How does smuggling gold impact our currency strength and how does it give leverage to Citi or GS to manipulate us?
It impacts our currency reserve since gold is purchased in USD. It also weakens the Rupee and results in corresponding inflation. The strength of the impact is relative to the gold smuggled, Thankfully its been small so far.
First of all no one can ban import of chemicals or semiconductors to India. India is far far away from being the next North Korea and even North Korea manages to develop the utilities it needs even in the self imposed isolation it suffers. Next, we were talking about our currency reserves and strength and these imports form just 6-7% of our overall imports.
We test another Nuke and we are back in the ban list. NK is dying.
Most of our electronics and Chemical import is from China. So that is leverage to china and a weakness to India. When they squeeze, we dance.
Sorry, your understanding of great civilizations looks like a replica of communism. There is homelessness in all countries of the world. The perfection you seem to dream off has never been achieved.
Civilization is all about protecting the weak. That means more than women and children. The stronger the civilization grows, the larger it mandate becomes. India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, so our mandate is deeper than communism.
That is not true. Lot of people beg because they had no dignity in the first place which is why they made those poor choices which led them down that path. A teenager getting into drugs or alcoholism is not doing so because of lack of hope or depression. He may do it to fit in with his peer group or for style or recklessness. Likewise many many people do the same.
"Dignity" is the innate sense of "Value" (worth) and expectation that one is paid that value.
When your environment do not install that value/self worth in you then 'dignity' is meaningless to them. When society does not value you or your worth, then life without dignity is the only choice people have.
Drug is escapism, poverty is reality. Both are worlds apart.
Given the same choices or illusion of choices, different people end up with different result. So your statement is true only to a limited extent.
Depends on their own self worth, their faith in the world around them (courage), Hope (past experience) etc. All of which comes from accident of birth.
You cannot give hope by imprisoning people. That is insane. All training has some value, depends on the will of the utilizer. That is something no one can induce.
Not true. For those without hope, even prison represents some hope. Stability, shelter, daily meal. That is why many convicts wish to go back to prison even when released. They find security in Prison, rather than outside it.
First of all handle your contradictions. First you say you cannot arrest people for sleeping on the street if you cannot provide housing. Then you say imprison them and let them out only if they guarantee to not beg. Both the conditions can never been fulfilled ever in any society for all.
Life is full of contradictions, there is not escaping that. Nor is it possible to handle all of it.
Those sleeping on the streets are not necessarily beggars. Most are daily wage workers, street vendors etc.
PS: Better take this debate elsewhere, its not relevant to the thread.