He was told that it was due to a woman called ‘Mother of Germany’. When he met her and asked about this resurrection, she told him, ‘you have come from India, have you not heard of Abhimanyu (the son of Arjuna in the epic Mahabharata)?’ She told him that the new generation in Germany was born through Garbh Sanskar and that is why the country is so developed,” said Varshney.

In the Mahabharata, Abhimanyu is described as having learnt the art of breaking the “chakravyuh” (a circular trap) inside the womb of his mother as his father narrated the method.

“The shastras prescribe a specific time to have intercourse for pregnancy. Doctors tell couples when they should become intimate on the basis of their horoscope and planetary configurations… Once the baby is conceived, you cannot have intimacy. It is suicidal for the mother and the baby,” claimed Varshney.

Narwani and Jani hold Bachelor’s degrees in ayurveda, medicine and surgery, and Varshney obtained a PhD in biochemistry from Allahabad University in 1986.

According to Jani, the project is conducted in two parts — before and after pregnancy. “The first part involves ‘nadi shuddhi’ (purification of energy channels) and ‘deh shuddhi’ (purification of body) for 90 days. During this period, we purify the male’s sperm and the female’s egg. The new egg and sperm thus developed will not have genetic defects,” he claimed.

After the baby is conceived, he said, stress is placed on “proper food” for the mother during pregnancy.

“Calcium is required in the third month when bones develop; therefore, she should take milk and related products. Brain is developed in the fifth month, hence ghee is required. When eyes develop during the sixth or seventh month, she needs vitamin A,” Varshney said.

But that’s not all. “If the mother chants shlokas and mantras, it helps in the mental growth of the baby… if she leads such a life, there will be no labour pain and the baby will gain up to 300g more weight.

Do you have any issue with that? In case they claim and babbies are not born as advertised than what problem do you have ? Or is it because your organization and leaders can't preach anything except shit and heater and something which has no value in modern society and can help only to produce soemone like you.

Hope all Intellectual Sanghis have found cure for cancer.................
Cow urine can cure cancer'
TNN | Feb 3, 2015, 12.00 AM IST
HYDERABAD: "Cow urine has a lot of potential as a traditional method for cancer treatment. We cannot lose our ancient wisdom," said principal secretary, health, medical and family welfare L V Subramanyam at the international conference on 'Emerging issues on health effects of pesticide residues in food and environment - unmet challenges and research opportunities' here on Thursday.

Yes and this is patented also. Now go and eat the parts from where the urine is generated. That is Halal.

Indian Sanghis follow Hitler and Mussolini more.....................

To counter Osama and Stalin and Mao, you need to become Hitler. That is why we follow Hitler.
. .
Sanghis Chaddi had a direct fall from Sky..............
aren't these Gobber Sanghis Licking Christian White Mans @ss

Hindu Sena to celebrate 71st birthday of Donald Trump, the ‘saviour of humanity’

They celebrate Trump not because he is christian but because he has the guts to fight against many evils of this world. However, a fanatic like you will try to discover religion everywhere.

:enjoy: :enjoy::enjoy:

These devils make fun of urine but will have the testicles, bottom, top, intestines & even crap and all that is halal and a delicacy for them ;)

You can hardly expect anything logical from these kind of Bigots.
They celebrate Trump not because he is christian but because he has the guts to fight against many evils of this world. However, a fanatic like you will try to discover religion everywhere.

Let's be straight to point mate, no need to beat around the bush.
We like Trump because he is the only western leader exposing Muslims for their support of terrorism.
Don't worry mate.
Their days are numbered, at least in India.

They are loosing ground and will have no where to hide.

Their duplicity in insulting Hindus & Hinduism in every instance has been completely exposed. If these morons thought 2014 was a high point, they have no idea of the tsunami that's hitting them in 2019.
Sanghis have already Branded Kerala as South Pakistan.............
United States of South India: Can a southern collective get us a better deal from Delhi?
The politics of the South has made it economically comparable to Hong Kong, while the atavistic politics of the North has dropped it far down the scales.
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Isn’t it time the South received it's due?

After all, 20% of the population contributes a full 30% of India's tax revenues. This is the money that runs the country.

The South also delivers a fourth of India's GDP. It is not only an economic bellwether with low unemployment, a high rate of industrialisation and a per capita GDP that is over double that of the Hindi belt, it is also leaps ahead on human development and social indicators.

Child development indices are double to 7 times higher than the Hindi states, literacy rates tend towards an average of 80% with a 10-point difference against the North, and accessibility to health and hygiene facilities is radically better.

The gulf in human development is so stark that while fertility rates in the South are closer to that of Western Europe, much of the North is still getting their act together on basic issues like birthing babies without losing mothers.

The bottom line is that the development politics of the South has made it economically comparable to Hong Kong, while the atavistic politics of the North has dropped it far down the scales in the last six decades.

Like a Shakespearean drama though, the heroes with higher state GDP per capita, that is, Net State GDP per person, receive a lower devolution from centre to state, of state revenues. The South is effectively slammed for having scaled up its per capita incomes to the top 10 in India and scaled down poverty to half that of the rest of India

A measly fifth of the population sponsors India's tax revenues to the tune of a third of the total, and in return, the five Deccan states get a paltry 18% of funds allocated back from the centre.


Source: Business Standard

The state allocations speak to the quantum of skew. While Tamil Nadu gets about 40 paise for every rupee it generates for the centre, Uttar Pradesh fattens itself on Rs 1.8 per rupee it generates. It should be remembered that Uttar Pradesh had a distinct economic and social advantage over the southern states coming out of British rule, which it has simply squandered away through mis-governance and profligacy. The South, in turn, for prioritising education, health, economy and social reform, as governments should, receives the proverbial slap.


Little wonder then that Chief Ministers across the southern states, regardless of political dispensation have cried foul for years now. The Andhra CM took the most fun route and urged locals to resort to rapid reproduction to compensate. The Telengana CM played victim and pleaded for special allocations while the Tamil Nadu CM has resorted to aggressive posturing on the GST.

Going beyond states and in keeping with the gross disproportion, the Urban Development Ministry allocated Rs 20,000 crores in 2016 for the development of Delhi alone. That, is more than the cumulative allocations for Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai and Kochi. This, when the cities of the South are the top job creators for India with massive immigration for both the formal and informal sectors, levying a heavy strain on infrastructure and urban development.

In putting India ahead of narrow regional interests and generating extraordinary tax revenues to fund Delhi, UP, Bihar, MP and the overpopulated, under-educated, under-delivering, and over-pandered Hindi belt, the south carries a heavy cross year after year. For this achievement, the south gets a fiscal allocation downside, as vote-bank electioneering of the north overrides federalist policies.

Moral? The lower the per capita income and higher the population, the greater the reward. In other words, a Dakshin Bharat Cess.

Below is the Fourteenth Finance Commission's own admission of percent of states' GDP transferred by centre, with a 2-5x tilt towards UP or Bihar or MP.


Adding salt to the economic injury, the South gets a step-motherly treatment culturally as well. Funds for the preservation and nurturing of its unique identity and autonomy are negligible to non-existent. The propagation of Hindi, for example, just one of the official languages of India, gets thirty times the amount allocated for all other languages combined!

What is taken from the South and what is returned for its development reeks of bias. What then is the solution when democratically rendered justifications, pleas, complaints, negotiations and bargains have failed to strike a chord for decades?

Secession? No. The Indian nation is sacrosanct and India only wins when all Indians have a decent life, education, health care, jobs and social dignity. All means all. Women. Dalits. Muslims. South and North. East and West. We must allocate resources equitably for the development and progress of one and all including and especially the weakest of us. We must march ahead, but hand in hand with the most ravaged, forsaken members of our society. As a fraternity.

That said, the asymmetry thus far is unreasonable and disproportionate, not only in rewarding incompetent governance and delivery failures, but doing so with an accompanying dose of prejudice, vested interests and parochial politics. To make matters worse, the “All roads lead to Delhi” model of uber-centralisation with blatant infringement into state subjects like education, and meddling with state functions like their administrative bureaucracy or land acquisition, makes it apparent that the centre abuses its powers, roles and resources. Such an overbearing presence not only hampers governance in states, it actually applies the brakes on progress.

The argument is thus in favour of strong regional governments, as the data overwhelmingly indicates that successive central governments have failed as trustees of the covenant of federalism. The centre must focus on national security, foreign affairs, genuine integration of states, especially Kashmir and the North-East, the provision and enabling of a common currency and market, some common laws and inter-state infrastructure. Leave governance and resources to the states.

To force this, no one southern state can ever have a voice that outshouts the collective Hindi chorus. To be passive though, is to acquiesce to centralism and imperialism over federalism and states' rights. That leads right to the doorstep of aggregation as a democratic instrument to combat majoritarianism.

What is needed is a formation, a collective, a union, whose consolidated voice speaks loud and clear for the South Indian states and forces a course correction. A union that stays whole regardless of the changes in political dispensation in individual states, whose goals and objectives remain long term and strategic regardless of short-term and local vagaries, whose mission is the development and progress of the economy, society and culture of South India, and in whom are vested southern interests, as a part and parcel of India.

The amplified bargaining power of the collective within the whole is the stake that the South must wager. The South must embark on a mimicking of a majority or at least a minority with decisive swing vote. Maharashtra would be wise to join in this endeavour, with nothing but an upside for its people, but a central affiliation of its government would foreclose this path.

This proposition might seem radical or far-fetched at first glance, but it is no novel concept. Indeed, it is not a constructed but a natural concept of southern regional identity, with a common language family and social linkages that span centuries, and widely-accepted notions of cultural oneness.

The EU or African Union have arrangements for trade, borders and markets but within India, southern combine must forge better economic and social protocols with the governments of the centre that overtly and unfairly favour their vested interests in populous states.

The reality today favours such a shift. The South has compelling economic and political clout to leverage, including a large number of Lok Sabha seats that will force the centre to dialogue. Where any one southern state has barely 30 Members of Parliament, the combine will muster a compelling 129 against 208 in the Hindi belt. Political diplomacy has enshrined a good degree of parliamentary representation for the south through constitutional amendment, and despite falling fertility rates, there is no reason the schedule for delimitation will not be postponed again.

The Southern collective must happen and extract its pound of flesh. Yes, it will take a mammoth effort of statesmanship, a steely resolve to the south Indian cause, and above all the pragmatism of politics from all five states to conceive and devise such a beast, but it is not beyond the pale. Unless there is an attempt to force the pendulum all the way to the other pole, it will not alight anywhere close to a balanced centre. After all, the redoubtable leaders have already given the nod.

“I feel more and more that we must function more from below than from the top... too much of centralization means decay at the roots and ultimately a withering of branches, leaves and flowers.” Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

“We want to promote co-operative federalism in the country. At the same time, we want a competitive element among the states. I call this new form of federalism Co-operative and Competitive Federalism.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Sanghis have already Branded Kerala as South Pakistan.............
United States of South India: Can a southern collective get us a better deal from Delhi?
The politics of the South has made it economically comparable to Hong Kong, while the atavistic politics of the North has dropped it far down the scales.
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Isn’t it time the South received it's due?

After all, 20% of the population contributes a full 30% of India's tax revenues. This is the money that runs the country.

The South also delivers a fourth of India's GDP. It is not only an economic bellwether with low unemployment, a high rate of industrialisation and a per capita GDP that is over double that of the Hindi belt, it is also leaps ahead on human development and social indicators.

Child development indices are double to 7 times higher than the Hindi states, literacy rates tend towards an average of 80% with a 10-point difference against the North, and accessibility to health and hygiene facilities is radically better.

The gulf in human development is so stark that while fertility rates in the South are closer to that of Western Europe, much of the North is still getting their act together on basic issues like birthing babies without losing mothers.

The bottom line is that the development politics of the South has made it economically comparable to Hong Kong, while the atavistic politics of the North has dropped it far down the scales in the last six decades.

Like a Shakespearean drama though, the heroes with higher state GDP per capita, that is, Net State GDP per person, receive a lower devolution from centre to state, of state revenues. The South is effectively slammed for having scaled up its per capita incomes to the top 10 in India and scaled down poverty to half that of the rest of India

A measly fifth of the population sponsors India's tax revenues to the tune of a third of the total, and in return, the five Deccan states get a paltry 18% of funds allocated back from the centre.


Source: Business Standard

The state allocations speak to the quantum of skew. While Tamil Nadu gets about 40 paise for every rupee it generates for the centre, Uttar Pradesh fattens itself on Rs 1.8 per rupee it generates. It should be remembered that Uttar Pradesh had a distinct economic and social advantage over the southern states coming out of British rule, which it has simply squandered away through mis-governance and profligacy. The South, in turn, for prioritising education, health, economy and social reform, as governments should, receives the proverbial slap.


Little wonder then that Chief Ministers across the southern states, regardless of political dispensation have cried foul for years now. The Andhra CM took the most fun route and urged locals to resort to rapid reproduction to compensate. The Telengana CM played victim and pleaded for special allocations while the Tamil Nadu CM has resorted to aggressive posturing on the GST.

Going beyond states and in keeping with the gross disproportion, the Urban Development Ministry allocated Rs 20,000 crores in 2016 for the development of Delhi alone. That, is more than the cumulative allocations for Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai and Kochi. This, when the cities of the South are the top job creators for India with massive immigration for both the formal and informal sectors, levying a heavy strain on infrastructure and urban development.

In putting India ahead of narrow regional interests and generating extraordinary tax revenues to fund Delhi, UP, Bihar, MP and the overpopulated, under-educated, under-delivering, and over-pandered Hindi belt, the south carries a heavy cross year after year. For this achievement, the south gets a fiscal allocation downside, as vote-bank electioneering of the north overrides federalist policies.

Moral? The lower the per capita income and higher the population, the greater the reward. In other words, a Dakshin Bharat Cess.

Below is the Fourteenth Finance Commission's own admission of percent of states' GDP transferred by centre, with a 2-5x tilt towards UP or Bihar or MP.


Adding salt to the economic injury, the South gets a step-motherly treatment culturally as well. Funds for the preservation and nurturing of its unique identity and autonomy are negligible to non-existent. The propagation of Hindi, for example, just one of the official languages of India, gets thirty times the amount allocated for all other languages combined!

What is taken from the South and what is returned for its development reeks of bias. What then is the solution when democratically rendered justifications, pleas, complaints, negotiations and bargains have failed to strike a chord for decades?

Secession? No. The Indian nation is sacrosanct and India only wins when all Indians have a decent life, education, health care, jobs and social dignity. All means all. Women. Dalits. Muslims. South and North. East and West. We must allocate resources equitably for the development and progress of one and all including and especially the weakest of us. We must march ahead, but hand in hand with the most ravaged, forsaken members of our society. As a fraternity.

That said, the asymmetry thus far is unreasonable and disproportionate, not only in rewarding incompetent governance and delivery failures, but doing so with an accompanying dose of prejudice, vested interests and parochial politics. To make matters worse, the “All roads lead to Delhi” model of uber-centralisation with blatant infringement into state subjects like education, and meddling with state functions like their administrative bureaucracy or land acquisition, makes it apparent that the centre abuses its powers, roles and resources. Such an overbearing presence not only hampers governance in states, it actually applies the brakes on progress.

The argument is thus in favour of strong regional governments, as the data overwhelmingly indicates that successive central governments have failed as trustees of the covenant of federalism. The centre must focus on national security, foreign affairs, genuine integration of states, especially Kashmir and the North-East, the provision and enabling of a common currency and market, some common laws and inter-state infrastructure. Leave governance and resources to the states.

To force this, no one southern state can ever have a voice that outshouts the collective Hindi chorus. To be passive though, is to acquiesce to centralism and imperialism over federalism and states' rights. That leads right to the doorstep of aggregation as a democratic instrument to combat majoritarianism.

What is needed is a formation, a collective, a union, whose consolidated voice speaks loud and clear for the South Indian states and forces a course correction. A union that stays whole regardless of the changes in political dispensation in individual states, whose goals and objectives remain long term and strategic regardless of short-term and local vagaries, whose mission is the development and progress of the economy, society and culture of South India, and in whom are vested southern interests, as a part and parcel of India.

The amplified bargaining power of the collective within the whole is the stake that the South must wager. The South must embark on a mimicking of a majority or at least a minority with decisive swing vote. Maharashtra would be wise to join in this endeavour, with nothing but an upside for its people, but a central affiliation of its government would foreclose this path.

This proposition might seem radical or far-fetched at first glance, but it is no novel concept. Indeed, it is not a constructed but a natural concept of southern regional identity, with a common language family and social linkages that span centuries, and widely-accepted notions of cultural oneness.

The EU or African Union have arrangements for trade, borders and markets but within India, southern combine must forge better economic and social protocols with the governments of the centre that overtly and unfairly favour their vested interests in populous states.

The reality today favours such a shift. The South has compelling economic and political clout to leverage, including a large number of Lok Sabha seats that will force the centre to dialogue. Where any one southern state has barely 30 Members of Parliament, the combine will muster a compelling 129 against 208 in the Hindi belt. Political diplomacy has enshrined a good degree of parliamentary representation for the south through constitutional amendment, and despite falling fertility rates, there is no reason the schedule for delimitation will not be postponed again.

The Southern collective must happen and extract its pound of flesh. Yes, it will take a mammoth effort of statesmanship, a steely resolve to the south Indian cause, and above all the pragmatism of politics from all five states to conceive and devise such a beast, but it is not beyond the pale. Unless there is an attempt to force the pendulum all the way to the other pole, it will not alight anywhere close to a balanced centre. After all, the redoubtable leaders have already given the nod.

“I feel more and more that we must function more from below than from the top... too much of centralization means decay at the roots and ultimately a withering of branches, leaves and flowers.” Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

“We want to promote co-operative federalism in the country. At the same time, we want a competitive element among the states. I call this new form of federalism Co-operative and Competitive Federalism.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Southern collective?
Do you even realize how stupid you sound when Karnataka had a BJP govt?
Do you even know BJP is in alliance with TDP in AP?
Do you know how religious TG CM KCR really is?
Do you even realize a Bramhin Hindu ruled TN for over 2 decades?

I am from south. Are you from south? If so, let's have a sample debate in south language to prove our real identities and our ideology.
Except Kerala, you try funny stuff against India anywhere else in South, you won't make it alive. In kerala as well we Hindus will change and ensure they fall in line ;)
PMO reverses decision after massive criticism.


A day after controversy broke out over the Prime Minister’s Office excluding Metro Man E Sreedharan from the inauguration of the Kochi Metro, the decision has been reversed.

On Wednesday, it was widely reported that Sreedharan, who had overseen the entire Metro project as the Principal Advisor of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, had been excluded from the list vetted by the PMO of dignitaries for the inaugural ceremony.

The Kerala state government had also written to the PMO to include the names of Sreedharan, Chennithala and MLA PT Thomas in the inauguration.

With the move inviting severe criticism, the PMO has decided that both Sreedharan and Opposition Leader Ramesh Chennithala will be present on the dais.

This was first confirmed by BJP state President Kummanam Rajasekharan, who told the media that the PMO had reversed its decision, and was later confirmed by the Chief Minister’s Office.

However, the PMO has not given permission for MLA PT Thomas to be on the dais.

In its vetted list, which became available on Wednesday, the PMO had only approved six persons to be present on the stage with Prime Minister Narendra Modi – CM Pinarayi Vijayan, Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu, Governor P Sathasivam, MP KV Thomas, Minister Thomas Chandy and Mayor Soumini Jain.

Of these persons, only the PM, CM Pinarayi and Minister Naidu were authorised to address the gathering.

Even KMRCL MD Elias George, who is to deliver the welcome address, has not been given a place on the dais.

According to the letter sent by Chief Secretary Nalini Netto to the PMO, the list that had been forwarded by the state govt had recommended that 17 people be seated on the dais for the inaugural, with 10 of them addressing the gathering. MP KV Thomas, MLA PT Thomas and Elias George were supposed to speak according to the plan.

Mayor Soumini Jain, Chief Secretary Nalini Netto, MLA PT Thomas, Ministers Thomas Chandy, E Chandrasekhan, Mathew T Thomas, Ramachandran Kadannapally, Secretary of Urban Development Ministry Rajeev Guha were to be the other dignitaries seated on the dais.

Besides widespread outrage, the PMO's controversial decision to exclude Sreedharan in particular had also invited reams of caustic internet humour, with Keralites responding with a series of memes on the issue.

Also read: E Sreedharan excluded to tie some cows on dais? Memes, tweets question PMO’s decision

Metro Project
E Sreedharan excluded to tie some cows on dais? Memes, tweets question PMO’s decision
Exclusion of ‘Metro Man’ E Sreedharan from the dais has created a big furore.
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Meme by Jayan nair on Troll Malayalam

As Kerala gears up for its first ever Metro with PM Modi set to inaugurate the Kochi Metro on June 17, there is palpable excitement. But what seems to be dominating the conversation is the exclusion of ‘Metro man’ E Sreedharan from the dais of the inaugural event.

The PMO (Prime Minister’s Office) has excluded E Sreedharan from the list of people who will be sitting on the dais, according to Kochi Metro and Kerala government.

Understandably, this has ruffled many feathers and social media has latched on it with several memes ridiculing the decision.

This meme depicts a scene from the movie Perunthachan. The top portion shows the Metro inauguration venue while Thilakkan below is referred to as E Sreedharan.


Credits : Shahul Ameen ©ICU

In the meme below, Mohanlal represents the state government and says 'We excluded Oommen Chandy'. Jagathy Sreekumar (below) is the central government and says, 'We excluded E Sreedharan'.


Meme by Manu Kalliyoor on Troll Malayalam.

This meme has actor Sreenivasan wondering if Sreedharan was excluded to tie some cows on the dais.


Meme by Jayan nair on Troll Malayalam.

#PMInsultsMetroMan hashtag was trending on Twitter, with a few agitated Twitterati even asking the Kerala government to boycott the programme.

The man who build India's 1st Metro &Konkan Railway (once thought impossible to construct) deserve more respect from PMO #PMOInsultsMetroMan pic.twitter.com/97yKIPUoKx

Reacting to the development, MLA PT Thomas said, "This shows the arrogance of the BJP. When the foundation stone for Kochi Metro was laid by then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, none was left out from the dais. This is Kerala's dream project and key people behind this are now asked to sit in the audience. This is totally unfair."

Elias George, the Managing Director of Kochi Metro Rail Corp, told the media that the list of invitees to the dais was prepared and sent to the Prime Minister's Office.

"The final list is made by the PMO. We have no role in this."

Sharing a photograph of his meeting with Sreedharan on Wednesday, Kerala's Devaswom Minister Kadakampally Surendran said that the news of the PMO excluding Shreedharan's name from the list of dignitaries invited on stage was disheartening.

"I earnestly request the PMO to rectify this mistake. If we don't honour Shreedharan- the man behind the Metro- who else will we honour?" the Minister wrote in a Facebook post.

The state government has written to the PMO to include the names of DMRCL principal advisor Dr. E Sreedharan as well as Opposition leader Ramesh Chennithala and MLA PT Thomas who have also been excluded.

Some leaders and journalists have also reacted to the development condemning the PMO's decision.
Aam Aadmi Party Gets 27-Lakh Rent Notice From Its Own Government

Delhi's ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has been asked to pay Rs. 27 lakh rent by its own government for "illegally occupying" the building it uses as its party office.

The Public Works Department (PWD) of the Delhi government has sent notice to AAP asking it to pay Rs. 27,73,802. Sources say it is 65 times the license fee and will keep increasing until the party vacates the office in Rouse Avenue in north Delhi.


:o: :rofl:
. .
Aam Aadmi Party Gets 27-Lakh Rent Notice From Its Own Government

Delhi's ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has been asked to pay Rs. 27 lakh rent by its own government for "illegally occupying" the building it uses as its party office.

The Public Works Department (PWD) of the Delhi government has sent notice to AAP asking it to pay Rs. 27,73,802. Sources say it is 65 times the license fee and will keep increasing until the party vacates the office in Rouse Avenue in north Delhi.


:o: :rofl:

. .
Dude, I have posted videos.
I ain't talking out of my backside like you lot.

So, please let me know how Hindus must react to a Muslim man kicking at our idols in temple OR
how we Hindus should react to Christians coming inside temple and preaching about Christ?

Like I said, as long as it's Hindus that are getting screwed, you Chrislamists are comfortably fine. We have seen your utter silence when the genocide of Kashmir Hindus was going on and how your silence at 2 Hindu dalit girls were raped by a gang of Muslim men in UP.
Since it's Hindus at receiving end, all halal, right?

Save your breath, mate. The guy you are quoting, if my memory serves me right, is an Isl*mist - not a Chri*tian. A rabid one, at that.

These guys, the so-called Commies in Kerala (and in WB too), are neither Communists, nor secular. They are just hanging on to power by simply putting Hindus down - for which they will get enough votes from both Christians and Muslims. Unfortunately, they also get enough ignorant Hindus there who can't see through this. In Kerala, you are a Communist as long as you can keep Hinduism out at bay - the Islam and Christianity are all halal.

Where else in the world, do you see Communists, who by definition are supposed to be ANTI-theists, sucking up to people of any religion?!

^^Reminds me of NRI Bhakts who posts in this forum. What we can see is that they are leaving Taqiyya of disguising as the "rightful", "peaceful", "tolerant" and are directly reflecting their agenda - Destroy Christians, Muslims in India. May be a world domination ambition also will be hatching in the Sanghi chaddi's. Remember what your holy Cow guru Golwalkar said: Remember Hindus - Your enemies are not British, Rather you should fight to cull the Christians, Muslims and Communists. Truly, these gawar Gau putras who've been brought up in bigotry reflects it.
@Infinity @The_Showstopper : The common Christians (especially) and Muslims don't know how these Hindutva terrorists are awaiting to destroy us. They fail to register that these radical Hindus are marauders and conspirators. Time to take some of these Chaddi posts screenshoted and make it available online for every Indians to see. The true face of this disease RSS - can be seen in PDF. We should be worried on our own safety in India in coming years if these terrorist RSS monkies are gaining more momentum. Remember they elected the mass murderers and those who preach to rape cadaver of Muslim women into power. It is now clear that the illiterate, primitive, medieval Cow India (North-Central-West) failed India as a nation. Firstly, they use Muslims as a tools to organize their fanaticism and to accomplish their dream of Brahmin rule. Muslims should organize against the Hindutva. They are in an excited mode. The copycat Nazi swines of India. This country is ruled by fanatics.
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Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, also known in Sanghi circles as Shri Guruji, was the second Sarsanghchalak of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Golwalkar wrote Bunch of Thoughts and We, or Our Nationhood Defined. Ideologue of RSS:



^^ The inventor of Holy Cow campaign to infuriate Hindus to be organized under Sanghparivar.

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