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Indian Navy point-blank refuses Chinese navy chief’s request

Is there any way you could provide a link to such Chinese media reports, i would be very intrigued as to what they have to say about the Shivlaik.

For a military vessel can you ever have "too many weapons" ? :angel:

The thing about that is these reports are in Chinese.

But the good thing with this is it is a stealth frigate, and it is a pretty big ship, and has a lot of potent weapons. It's pretty advanced.

The down side is obviously what I said comfort level. It could be a big deal or not at all. We know what uncomfortable living quarters and sometimes "unsafe" placements of things due to space restrictions, like wires, and other equipment blocking or restricting walking lanes and such. I put quotes on it because it's not a oversight or a major concern, but it is something that have caught the attention of some navies.

But I understand, and according to the Chinese media this ship is very reliable in terms of having dual systems? I think he meant back ups in terms of missiles and power station. Multiple missiles that do the same job and propulsion system that uses french and american.

I think he said this is to accommodate the wetness, and the high salt content of the Indian ocean?

But understandable, China has 24 type 54A, with a further 20+ type 57 to be added in the next 10 years to go with 50+ type 56. So the weapons needed on each can be less and the maintenance time on each can also be more.

But again this is a very expensive way of solving crew comfort, and really require a strong domestic presence in manufacturing to achieve. Maintaining quite a few systems per ship is difficult, like you need two crew to maintain the power system alone.

So all in all, in terms of fire power, very potent, better than 54A, and not sure the exact specs for 57, so won't comment.

But in terms of crew and maintenance, it's probably not the easiest.

As for crew comfort:






You could do worse ;)

It's not a Russian designed or made ship but Indian and, if anything, the IN designs their vessels more from a Western design perspective.

Oh, I'm not saying it's Russian made, but the multiple weapons thing is definitely Russian, cause no way in hell can Russians keep up with Americans ship for ship, fighter for fighter.

As to can do worse, we have done worse, have you seen the earlier Chinese ships? They make the circus look humane, but it's relative.
I think the Chinese side thought that if they put pressure on the IN Officer suddenly, then he might not be able to say no to the Chinese Navy Chief and allow them to visit the room.

But the Officer didn't submit to the pressure. Great job. :)
We shall show them the 054A CIC centre if they agree to show shivalik's.
The request by Admiral Wu is a little bit rude, that showed he is concern about Shivalik like any other officers of PLA navy. Indian navy is very a mysterious force for most Chinese. The invitation for Wu to visit the CiC during exercise is a very friendly gesture there, I really appreciate it.
The Chinese navy chief has eyes or scanners?-
Why so much scared?-

No Scary business here ...Always there is some limit in case of military hardware ... Chinese navy chief should have not asked
Their brainwashing is nothing like Indians.

1962 India was not prepared on the Indo-Tibetan front.........do you think India is prepared now?

What a joke.

Chicha, let me expalin...Things and scenario always changes ...but in some case it is not , I agree with that ..Example: pakistan was taking AID , is taking AID, will be taking AID... But here in case of the mentioned front, there is lot of improvement and this is ongoing.

Brainwashing....: pakistani mulla is world best in this case , You know something called suicide attackers in your country and how they are brainwashed.
Well protocol is protocol, its for everyone ...... he should remember of his status before making the request.
Assuming that someone is your enemy, is a self-fulfilling prophecy, like what Nehru did with his Forward Policy.

Let China shows its secrets first then we'll talk.....until then you expect us to bend over backwards to accomdate you? Please

You guys should educate yourself on the history of spying. Some of you claim what is the harm in "seeing" this room? Well, seeing, taking pics, etc as greatly aided intel efforts and helped to assess the other "side".

That comment coming from a senior member. Nice.

What kind filthy and pathetic people are now being allowed on PDF?


What you just came to this site? Where have you been if you think what he stated was "bad." Sorry but the joke's on you
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Perhaps but then this article did not say anything about China being perceived as an enemy purely that Wu's request broke all established protocols governing such occasions, protocols that are the norm for all navies and visiting foreign delegations. This wasn't a China specific exemption but a rule the IN would have applied had it been a US, French, Russian etc Admiral making such a demand.

It does seem odd that Wu would be so insistent and I am reminded of the PLA(N)'s rather bizarre request to enter the Indian waters around the A&N islands that had already been cleared by the IN during the earlier search efforts for MH370.

A case of the PLA(N) use every opportunity to asses the capabilities of certain navies perhaps?

Rather interested to know more regarding this point:

Where the PLA(N) surprised by the endurance of the Shivlaik? And the comment about not having any other "supervisory officer" other than the Captain of the ship on board is a bit perplexing. In all navies the Captain of the ship is the senior most member of the Ship's company at all times. Does the PLA(N) operate under a different system? The only thing I can think of is that the Soviet Navy used to have Party officers on board who represented the Communist party onboard the Soviet Navy ship and in some instances had more power than the Captain of the ship himself. Does the PLA(N) have similar officers?

Anyway, good showing by the IN, the need for Op Sec cannot be understated.

Dont forget how China uses trawlers and cargo ships packed with sensors to gather data on the Indian ocean. It already has and continues to do so. In fact, the Chinese have even used small fishing boats designed to ram navy ships in order to sink them, using the element of surprise. Everytime laws are produced and ratified, they look for a way to get around it or develop secret counter capabilites. India has a lot to learn
You know I never could understand why people make comments about those unique east-asian eyes as a racial slur ! :(

I find them pretty cute to be honest ! :ashamed:

Especially on the kids - They look so...so...so very cute ! :)

And the ladies - :kiss3:
imagine the eyes of the lady now when she is angry.....
man i had a fren once (a girl from college)......very very cute when nice.....the moment she gets angry, man her eyes showed it all.....its indescribable.....
kids are very cute thoh.....even when they are mad
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