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Indian origin sweep the US National Geographic bee competition

^^^ LOL, that is for WOMEN. :lol:

Is this a women too? :lol:

He is earning his days wage from the Commie Comrades. Still better than what the rest of his country men are good at.:P

or may be he's just avoid getting arrested.

Many of them are so afraid of saying anything against the CCP. They never know who's going to come knocking at their door.

"You are under arrest"...or whatever they say in Mandarin.
Is this is a women too? :lol:

It's an extremely niche product, not widespread at all.

In India on the other hand, there are plenty of documentaries on Youtube that show the average Indian man using this cream on a DAILY basis. :lol: And being proud of it too!

Makes sense, considering this chart of indigenous colour distribution:


Though interestingly, African men do not use it on a daily basis, even though they are arguably lighter than the average Indian.
It's an extremely niche product, not widespread at all.

In India on the other hand, there are plenty of documentaries on Youtube that show the average Indian man using this cream on a DAILY basis. :lol: And being proud of it too!

Makes sense, considering this chart of indigenous colour distribution:


Though interestingly, African men do not use it on a daily basis, even though they are arguably lighter than the average Indian.

Yes !!!! many Indians do have darker skin...on account India being a very hot and the country being nearer to Equator...

How big a dumb@$$ are u???

And wtf has this topic to do with Indians winning some award in US???
Yes !!!! many Indians do have darker skin...on account India being a very hot and the country being nearer to Equator...

How big a dumb@$$ are u???

And wtf has this topic to do with Indians winning some award in US???

Some guy said that Indians were not ashamed of their ethnicity.

I thought it was strange, considering they like to call themselves "Aryans" (lol) and do everything to avoid their natural colour.
HONG KONG, China (CNN) -- "Flawlessly milky skin is to die for," says a beauty website for Asian women.

Get-white messages, like this one on the lighten-up page on asiaMs.net, are inescapable in this part of the world.

Pale Asian models peer from the pages of glossy magazines, pout on billboards, ride on white horses in cinema advertisements and jostle for counter space at the local department store.

They tout products such as Blanc Expert, White-Plus, WhiteLight, Future White Day, Blanc Purete, Fine Fairness, Active White, White Perfect and Snow UV.

Spurred on by modern marketing and a cultural history that cherishes fairness, hordes of women across Asia are slapping on whitening lotions, serums, correctors and essences to bleach their skins.

But at what price?

In what may be the biggest toxic cream outbreak ever, 1,262 people flocked to a hotline set up by Hong Kong's health department last week, after warnings that two whitener creams -- Rosedew and La Rose Blanche -- had mercury levels between 9,000 and 65,000 times the recommended dose.

Of the 435 callers who were tested for poisoning, one 31-year-old woman was admitted to Hong Kong's Tuen Mun Hospital over the weekend, while 13 others were referred to specialists for further check-ups.

Skin whitening has a long history in Asia, stemming back to ancient China and Japan, where the saying "one white covers up three ugliness" was passed through the generations.

A white complexion was seen as noble and aristocratic, especially in Southeast Asia, where the sun was always out. Only those rich enough could afford to stay indoors, while peasants baked in the rice fields.

In their early bid to lighten up, Chinese ground pearl from seashells into powder and swallowed it to whiten their skin, says Chinese University chemical pathology professor Christopher Lam Wai-kei, while across the Yellow Sea, Geisha girls powdered their faces chalk white.

This obsession with whiteness has not faded over time. A survey by Asia Market Intelligence this year revealed that three quarters of Malaysian men thought their partners would be more attractive with lighter complexions.

In Hong Kong two thirds of men prefer fairer skin, while half the local women wanted their men paler. Almost half of Asians aged 25 to 34 years used skin whiteners in a business that some analysts have said could be worth billions of dollars.

CNN.com - SKIN DEEP: Dying to be white - May 15, 2002

Niche product my azz, Chinis even kill themselves to look less s##t colored. Keep lying chinis, it comes naturally to you.
you know you gotta be amazed at the way chini brain work. They will smear toxic bleachs on their faces to look less **** colored and simultaneously pull off racist attack at Indians thinking that nobody will find out their dirty little secret. There seems to be truth in what Koreans say abouth these chinis.

Exactly!! And the japanese too ;)
Niche product my azz, Chinis even kill themselves to look less s##t colored. Keep lying chinis, it comes naturally to you.

Niche for men. Women of course do use it.

Though not on a daily basis like Indian men do. :lol:

Niche product my azz, Chinis even kill themselves to look less s##t colored. Keep lying chinis, it comes naturally to you.

Did you see the chart of human skin colour distribution I posted? :P
:lol: Anyways ignore the attention seeker.

In the recently concluded Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2012, Indians and Indian Americans did quite well. :agree:


I can see 5 Indian Names in that list. 5/17 not bad at all.
No only chinis spear toxic waste to their face, they will even go under scalpel to look, err, different. Well I don't really care, but since Chinis say that Indians are not happy with their natural color, let me show the mirror to them.

For now, many beauty salons, like one downtown Beijing branch of a major chain, are capitalizing on the lack of oversight. One recent afternoon, a 62-year-old woman in a white coat who described herself as an internist said she could summon a doctor who could give a visitor double eyelids in 20 minutes about $180, a fraction of the standard hospital fee.

“Immediately you will look different,” she said.

“Strictly speaking, this thing is not allowed,” she added. “But why do we have it? Because many people want to look good and find the price of the procedure too high and they can’t afford it.”

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