I am talking historical facts and you may be a Buddhist from Timbuktoo for all I care. I dont want to get involved in a religious discussion here with you as it is inappropriate but would just like to mention another historical fact. I am sure you would know about a Buddhist book known as Kala Tantra. This book does talk about a religious war for Buddhists - so much for your being peaceful and historical.
So it is you who should not spread false rhetorical things here thinking that people around here do not know about.
And incidently, if you are from Sikkim, you were routed and invaded by the Indians who occupied Sikkim in 1975. So remain there.
So it is you who should not spread false rhetorical things here thinking that people around here do not know about.
And incidently, if you are from Sikkim, you were routed and invaded by the Indians who occupied Sikkim in 1975. So remain there.