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Indian navy MARCOS:Brief analysis

ne thing i wanna ask u guys that i have seen MARCOS doing operations in last 26/11 attacks before NSG came into action.So my question is if they r so much capable than y r they waiting fr NSG TO come.
Do post pics of the highlighted weapons.. as per my knowledge india doesnt operate them... except maybe milkor???

AGS 17s are produced in license in India. M203 GLs are part of several US made small arms bought by several agencies including military units.

ne thing i wanna ask u guys that i have seen MARCOS doing operations in last 26/11 attacks before NSG came into action.So my question is if they r so much capable than y r they waiting fr NSG TO come.

We have a dedicated anti terrorist unit that is trained for such OPs, that is the NSG!

The Marcos were only used to pin down the terrorists till the NSG arrived. Remember, at that time almost no Police department in the country had SWAT/QRTs Teams.
Indian navy MARCOS:Brief analysis

1)What is mean by MARCOS???

MARCOS is short name for 'Marine Commandos'.It is an elite special operations unit of Indian navy.It's previously known as MCF or 'Marine Commando Force'.MARCOS are heavily trained and well equipped.They are capable
to undertake missions in all types of terrains.As their structure&size are classified some 'unofficial' reports suggest that it may have strength of 2000-2500 personal.


2)How they formed?

After India-Pakistan war of 1971 India decided to set up a special unit to undertake amphibious warfare & Marine special operations.In 1983 the 340th army independent brigade located at Thiruvanadapuram was raised as a special maritime force.After the formation navy started various exercises to demonstrate its capabilities,notably exercises in Andaman Nicobar,1984 and Goa,1986.In 1986 Indian navy started planning of a special maritime force which could conduct recon,raids and counter-terrorism operations in a maritime environment.They initially trained by other special forces of the country.But later they got training from US navy SEALs and British SAS.In 1987 Indian navy officially established Indian Marine Special Force or IMSF.It had a strength of 38 officers and 373 sailers. Later in 1991 it renamed to Marine Commando Force or the MCF.


3)What makes them so tough?

MARCOS trainees have to complete a two-year course, the first phase of which lasts one month, in which they undergo many rigorous physical tests of which only 50% pass. Then for the next nine months, they are taught how to use different types of weapons, conduct special warfare techniques and how to gather intelligence from the enemy. MARCOS also conducts operational reconnaissance training which includes a variety of external environments; beach, coastal, riverine and jungle. This part of training is conducted in sync with other Indian special forces at the Combined Commando School at Sirsawa. They also have to undergo a parachute training course and a diving course at Agra and Cochin.

Once trainees have completed their first nine months of these rigorous tests, they join groups - on a probational basis - where additional specialized training is carried out. This combat ready qualification takes another year. Most of the training deals with counter-terrorist operations, such as protecting oil platforms off Mumbai and also with anti-hijacking/piracy operations. All MARCOS personnel are static line parachute qualified and a number are freefall qualified (HALO/HAHO). MARCOS is one of only a handful of units in the world that is capable of para-dropping into the sea with full combat load and equipment. By the end of two years, only 10% - 25% of the candidates remain. As with other Indian Special Forces units, all MCF personnel attend the four week high-altitude commando course run by the Parvat Ghatak School in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh.(source)


4)Well equipped?

MARCOS are one of the well equipped maritime force in the world.Earlier, the marine commandos were equipped with AK- 47 rifles and MP-5 sub-machine guns.But The navy had initiated the procurement of the advanced integrated combat system, including equipment such as light-weight helmets, vests and weapons, to strengthen the capabilities of the commandos.


Small Arms:

-Browning Hi-Power 9mm Semi-automatic pistol
-Glock 17 9mm Semi-automatic pistol
-SIG P226 9mm Semi-automatic pistol
-Uzi 9mm Sub-machine gun

-HK MP5 9mm Sub-machine gun
-AK-103 7.62×39mm Assault Rifle
-M4A1 5.56 Assualt Rifle, used by MARCOS units attached to Paracommando units
-TAR-21 Tavor 5.56 mm NATO Assault rifle
-APS amphibious rifle Underwater assault rifle
-Dragunov SVD Semi-automatic sniper rifle
-Heckler & Koch MSG90 Semi-automatic sniper rifle
-OSV-96, Sniper and anti-material rifle

Support Weapons:

-IMI Negev
-IMI Negev Light machine gun
-PK General purpose machine gun
-FN MAG 7.62 mm General purpose machine gun
-GP-25 40mm Grenade Launcher
-M203 40mm Grenade launcher
-AGS-17 Automatic grenade launchers
-RCL Mk III 84mm Recoilless rifle
-Shipon Anti-tank weapon
-9K38 Igla MANPADS



-HAL Dhruv utility helicopter
-6 Westland WS-61 Sea King transport helicopter[1]
-Few Chetak helicopters
-Cosmos CE-2F X100 two-man submarines
-All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)

Read more: WORLD DEFENSE REVIEW: Indian navy MARCOS:Brief analysis

Sorry but even I could have written this article.
Besides this guy with the Tavor is no Marco, he is a Sagar Prahari Bal member.
These men are Marcos



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ne thing i wanna ask u guys that i have seen MARCOS doing operations in last 26/11 attacks before NSG came into action.So my question is if they r so much capable than y r they waiting fr NSG TO come.

Marcos are a Quick response force , as a result , lt was used to buy time for NSG to arrive and plan. NSG has more experience handling urban operations just like any other paramilitary force around the globe.
The Marcos are capable of undertaking operations in all types of terrain, but are specialised in maritime operations. The force has undertaken numerous joint exercises with special forces from around the world. The MARCOS presently has approximately two thousand personnel, though its actual strength remains classified. Operations undertaken by MARCOS usually remains classified though some of the known operations are:[3]
Operation Pawan, in 1987, where the IMSF (Indian marine special force, as the MARCOS was then known) helped in capturing the harbours of Jaffna and Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, as part of the Indian Peace Keeping Force.[1][2][4]
Operation Cactus, in 1988, where the MARCOS defended the democratic government of president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom of the Maldives from a coup as part of the Indian Navy contingent. The force played a supporting role in India's successful military aid in helping foil the attempted coup by Sri Lankan militants from the PLOTE and ENDLF. A group of 47 mercenaries attempted to escape by sea with 23 hostages, on a hijacked vessel, MV Progress Light. The MCF was pressed into service along with INS Godavari, a multi role frigate carrying Seaking helicopters, Alize aircraft operating from the Navy's base at Kochi. INS Godavari trailed the hijacked vessel for a couple of days, firing intermittently with her guns on the vessel's superstructure. An Alize anti-submarine aircraft dropped two depth charges near the vessel, causing the motley collection of militants to come up on the upper decks and surrender. A contingent of the Marcos operating from Ratmalana Airfield on the outskirts of Colombo, with some help from the Sri Lankan Army in terms of specialised equipment, thereafter boarded the ship and accepted the surrender of the militants and took them into custody.[4]
Operation Rakshak: Counter-insurgency (COIN) operations in Jammu and Kashmir, in the Jhelum River, and Wular Lake, a 65 square kilometre freshwater lake. Some MARCOS personnel are also attached with the Army special forces units conducting counter-terrorism operations in the area.[4] MARCOS use tactics similar to the Israeli undercover special warfare units called Mista'arvim, sporting beards and wearing the 'pheren' (Kashmiri suit), thus making them indistinguishable from the locals.[5]
Operation Muffet: in Somalia[3][6]
Operation Leech, which resulted in the slaying of a number of Burmese rebels at Narcondum Island in the North Andaman group of Islands. A small contingent of MARCOS was reputed to have been involved in the murky operation, which has found intermittent mention in various media.
Operation Tasha, which was instituted after Operation Pawan wound up, and was more a coastal security operation on the Tamil Nadu coast to thwart operations of the LTTE there, than something belonging to the realm of special operations.[1]
Operation Swan, which was a similar exercise on the Gujarat and Maharashtra coasts, after the December 92 blasts in Mumbai, wherein the MARCOS were used for patrolling.
Kargil War: Covert operations behind enemy lines which remain classified.
Protecting offshore oil rigs and platforms: The MARCOS maintain a quick reaction team at Mumbai, to deal with threats to the offshore oil assets at Bombay High.
Operation Black Tornado: MARCOS stormed the Trident and Taj Hotels at Mumbai during the recent terrorist attacks on 26 November 2008 during the November 2008 Mumbai attacks,[7] terrorist were killed in action at the Taj.
In its first ever action in the Gulf of Aden, MARCOS thwarted an attempt by pirates to capture the Indian merchant vessel MV Jag Arnav on 11 November 2008.[8]
In 2003, MARCOS participated in joint training exercises called Exercise Balance Iroquois 03-1/Vajra Prahar with US Special Operations Forces in Mizoram.[9]
September 2005 again witnessed joint Indo-US naval exercises called Malabar 05, which had significant special operations content.
On 13 December 2008 MARCOS units operating from the Indian Naval warship INS Mysore foiled a pirate hijack attempt of Ethiopian vessel MV Gibe off the Somali coast. In the process twenty three pirates were arrested.[10]
On 12 August, the Indian Navy spotted an Iranian Cargo Ship Nafis-1 off course in the Arabian Sea. Surveillance continued on the ship until 14 August, when a MARCOS unit of 9 servicemen was deployed to intercept the ship via helicopter along with support from the INS Mysore. The commandos dropped onto the ship and detained the hijackers, which had reportedly sailed from Chah Bahar in Iran to an undisclosed location. Navy Intelligence reports revealed that the ship was being used to smuggle weapons and contraband. A store of automatic assault weapons was confiscated on board as well.[11]
MARCOS are known to be very secretive, not revealing their actual identity as specialised, elite soldiers. In their operations, they are sometimes assisted by Westland WS-61 Sea King transport helicopters, Chetak helicopters and two-man submarines. MARCOS can be launched from ships, aircraft and submarines in full battle gear.
The Indian Navy's elite marine commandos, Marcos, have undergone a makeover. Members of a Marco stick - eightmember quick reaction teams of the force - were seen in the new gear while on ship-protection duty aboard the guided stealth frigate INS Sahyadri during its commissioning last week in Mumbai.
Navy sources said the new look of the marine commandos was part of a project finalised some years ago, to upgrade the combat clothing of the special forces in order to bring them on a par with international standards.
As part of the makeover, the Marcos have also absorbed new weapons, including the Tavor-21 assault rifle and Galil sniper rifle procured from Israel two years ago. The new get-up, seemingly inspired by that of the US Marines, was tried for a year before it was formally approved.
The navy had initiated the procurement of the advanced integrated combat system, including equipment such as light-weight helmets, vests and weapons, to strengthen the capabilities of the commandos.
The improved individual equipment is backed by an effective command and control structure assisted by high-speed communication.
The gear has been designed to allow a commando to perform his task without hindrance and offers special assistance in operations that may involve unexpected challenges.



Earlier, the marine commandos were equipped with AK- 47 rifles and MP-5 sub-machine guns. Members of ‘Marco stick’ (pictured right) are eight-member quick reaction teams of the commando force
Navy's marine commandos get a makeover and reveal a leaner and meaner new look | Mail Online
MARCOS are the best trained and equipped special force of Indian Armed Forces afaik!
well i read some where that marcos also carry out operations in kashmir valley....can any1 confirm this?????....
i read somewhere on pdf that marcos r operating in kashmir..............i think the guy who wrote this was coldhearted aviator or something like that
well i read some where that marcos also carry out operations in kashmir valley....can any1 confirm this?????....
i read somewhere on pdf that marcos r operating in kashmir..............i think the guy who wrote this was coldhearted aviator or something like that

Read post #21 .

Operation Rakshak: Counter-insurgency (COIN) operations in Jammu and Kashmir, in the Jhelum River, and Wular Lake, a 65 square kilometre freshwater lake. Some MARCOS personnel are also attached with the Army special forces units conducting counter-terrorism operations in the area.[4] MARCOS use tactics similar to the Israeli undercover special warfare units called Mista'arvim, sporting beards and wearing the 'pheren' (Kashmiri suit), thus making them indistinguishable from the locals.[5]
MARCOS also operated behind enemy lines during Kargil war details of which are classified.
Off topic, but CRPF Cobras simply rock :tup:!

BSF and CRPF digital camo rock man! Unfortunately the states like to keep pestering the center to keep the cobras on a leash- let our indi drones get functional with them and a tac airlift capacity and the hardcore element of the Naxals will be history.
BSF and CRPF digital camo rock man! Unfortunately the states like to keep pestering the center to keep the cobras on a leash- let our indi drones get functional with them and a tac airlift capacity and the hardcore element of the Naxals will be history.

They already use UAVs and IAF transport helos. I dont think that they are para qualified to use IAF air lifters.

CRPF uses GPS, UAVs to fight Maoists - The Hindu
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