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Indian Navy saves Chinese ship from pirates

It seems IN's involvement was limited to reconnaissance. The original article doesn't state that IN ever boarded the Full City. The crew were found by Turkish forces locked in their ship after the pirates had left from what I can make out.
It seems IN's involvement was limited to reconnaissance. The original article doesn't state that IN ever boarded the Full City. The crew were found by Turkish forces locked in their ship after the pirates had left from what I can make out.

Thats what It looks like , The Radio broadcast was heard by Pirates which scared them and made them retreat . The crew having locked themselves up, were not aware and so neither were the Chinese news agencies when they reported the incident...
Indian Navy Repeals Pirate Attack On Chinese Merchant Ship MV Full City



On the morning of 05 May an Indian Navy's TU 142 aircraft's persistant efforts lead to pirates evacuating a Chinese merchant vessel MV Full City.

At about 0845 hrs on 05 May 11, the Indian Navy received an SOS call regarding a pirate attack on Chinese merchant vessel MV Full City about 450 nm (850 kms) West of Karwar. The Indian Navy immediately diverted an IN aircraft and a CG ship.

The TU 142 (Maritime Reconnaisance) aircraft of the Indian Navy, which was on anti piracy patrol, arrived overhead MV Full City in less than 30 minutes. The aircraft observed a pirate mother ship next to MV Full City and an empty skiff alongside the ship.

The aircraft made a number of low passes over the ship and strongly warned the pirates, on radio, to leave the merchant ship immediately, stating that Naval warships were closing the area. The aircraft observed that the warning had the desired effect and the skiff was seen leaving the ship along with the pirates and heading for its mother ship nearby.

As there were no surface forces in the immediate vicintiy to board MV Full City and sanitise the ship, the IN aircraft maintained overhead MV Full City for over three hours assisting the rescue operation by co-ordinating with the NATO Task Force.

The TU aircraft finally left the area after over four hours, having successfully repealed the piracy attack and, only after ensuring that surface forces were within range to proceed with the boarding and sanitising operations.

The operation highlighted the alacrity of the Indian Navy and also reflected adept international co-operation maintained by the Indian Navy as this operation involved co-operation with the NATO Task Force, the Chinese Task Force and the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre at Beijing. The Chinese TF also thanked the Indian Navy for its prompt and persistant action leading to the pirate attack on MV Full City being repealed.

MV Full City now continues its passage through the waters of the Eastern Arabian Sea its safety assured by the sustained anti-piracy vigil being maintained by the Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard.

With independent as well as collaborative efforts the Indian Maritime Forces have reduced the threat of piracy in the Arabian Sea in general and the Eastern Arabian Sea in particular. It is particularly noteworthy that there has been a drop of over 80% in the number of piracy attacks in the Eastern Arabian Sea. As a matter of fact, in the month of April 2011, there was not a single reported piracy attack in the Eastern Arabian Sea. This demonstrates the nation's continued determination to assure safety of merchant shipping in the International Sea Lanes in the Arabian Sea.

DPR Navy

Chindits: Indian Navy Repeals Pirate Attack On Chinese Merchant Ship MV Full City
Whatever the story may be, it's clear that there is a need of an alliance in order to get rid of these pests.
It seems IN's involvement was limited to reconnaissance. The original article doesn't state that IN ever boarded the Full City. The crew were found by Turkish forces locked in their ship after the pirates had left from what I can make out.

The Tu-142 overflew the MV Full City a number of times at low altitude, simultaneously broadcasting on VHF Marine Band 16 to warn off the attacking pirates. At the very least, the sight of a low-flying huge Tu-142 with the accompanying roar of the turbo-props is quite awesome. And that can work too.
If you don't believe me stand on Colva Beach in Goa, in the vicinity of Bogmalo; just under the flight path of the Tupolevs operating from Dabolim. :)
these pirates has become more aggressive,they even crossed the half indian ocean........

Many thanks to Turkey,U.S and India,good job

There is a traditional "Law of the Sea" (not a written law like UNCLOS) among all sailors, since olden times: which simply states that- any sailor who is in a position to assist another sailor in distress, must do so with all the means and diligence available to him. That has nothing to do with nationality, color, religion or anything. It has to be done, just as it was done in this instance. And has been done even hundreds of years ago. That is the way that I see it. The brotherhood of sailors transcends the sovereignty of nations.
Only in recent times have laws and conventions codified this principle.
The first report is from French AFP, not China. They did not mention India being involved in the rescue, only Turkey and U.S. Also according to your theory, giving Americans recognition is not in Chinese government interest either, and yet there they were in the report.

Official report from China:

Hijacked ship with 24 Chinese sailors in Arabian Sea rescued - People's Daily Online May 06, 2011

The 24 Chinese sailors on board a Panama-flagged bulk cargo ship, hijacked by pirates yesterday at the Arabian Sea, have been rescued, as Turkey and U.S. navy ships in the nearby rushed to them and chased away the pirates, Xinhua News Agency reported.

About seven suspected Somali pirates have left the ship, "Full City", and the 24 Chinese workers are found safe, locking themselves in the safety vessel of the ship, the report said. Guarded by U.S. Navy ships, a group of Turkey Navy commandos boarded the pirated ship.

The pirates attacked "Full City" at midday on Thursday local time, and seized it about 450 nautical miles off the coast of Mumbai in India.

The China Sea Rescue Center earlier reported two Chinese navy ships patrolling in the Gulf of Aden were alerted of the hijacking and rushed to its rescue yesterday. The center also sent liaisons to nearby patrolling ships for help.

By People's Daily Online

According to this report, India was not even mentioned. Not trying to take away your thunder or anything, but I don't see any news outlet reporting about IN.

AFP: Cargo ship, China crew rescued from pirates: govt

Hijacked Chinese sailors rescued: report

Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India's official statement

Pirates Flee from Chinese Merchant Vessel Due to Prompt Indian Naval Action
On the morning of 05 May, an Indian Navy's TU 142 aircraft's persistant efforts led to pirates fleeing from a Chinese merchant vessel MV Full City.

At about 0845 hrs on 05 May 11, the Indian Navy received an SOS call regarding a pirate attack on Chinese merchant vessel MV Full City about 450 nm (850 kms) West of Karwar. The Indian Navy immediately diverted an IN aircraft and a CG ship.

The TU 142 (Maritime Reconnaisance) aircraft of the Indian Navy, which was on anti piracy patrol, arrived overhead MV Full City in less than 30 minutes. The aircraft observed a pirate mother ship next to MV Full City and an empty skiff alongside the ship.

The aircraft made a number of low passes over the ship and strongly warned the pirates, on radio, to leave the merchant ship immediately, stating that Naval warships were closing in the area. The aircraft observed that the warning had the desired effect and the skiff was seen fleeing from the ship along with the pirates and heading for its mother ship nearby.

As there were no surface forces in the immediate vicinity to board MV Full City and sanitise the ship, the IN aircraft maintained overhead MV Full City for over three hours assisting the rescue operation by co-ordinating with the NATO Task Force.

The TU aircraft finally left the area after over four hours, having successfully freed MV Full City from the pirate attack and, ensuring that surface forces were within range to proceed with the boarding and sanitising operations.

The operation highlighted the alacrity of the Indian Navy and also reflected adept international co-operation maintained by the Indian Navy as this operation involved co-operation with the NATO Task Force, the Chinese Task Force and the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre at Beijing. The Chinese TF also thanked the Indian Navy for its prompt and persistant action leading to neutralising the pirate attack on MV Full City.

MV Full City now continues its passage through the waters of the Eastern Arabian Sea its safety assured by the sustained anti-piracy vigil being maintained by the Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard.

With independent as well as collaborative efforts the Indian Maritime Forces have reduced the threat of piracy in the Arabian Sea in general and the Eastern Arabian Sea in particular. It is particularly noteworthy that there has been a drop of over 80% in the number of piracy attacks in the Eastern Arabian Sea. As a matter of fact, in the month of April 2011, there was not a single reported piracy attack in the Eastern Arabian Sea. This demonstrates the nation's continued determination to assure safety of merchant shipping in the International Sea Lanes in the Arabian Sea.

Press Information Bureau English Releases

Its not from any stupid media but from ministry of defence's official statement so its 100% true.
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