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Indian Navy floats $900 million tender for buying 56 choppers

Its our money, we will do whatever we want. Atleast this money s not going in pockets of our corrupt politicians. You have to understand Knowledge Transfer and absorption of ToT.

Hope that India gets what it really wants from the French and that is the secret of military turbofans.

To date only the US, Russia, UK, France and China have mastered this technology.
Who is being a Chinese cheerleader here?

I am making the point that only making stuff yourself can you ever hope to improve.

People use to laugh at China 10 years ago and now no-one seriously questions China's ability to make world-class defence equipment.

Just because India has the option to purchase from other countries does not mean it has to jump at every opportunity to give away billions to foreigners who could not give a hoot's about India's well-being.

That 20 billion going to be spent on up to 200 Rafale's fighters would surely have been much better spent developing India's defence industrial base to greater heights over the next ten years.

Buying foreign just because the option is there will keep you in this never-ending circle of not being self-sufficient in military technology.
You're making out China has achieved self-sufficany and is making indigenous tech comparable with the rest of the world if not better and has a technical edge of the Indian military which simply is not true. India has gone for the route wherein it gets the absolute best tech from the rest of the world and at the same time tries to build up home-grown tech, this route is slower than China's but it has benifits- the Rafale (same goes for MKI) that the IAF will get is streaks ahead of anything the PLAF has in its inventory and because China has played fast and loose with copyright and intellectual property no arms manufacturer in the world will sell anything resembling cutting edge tech to China for fear of their products being ripped off and re-packaged in an "indigenous" form. India is working with others through JVs and partnerships to build up and industry, it is not alienating everyone and peeing them off. The Chinese are ahead in certain areas wrt China but the gap is not impossible to close nor is it as much as certain members here like to make out/believe.

Your new destroyers will be equipped with foreign engines, radars and missiles.

It seems only the hull will be indigenous.

My point is that unless you are prepared to go via the Chinese route and accept much inferior indigenous equipment, you will never be able to make world class defence products.
Even Chinese ships use Ukranian engines....
Only 5 country have the capability for making marine gas turbine engines(US,UK,Russia,Ukraine&India)
Only first four have the capability to develop 25MW engines...
Our destroyers will be armed with Brahmos and Brahmos II

Hope that India gets what it really wants from the French and that is the secret of military turbofans.

To date only the US, Russia, UK, France and China have mastered this technology.
you know that Kaveri has successfully completed tests...?
It will be used for our UCAV..don't worry..:azn:

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