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Indian PM confered with 'World Statesman Award'

It is rumored that Rahul Gandhi is being groomed for the PM's post in case the Congress wins the next Lok Sabha election, but I'm not sure if he wants the job. I think he's the type who wants to stay in the background and work for the party. I think it's a good idea.

Manmohan Singh, as a PM, gets 7/10 from me. All considered, apart from the fact that he doesn't come across all macho...best PM ever.

No wonder Gandhi was the father of the nation... now we are all "b.i.t-ches" of the Gandhi family.
Manmohan Singh: the most respected puppet on the planet.

I like him as a Person, any sensible Indian knows who the "real" Prime Minister is.

He is a decades greatest economist but just a puppet PM and the real PM is Sonia Gandhi and honestly she deserve it...
Dr. Manmohan Singh is one of the main reasons India is rising today.

A large bunch of other politicians are the reason India isn't the greatest power in the world ;)

If he should have more good politician with him he could have done lot more than what he has done now..
Manmohan Singh: the most respected puppet on the planet.

I like him as a Person, any sensible Indian knows who the "real" Prime Minister is.

dont bring politics here dude well i am proud to have prime minister like him
Why bring Mahatma Gandhi into this? It isn't his family that is represented by the "Gandhis".

He adopted Indira's husband Feroze to score some points, so technically it is his family (adopted).

Are you ashamed to accept India is nothing but a feifdom of a family.. In spite of sophisticated splurge of terms used to describe our Democracy.
MMS is a very great person, a great academician and a great Economist who served his country well and much better than most of us.

He deserves all the praise and awards he gets in fact I'd suggest we should give him Bharat Ratna for it was he who put India on the path of progress. Remember we were nearly bankrupt in 1991 and then came MMS and changed everything.

BUT and this is a big BUT,

Do these awards matter to the poor guy at the lowest rung of the prosperity ladder who cannot feed his children a meagre meal?

Answer: NO

Do these awards matter when the country has been shamed the world over because of the incompetence of a bunch of fools whom the PM did not reign in when he had the time? (read CWG mess).

Answer: NO. Accept it guys, the baby is dead. The damage has been done.

Do these awards matter when millions of tons of grain is ******* in the granaries and that too when we have millions starving every day?

Answer: NO.

Do these awards matter when you have a cabinet minister who has seriously and probably rightly so been accused of cheating the country of a mind boggling Rs. 60000 crores and yet the PM refuses to initiate an inquiry?

Answer: NO. PM might not be corrupt himself but he is shielding the corrupt nevertheless. That makes him equally liable to be blamed.

Do these awards matter when you have record level of food inflation and your agriculture minister is part-time bearing offices of both the agro ministry and the world governing body of a global sport?

Answer: NO.

Do these awards matter when we have a large part of our country infested with Maoist pests killing people and securitymen on a daily basis?

Answe: NO.

Do these awards matter when we have not been able to purchase a single bloody artillery gun for years now and everytime we try, something or the other happens?

Answer: NO.

Do these awards matter when we enter into a nuke deal with the US which quite effectively curbs our abilities of conducting a nuke test in the future because if we did so, the deal would go null and void?

Answer: NO. We cannot test a nuke now for if we did, the nuke deal would be over.

Do these awards matter when we have a women's bill passed by only one house of the parliament?

Answer: NO. Had the PM put in as much weight behind the women's bill as he did behind the nuke deal, the bill would have been passed.

Do these awards matter when we have an NREGA and a PDS largely riddled by corruption and bureaucracy?

Answer: NO.

So tell me my friends, what good is this PM?

MMS is an economist and that's where his credentials end.

This country needs much more than an economist. It needs a leader. One who can solve problems. One who can lead the people in times of hardship. One who doesn't protect corrupt minsters. One who doesn't let the poor starve of hunger and yet refuse to provide them with free food-grains.

I'll give you all an example:

A few days after the Satyam scam surfaced, MMS said, "The Satyam scam has shamed India's image in the whole world."

Now listen to this,

It is widely known and accepted that the recent financial crisis was started because of the sub-prime crisis which arose as a result of greed and callousness of US banks and such reputed 'Pundits' on the wall street. (for those who do not know, do some research and watch the documentary 'Capitalism - A Love Story' by Michael Moore).

This financial crisis lead to millions of people losing their jobs the world over with many millions sliding back to poverty in developing couintries such as China and India.


Did we ever hear Obama/Bush say, "The recent financial crisis has shamed the US!"?

Answer: No. Why? Simple, because no matter what happens, you do not make your country an object of ridicule for the world. No.Unacceptable.

I had immense respect for MMS once and still do so now. But the thing is he is not the PM we would like to have.

He is an academician. He is not a leader. He is never there when his people need him the most. What kind of a PM he is?
Indian PM confered with 'World Statesman Award'

Posted: Thu Sep 23 2010, 03:34 hrs
Updated: Thu Sep 23 2010, 03:36 hrs

A top US official today described Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as "a man of uncommon decency and grace" who has led the way in building the Indo-US partnership, as he presented the Indian leader 'The World Statesman Award.

"History will also mark with special significance Prime Minister Singh's personal contributions to the emerging partnership between the world's oldest and largest democracies, America and India," Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Bill Burns said at an awards dinners in New York where the Prime Minister was awarded in absentia by the Appeals of Conscience Foundation.

Burns said India's rise may be as consequential for international order and the future of the global economy as any other development in the new century, and would be in the interests of the United States.

"As President Obama prepares for an historic state visit to India later this autumn, the promise of our partnership, built on strong bipartisan foundations in both our countries, looms bright and unmistakable.

"More than anyone else, it is Prime Minister Singh who has led the way in building US-India partnership," he said, citing Singh's strong support to the historic Indo-US civil nuclear deal.

He said Singh's economic policies have helped India's rise within the new G-20 world, and helped produce a doubling of US-India bilateral trade in just a few years.

"And Prime Minister Singh's advocacy of cooperation in high technology and science led to the recent launch of India's first unmanned lunar probe, which carried a NASA payload and discovered the presence of water molecules on the moon," Burns said.

Prime Minister Singh is not attending the UN General Assembly session this year.

"There could truly be no better choice, and no better model of what integrity and statesmanship are all about on the world stage... A man of uncommon decency and grace, Prime Minister Singh has never lost sight of his responsibility to lead every Indian," the top US official said.

"A member of the Sikh religion, he is the first Prime Minister of India from a minority faith. He currently serves in a government that includes a Hindu President and a Muslim Vice-President. The youngest Minister in his Cabinet is a Catholic," Burns said.

He said Singh is a man of even temperament, and remarkable modesty and humility, and has demonstrated his clear vision and steely determination as a leader, bringing great benefit to India and to the rest of the world.

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"The results of the policies he has advocated are indisputable: during his tenure as Prime Minister, a vibrant democracy of over one billion citizens has grown its economy at an unprecedented 8-9 per cent annually, and lifted more than a hundred million people out of poverty," Burns said.

He also praised Singh's a courageous advocation of peace and reconciliation in the face of "long and tangled regional conflicts".

"His composure and steady hand have been crucial to sustaining communal harmony at home and to keeping alive the search for common ground with India's neighbours.

"He has not so much preached tolerance and respect for diversity as he has lived it, through the model he has set and the leadership he has shown," Burns said.

These types of awards always hit India hard, Look at Booker awards their receivers always supports Maoist and are anti development people.

Now manmohan singh will do anything even sell Kashmir or siachin for the so called peace with pakistan so that he can get noble peace prize.
Salutations to MMS.....a great statesman and a great human being of impeccable integrity .......no other leader in the world right now deserves the award more than this man......:cheers:
Salutations to MMS.....a great statesman and a great human being of impeccable integrity .......no other leader in the world right now deserves the award more than this man......:cheers:

Sorry buddy, MMS sure deserves the award but he is an economist, not a leader. Read my previous post and then answer me.:wave:
These types of awards always hit India hard, Look at Booker awards their receivers always supports Maoist and are anti development people.

Now manmohan singh will do anything even sell Kashmir or siachin for the so called peace with pakistan so that he can get noble peace prize.

dont worry bro....Kashmir and Siachin are to attached to the heart strings of billions of Indians for over 6 decades to be influenced by any single politician getting a single international award.....besides who in india pays much heed to the likes of despicable people like Arundhuti Roy with no loyalty towards India.....

Let us all celebrate the award for what it is "A deserved achievement for the celebrated statesman MMS is "......:cheers:
Sorry buddy, MMS sure deserves the award but he is an economist, not a leader. Read my previous post and then answer me.:wave:

I agree with everything in your post save one point....as premier it is his duty to project a credible image of India to the International community....I believe he fulfilled this role to perfection....as for the rest..... its the Job of the Home ministry and other senior cabinet members too ....in fact the entire UPA administration shares the blame for this state of affairs ......Manmohan's( or in general the Indian Pm's---was the same during the vajpayee era anyways) leadership duties as I see it ends with conduction of foreign policy and vital decisions of national interest ( he did his role well during the IO tsunami crisis....) .....the award was in recognition of his role as a statesman....
dont worry bro....Kashmir and Siachin are to attached to the heart strings of billions of Indians for over 6 decades to be influenced by any single politician getting a single international award.....besides who in india pays much heed to the likes of despicable people like Arundhuti Roy with no loyalty towards India.....

Let us all celebrate the award for what it is "A deserved achievement for the celebrated statesman MMS is "......:cheers:

Arundhati Roy is a "bleeding heart liberal", even if I disagree with her, I have to say this, with out people like Arundhati Roy India will be a "heartless" nation.
I agree with everything in your post save one point....as premier it is his duty to project a credible image of India to the International community....I believe he fulfilled this role to perfection....as for the rest..... its the Job of the Home ministry and other senior cabinet members too ....in fact the entire UPA administration shares the blame for this state of affairs ......Manmohan's( or in general the Indian Pm's---was the same during the vajpayee era anyways) leadership duties as I see it ends with conduction of foreign policy and vital decisions of national interest ( he did his role well during the IO tsunami crisis....) .....the award was in recognition of his role as a statesman....


A PM also has to be a watchdog. He is the head of the family. Final onus is his.

Tell me, does your dad or my dad run the family this way? Quite simply, NO! Why? because every matter of the family is a matter of the head of the family. PM cannot escape responsibility in the name of 'collective responsibility'

When Arhar dal reaches Rs. 100, PM is as much responsible as is the agro minister if not more.

When A raja embezzles 60000 crore, PM is as much responsible as is the A RAJA if not more.

When CWG games become a mess and the nation is shamed the world over, PM is as much responsible as is Kalmadi if not more.

i can go on...hope you get my point.:wave:

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