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Indian Muslims, Indian Christians, Indian Jews are all Indians . Even if you deny it wont change the fact .


Exactly... Who are native Indians then who you are talking about..?

You are having very strange logic and you will go to any depth to deny the rights of others which you are again and again doing. Wealth distribution has been always an issue with the SC/ST and minorities who are below poverty line and this illegal mining is even rampant in those lands which belongs to the SC/ST people and these people are being looted and are not getting their proper share .

First of all I dont understand this concept of "others". My Indian Constitution does not differentiate between Indians and guarantees our fundamental rights on the principle of equality before law and equal protection of law.

I can understand your agony when you read that there is a country which treats all its citizen as equals and does not discriminate them on the basis of religion/caste/class. But thats your problem and I certainly dont give two hoots about your personal issues.

In all the holy books its there to not oppress and not do injustice and give the rightful owner their share.

The message in this book is the same message which has been revealed to all the nations on different times according to Quran. 42-13 .

I only subscribe to Constitution of India which certainly asks me to treat all with respect. Other Holy books according to me can not and must not guide my behavior in 21st century. You would also understand this but pity you do not have the good fortune to live in a free society. :D
Big Massive rallies to be held in Hyderabad on Tuesday for Hanuman Jayanthi celebrations.Few years ago it was a hush hush affair people would go to temples but since MIM held a msaaive rally for Prophet birthday the hindus began countering them with even larger rallies.Now its kind of Ganesha,durga devi kind of celebration.Hyderabad is getting saffron day by day even kids in every lane have their own mini rallies. :D.

Bjp Candidate Raja Singh is fighting in Goshamahal constituency which is MIM stronghold and MIM is scared of putting up a candidate against him.That guy got guts and massive following , he can win from there.

Hehehe... Thsi Raja SIngh is pakka Bhaiyya. Owaisis have no idea how to stop him or, face him. I like when they squeak like a mouse everytime Raja Singh holds a rally.
Sonia Gandhi dictatorship at its worst- even at the particular request of ex- PM Narasimha Rao's family to perform his funeral in Delhi, she made sure that his body was taken to Hyderabad. She did not want that there should be any memorial in Delhi for ex-PM.

~Accidental Prime Minister :sick:

Do you know why??

B'coz He din't said - Heil Family!!! once in his entire life.
Modi attacking AIADMK in TN. A clever ploy to deny any space to Congress or something else..?
Kejirival: Rajinikanth is Ambani's agent.
Rajinikanth: Enna Rascala, Ambani is my agent.
PMO to seek Modi's views on disclosing Gujarat govt's letters with Vajpayee after 2002 riots

NEW DELHI: The Prime Minister's Office will take the nod of Gujarat government and chief minister Narendra Modi for releasing the correspondence exchanged with the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee after the post-Godhra riots in 2002.

The information was earlier denied by the Central Public Information Officer of the PMO SE Rizwi citing section 8(1)(h) of the RTI Act, without giving any reasons, which exempts information that would impede the process of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders.

The decision was overturned during the appeal before his senior Krishan Kumar, director PMO, where the applicant had objected to the response of the CPIO saying he failed to give germane reasons behind denial of information.

The applicant had also underlined that the correspondence was 11 years old and was not likely to have an impact on the investigation, apprehension and prosecution of offenders.

Upholding the reasons given by the applicant, the appellate authority directed the CPIO to provide additional details with regards to the case.

"As regards contention that the grounds for exemption claimed under section 8(1) (h) are not tenable, CPIO PMO is directed to obtain fresh inputs in this regard and provide the same to the applicant within 15 working days," Krishan Kumar, director and Appellate authority had decided.

In the latest response to six-and-a-half month old RTI application, Rizvi said after the appeal decision that the matter was referred to the office for fresh inputs.

"It is informed that third party (Gujarat government and Modi in the present case) consultation under Section 11(1) of the RTI Act is underway on a similar request and response regarding disclosure of information in this regard will be provided to you after due process as envisaged in section 11 of the Act is completed," he said.

According to the section 11 of the RTI Act, a notice seeking views of the third party have to be taken with in five days of filing request but CPIO did not issue any such letter within the period.

The matter of third party consultation was raised citing an existing process which has been on seeking the views.

"The Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, shall, within five days from the receipt of the request, give a written notice to such third party of the request...," the Act says.

The RTI applicant had sought copy of all communications exchanged between the PMO and the Gujarat government between February 27, 2002 and April 30, 2002 on the law and order situation in the state.

The applicant had also sought copy of the communication exchanged between Vajpayee and Modi during that period which saw tense atmosphere in the state.

While refusing disclosure of information, the country's top office did not give any reasons as to how disclosure of information would attract section 8(1)(h) even though Delhi high court has made it clear that cogent reasons be given while denying information under the clause.

"It is apparent that the mere existence of an investigation process cannot be a ground for refusal of the information; the authority withholding information must show satisfactory reasons as to why the release of such information would hamper the investigation process.

"Such reasons should be germane, and the opinion of the process being hampered should be reasonable and based on some material. Sans this consideration, Section 8(1)(h) and other such provisions would become the haven for dodging demands for information," Justice Ravindra Bhat had held.

PMO to seek Modi's views on disclosing Gujarat govt's letters with Vajpayee after 2002 riots - The Times of India

Why now all of a sudden? Can't they wait until after elections? Afteral model code of conduct is in place & anything that may have electoral implications would fall under the code of conduct.

Btw I can see what Congress is trying to do here. By asking for Modi's nod they are trying to stir up controversy. If for any reason Modi decides against it, that's it.. all hell will break lose.
Modi attacking AIADMK in TN. A clever ploy to deny any space to Congress or something else..?

Its great to see Modi attacking Naveen, Mamata, Jaya etc without bothering about post poll alliances.
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