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Indian PM urged to take up Pakistan's Shia atrocities at UN.

Look it works both ways. Its none of our business. But having said that, if someone pokes something, expect a poke back.

Exactly, but when one side says "it's none of your business" then the other side has the same right to say such things back.
Test Pakistan's patience and you'll have it. We don't empathise with Sikhs, but we will use that leverage if we have to.If we can get recognition for the Taliban govt, we can get any. Chinese will love to pay back for your tibet fiasco.

Aah yes. Leverage. The same Pakistani story of leverage. Your leverage in Kashmir is there for everybody to see. Why do you think each and every Pak leader today talks peace with India. The commando who commandeered the kargil operation, when in power started talking peace with India? Know why, cause reality gives you a smack in the face.

And if anybody really thinks that by providing support to Kashmir and Khalistan will not get a retaliation in kind is living in a dream world. This is not the 80s and early 90s, when the Indian economy was in the doldrums.

The Chinese are way smarter than the Pakistanis. They are realists, not sentimental believers in the concept of worldly brotherhoods.
Test Pakistan's patience and you'll have it. We don't empathise with Sikhs, but we will use that leverage if we have to.If we can get recognition for the Taliban govt, we can get any. Chinese will love to pay back for your tibet fiasco.

You clearly have no idea of Pakistans standing in the global world.
Even if Pakistan puts its entire weight into it, it would still be unable to get any country to get to do this...and this includes china.

Actually the biggest disservice India can do for Pakistani Shias is to take up their cause. That will automatically alienate those shias within the Pakistani community.. Will be almost like painting a target on their backs.

Actually, if India does take up this issue in the UN, then I would actually be suspicious of Indian intentions as this would actually increase the sectarian rift in Pakistan (though it may give Congress some voter advantage in the coming elections)
All the more reason to give statements supporting them.
Well they are being butchered in droves @ home, why wouldn't they? Please enlighten us with your learned take on the matter. Make it pros and cons of dying at the hands of state created menace, the state being indifferent, powerless and shameless to protect it's citizens / to / accepting moral support from anyone who is willing to lend a hand, even an enemy in this case.

You guys are such hypocrite: "No no, no Shias are dying, ALL the ones who are dying are Pakistanis" Someone please come up with statistics about how many "Wahabi Pakistanis" are dying vis a vis every other "Minority Pakistanis"? Of-course you wouldn't, as there are NO "Wahabi Pakistani" casualties. Btw, don't include Army casualties, they are there doing their job, something that wouldn't be necessary if they hadn't messed up in the first place.

you are painting a very bleak picture...when Shia face no more terrorism than sunni...

Hazara of Balochistan killed for scaring them away from tgeir lands by land mafia and by BLA terrorist supported by many "elected" members of assembly..The whole country votes for thugs except KPK..and baloch vote for mass murderers...can't be federal governments fault...we all saw how their chief minister made fun of Hazara Shia and how he damn cared while sat abroad....and the prime minister had to go all the way to settle the matter..
In gilgit its more of a tribal feud and they have Shia sunni clashes regularly ...again less to do with religion ..more with tribal mentality and not a fault of federal government..
In punjab the matter got worse since the rise of sipah e sahaba...and later lashkar e jhangvi..
we had both of these factions in our area along with a large Shia population...but they had verbal and idioloc fights than actual....Whenever there was an actual fight...reasons were far beyond religion alone..
We had times when we crouched behind sand bags with Kalashnikovs in our hands on the roof of our mosque..because shia were attacking our mosque regularly...and we had to fire teacers when ever we saw a group of men coming from shia colony at night..
but reason was religion and an enmity between the shia themselves..
the land on which our mosque was built was donated by a Shia of their family and the weren't happy about it and wanted their ancestral land back...
That's why i am a huge supporter of Imran khan..he is the only one who understood terrorism probmem in Pakistan and unlike the rest who proposed a blanket solution..he classified terrorism in different catagories and proposed different solution for different areas......same is shia sunni problem...solution is different for different areas.....
and foreign intervention isnt gona help at all.
Test Pakistan's patience and you'll have it. We don't empathise with Sikhs, but we will use that leverage if we have to.If we can get recognition for the Taliban govt, we can get any. Chinese will love to pay back for your tibet fiasco.

Yeah, we see example of your leverage is Bangladesh. I think next example could be Baluchistan.
Mate, another gem for all: Gunmen kill nine foreign tourists and their guide in northern Pakistan - DAWN.COM

We shall dissect this "sunni" group later today... got to take a nap, have been working for 28 hours now....

you are painting a very bleak picture...when Shia face no more terrorism than sunni...

Hazara of Balochistan killed for scaring them away from tgeir lands by land mafia and by BLA terrorist supported by many "elected" members of assembly..The whole country votes for thugs except KPK..and baloch vote for mass murderers...can't be federal governments fault...we all saw how their chief minister made fun of Hazara Shia and how he damn cared while sat abroad....and the prime minister had to go all the way to settle the matter..
In gilgit its more of a tribal feud and they have Shia sunni clashes regularly ...again less to do with religion ..more with tribal mentality and not a fault of federal government..
In punjab the matter got worse since the rise of sipah e sahaba...and later lashkar e jhangvi..
we had both of these factions in our area along with a large Shia population...but they had verbal and idioloc fights than actual....Whenever there was an actual fight...reasons were far beyond religion alone..
We had times when we crouched behind sand bags with Kalashnikovs in our hands on the roof of our mosque..because shia were attacking our mosque regularly...and we had to fire teacers when ever we saw a group of men coming from shia colony at night..
but reason was religion and an enmity between the shia themselves..
the land on which our mosque was built was donated by a Shia of their family and the weren't happy about it and wanted their ancestral land back...
That's why i am a huge supporter of Imran khan..he is the only one who understood terrorism probmem in Pakistan and unlike the rest who proposed a blanket solution..he classified terrorism in different catagories and proposed different solution for different areas......same is shia sunni problem...solution is different for different areas.....
and foreign intervention isnt gona help at all.
This is called Pakistan obsession, if India really cared about humanity, they would raise voice against Myanmar for genocide of Rohigya people which is happening in its backward :rolleyes:

So let me get this straight the question of morality only rises when muslims are being killed??
So let me get this straight the question of morality only rises when muslims are being killed??

no Indian morality only rises against Pakistan..
for political gains rather than humanitarian reasons..
This is called Pakistan obsession, if India really cared about humanity, they would raise voice against Myanmar for genocide of Rohigya people which is happening in its backward :rolleyes:

1st, India does shelter rohingyas in India and we have taken a humanitarian approach instead of interfering in Burma's internal matter.

2nd, India has not taken up the issue of shias in pakistan, the suggestion is from a private citizen. I know you are reasonable enough to know the distinction.

So why overreact?

OTOH pakistan raised the issue of gujrat riots in UN, so maybe India would be justified in raising the Shia issue? Since Burma has not raised the Gujrat issue in UN, India also justified in not raising the rohingya issue?
you answer that question, will it be based on religion ?

nah but I've observed that how many people's heart bleed for the suffering of people half way around the globe than lets say in our own countries or neighborhood. only based on religion.

no Indian morality only rises against Pakistan..
for political gains rather than humanitarian reasons..

Well that's how India and Pakistan roll ... political point scoring above human values !!!
1st, India does shelter rohingyas in India and we have taken a humanitarian approach instead of interfering in Burma's internal matter.

2nd, India has not taken up the issue of shias in pakistan, the suggestion is from a private citizen. I know you are reasonable enough to know the distinction.

So why overreact?

OTOH pakistan raised the issue of gujrat riots in UN, so maybe India would be justified in raising the Shia issue? Since Burma has not raised the Gujrat issue in UN, India also justified in not raising the rohingya issue?

thanks for straight answer, that bold part says everything, it is not humanitarian purpose after all.

btw taking refugee is not everything, you need to raise voice because taking refugee can not solve the problem

nah but I've observed that how many people's heart bleed for the suffering of people half way around the globe than lets say in our own countries or neighborhood. only based on religion.

nothing to observe, set example by being right.
We only do is pointing others to blame while we are not doing right thing properly.
thanks for straight answer, that bold part says everything, it is not humanitarian purpose after all.

btw taking refugee is not everything, you need to raise voice because taking refugee can not solve the problem

Why should India raise any issues of other countries when we have our own huge issues to deal with? India should follow a policy of self interest because by doing that we will be doing humanity a favor by concentrating on issues faced by 1.2 billion largely poor people.

We interfered in palestine issue for decades and a fat note of thanks we received from the muslim world for it, OTOH it was Israel that came to our help when the need arose. Its not about religion, its about minding our own business.

For the record, I'm firmly against this suggestion by a private citizen of india urging indian state to raise the issue of pakitani shias, and I'm certain so is indian state.
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