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Indian Navy takes charge of US ship Trenton

No doubt, we have junk aswell., i'm not saying we don't. But what real purpose will it serve is beyond me., US invading is a different story, etc since they did it mostly from land, but if India is planning to do it thorugh water on another nation for example wouldn't it just be a failure, US got on normandy but at a very high cost.

Thats why you guyies went and bought more T-90s? Come on I can pull more if you want.

Whats wrong with T-90's, the relation being......

Pakistan got Junk beyong your wildest dreams. Except for those sweet Agosta-90B's and some P-3C's.

Where did US invading come over here, Creating a Amphibious Force is a waste money then? Why not we chuck all of the Navy out.

Ever Heard of opening up a new front!!!!!! Thar, Jammu & kashmir and now Karachi, Maybe even through Tajikistan/Afghanistan(dreaming,i know its a no go)

I would suggest you discuss on how Pakistan an close this Amphibious assault on India's face by the counter measures. Lets discuss that.
Upgrading to identify threats (radar), defense systems on their, any specs about the Helis and what their capable off, any upgrading the frame (outer of the ship)?! How does this fit Indian navy doctrine,
Why dont you read ther article and see why India bought it. Goddamn its given on the first para itself.?!

  • Six UH-3H Sea King helicopters were acquired along with the ship.
  • Flight deck that is capable of handling all types of helicopters.
  • flight deck can be used for emergency landings by VSTOL aircraft (Sea Harrier)
  • It can accommodate four mechanised landing craft, which carry troops and vehicles from the ship to shore.
  • It can accommodate and support infrastructure for 900 troops

is it just for trans port or possibly invasion use, cause aganist Pakistan we can just blow this crap from the water?!

What do you think india is going to send this ship all alone to capture Pakistan.
No doubt, we have junk aswell., i'm not saying we don't. But what real purpose will it serve is beyond me., US invading is a different story, etc since they did it mostly from land, but if India is planning to do it thorugh water on another nation for example wouldn't it just be a failure

If you think this ship alone cant do any crap. Then have a look at the IN flottila. It has already 16 such ships in service, so with trenton it makes it 17 :eek:

INS Shardul : 11 MBT, 10 Army vehicles,500 soldiers
L33 - LCU Mk.2 :2 APC, 2 Bofors, 120 troops
L34 - LCU Mk.2 :2 APC, 2 Bofors, 120 troops
L35 - LCU Mk.2 :2 APC, 2 Bofors, 120 troops
L36 - LCU Mk.3 :2 APC, 2 Bofors, 120 troops
L37 - LCU Mk.3 :2 APC, 2 Bofors, 120 troops
L38 - LCU Mk.3 :2 APC, 2 Bofors, 120 troops
L39 - LCU Mk.3 :2 APC, 2 Bofors, 120 troops
INS Sharabh: 5 MBT, 180 troops, I helicopter
INS Cheetah: 5 MBT, 180 troops, I helicopter
INS Mahish: 5 MBT, 180 troops, I helicopter
INS Guldar: 5 MBT, 180 troops, I helicopter
INS Kumbhir: 5 MBT, 180 troops, I helicopter
INS Magar:15 MBT, 4 bofors , 2 MBRLS, 8 APC, 500 Troops2, Sea king Helis
INS Gharial:15 MBT, 4 bofors , 2 MBRLS, 8 APC, 500 Troops,2 Sea king Helis

Under Construction
INS Kesari:11 MBT, 10 Vehicles,500troops,1 heli
INS Airawat:11 MBT, 10 Vehicles,500troops,1 heli

Thats a total off 83 MBT , 30 Army vehicles , 30 APC , 22 Bofors , 12 helis , 3500 troops.

Just imagine what would happen if this land in some city, say for eg karachi. It would be mayhem.
No doubt, we have junk aswell., i'm not saying we don't. But what real purpose will it serve is beyond me., US invading is a different story, etc since they did it mostly from land, but if India is planning to do it thorugh water on another nation for example wouldn't it just be a failure, US got on normandy but at a very high cost.

Dude, first know what you speak about. US invades through land because it has access to land. The US ALSO keeps CBG's and LPD;s in the water for opening up another front. Did u hear the fact that before the Iraq war the US had thousands and thousands of soldiers ready on its amphibious vehicles ready to enter through the water. The US also got in through land.

In a battle b/w India and Pakistan, what if India wants to open another front, this LPD would go a very long way indeed.

Thats why you guyies went and bought more T-90s? Come on I can pull more if you want.

Please do pull more. We bought T-90's not cuz they were just imeediately offered to us, we can buy any damn Russian hardware we want anytime anywhere. What the issue was that Pakistan had just acquired the T-80UD tanks, and out T-72 tanks at that time could not fight them, head on. So the army went in a bought the T-90 tanks to counter that, at the same time, massively upgrading the T-72 to make it capable enough to fight the T-80UD.
Its only Pakistan that jumped at the T-80UD's the moment it was offered. We bought everything on an emergency need basis.

Its only Pakistan that is not SOLD weapons, so they buy whatever they are given, we have the option to buy whatever we want, but DID not do so earlier, for the money spent on these things was required elsewhere. India till very recently bought only things when there was emergency, like when Pakistan brought something new in the equation. We bought something better to counter that. Only now do i feel that the Armed forces have some sort of future planning, they will buy independent of any immediate threat. Like the Navy's 20 year plan, etc, etc. These kinda things were not there earlier.

India brought in the AWACS, Green pine, etc, etc into the equation all on its own. This was not the case earlier.

Even the MRCA, additional Su-30MKI's, upgradation of Mirage 200 to 2005MkII and MiG 29 was all in response to Pakistan getting some new F-16's. Yet, now the govt is maturing. And we have the money, India will buy whatever it deems fit, and not as a response to Pakistan or China.

BTW Bull, ur wrong the Trenton or Jalashava can carry greater than 1000 troops, and today TOI has reported that it can carry 1500 troops.
USS Trenton becomes INS Jalashva

ABOARD THE USS TRENTON/INS JALASHVA: When an 18-member team from the Indian Navy boarded USS Trenton in Spain last October for a recce prior to its purchase by India, an American crew member sent home a cable that declared: "They speak English!"

The exclamatory remark was just one indication of the military chasm between the two countries despite the recent thaw that has seen them overcome half a century of Cold War baggage and ignorance. From getting used to gauges that measured in Fahrenheit and gallons and pounds per sq. inch, to figuring out how to get the bread machine to crank out chapattis, the Indians too faced a few challenges.

But on Wednesday, after nearly six months together at sea and in port during which they thrashed out every issue including which key fits which locker, some 650 sailors and officers from both sides exchanged warm goodbyes in wintry conditions as the Americans debarked Trenton one last time to transfer the ship to the Indian Navy.

At a colourful ceremony on board the enormous vessel berthed in Pier No.5 at Norfolk, Virginia, with the Honors Bos’n playing the pipes and the navy band playing Ruffles and Flourishes and the Admiral’s March, LDCR Donegan ordered the lowering of the ensign and the US colours. Rear Admiral Hall presented the transfer certificate to Commodore Murugesan, turning the ship over to the India.

Minutes later, after brief speeches that seemed to last an eternity in sub-zero temperatures, Captain BS Ahluwalia ordered his men to relieve the Americans of watch and hoisting of the Blue Ensign. And thus, USS Trenton became INS Jalashva, the latest acquisition of the Indian Navy and first American ship to join the Indian fleet.

The transfer brought to a close months of camaraderie and kinship between officers and sailors of the two navies as they worked towards a 'hot transfer' of the ship that will remain in Norfolk till May for a makeover. But when it is formally commissioned into the Indian Navy later this year, it will augment India’s blue water capability enormously.

Just how much is evident in the very name that New Delhi has chosen for Trenton: Jalashva, which contrary to earlier reports, does not mean sea horse, but a 'river horse' -- a euphemism for the hippopotamus. Indeed, like the hippo, the ship opens an enormous maw leading to a cavernous belly -- a two tiered well --the size of a football field. It can hold four large vessels (imagine a hippo pregnant with quadruplets) besides an assortment of tanks and guns, not to speak of 1500 fully loaded men and six choppers. From keel to mast, the ship about eleven storeys tall.

"It’s massive," explains Lieutenant Commander Iftikhar Alam, a proud seaman of erect bearing who is braving the freezing with just his handsome uniform and warm manners. "In Lebanon, it alone could have done the job it took three Indian vessels to do."

Indeed, deployed in Lebanon recently, Trenton rescued 15,000 Americans -- a feat Admiral Hall recalled with pride while wondering what the heck were so many doing holidaying in a war zone.

At 36 years old, Trenton is not exactly in spanking good shape. Rusty might be an exaggeration, but it needs plenty of working on. But that, explains an Indian officer, is again part of the cultural difference between the two sides: the Americans are more into operational aspects than spit and polish.

"Come back in May before we sail home," he says. "You will see an entirely different ship."
By all accounts it is a knackered hulk that the US Navy were keen to get rid of.

One mans junk is anothers treasure so India is welcome to it.
Lol, Yes The Ship is Old but it Doesnt mean that it will be Sunk the time it put into the Water.

And, First of all This is aint any Treasure or Junk and India Doest take any Free Stuffs like Others.

Now the Trenton is very Good Offer and we are not Getting Free Damm it. This Ships can Give a lot of Advantages and also coming Cheap of some 50-70 Millian$$$

It will Upgraded before its joins the Indian Navy.Its currently undergoing a complete refit at Norfolk, Virginia, and capable of carrying close to 1,500 personnel, will be delivered to the Navy in early 2007.The Ship may be Old but The Navy has been keen to induct a Landing Platform Dock to augment its strategic sea-lift capabilities for quite some time now.Trenton will augment an existing amphibious capability of the navy.We can also Study the Ship and Re-Engineeerd and make our Indeginous Ship

Upgrading to identify threats (radar), defense systems on their, any specs about the Helis and what their capable off, any upgrading the frame (outer of the ship)?! How does this fit Indian navy doctrine, is it just for trans port or possibly invasion use, cause aganist Pakistan we can just blow this crap from the water?!

Yes , The Ship willl have Upgradation of Radar, defence System(Phalanx) and the Refrotting the Ship

India realized importance of these ships when tsunami came.
Navy actually don't need these ships but they are really helpful search and rescue, Evacuation.
Its coming for as cheap as 200 crore, then why not buy them.

Building a new ship in India like that will take more thatn 100 Million $$$. We may also used it has also for ASW Role indian navy is Keen to have a AWS Helicopter Ship. Not to forget the main thing, We can learn Trenton and make our own Ship.
The Trenton can give a lot of Advantages then it was Expected.

Now Coming back to the Navy Doctrine. The Indian Navy main Aim is to become True Supreme Blue Water Navy and Carrier Battle group and to become that you also need to have Amphibious warships and we already a whole Buch of LPD ships. AND talking about Pakistan blow this crap from the water now with what kind Weapon will you blow up this Thing. Our Amphibious warships wont be Alone they will whole Fleet of Warships with good Air-Defence Covering.
Indian Navy wont sent the Amphibious warships without destroying their Targets.:partay:

The Navy has been keen to induct a Landing Platform Dock to augment its strategic sea-lift capabilities for quite some time now.Trenton will augment an existing amphibious capability of the navy.We can also Study the Ship and Re-Engineeerd and make our Indeginous Ship
We are already designing an indegenous LPD, Trenton will help in that to make the design better.

Yes , The Ship willl have Upgradation of Radar, defence System(Phalanx) and the Refrotting the Ship
Barak will be put, and in the future, Barak NG :D along with Phalanx. So thats one heck of a defense.

Building a new ship in India like that will take more thatn 100 Million $$$. We may also used it has also for ASW Role indian navy is Keen to have a AWS Helicopter Ship.
We have P-28 ASW corvettes already comming. They are designed EXCLUSIVELY for ASW! They will join most flotillas in the IN, including the CBG, to insulate them from the threat of submarines.

Now Coming back to the Navy Doctrine. The Indian Navy main Aim is to become True Supreme Blue Water Navy and Carrier Battle group and to become that you also need to have Amphibious warships and we already a whole Buch of LPD ships. AND talking about Pakistan blow this crap from the water now with what kind Weapon will you blow up this Thing. Our Amphibious warships wont be Alone they will whole Fleet of Warships with good Air-Defence Covering.
Plus the P-28's for the Agostas.
We have P-28 ASW corvettes already comming. They are designed EXCLUSIVELY for ASW! They will join most flotillas in the IN, including the CBG, to insulate them from the threat of submarines.
Dude, Iam Talking about Anti-Submarine Warfare carrier

ASW carrier is a type of small aircraft carrier whose primary role is to hunt, and destroy submarines. Here is an pictures

That is awsum. I stand corrected.

But we still will have the P-28's with the CBG's and all major flotilla's ;)

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