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Indian Navy concerned over Bangladesh's decision to buy two submarines from China


Apr 8, 2007
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The Times of India – December 2, 2013

KOLKATA: India is concerned with Bangladesh's decision to order two submarines from China. There are also indications thatChinese submarineshave been sneaking into Indian territorial waters in theBay of Bengalundetected. These developments have led to the Eastern Naval Command seeking more presence in the Bay of Bengal region.

"Why would Bangladesh need submarines? This decision by the government there and the ongoing strife in the country is a matter of concern for us. We also suspect that Chinese submarines are sneaking into Indian territorial waters in the Bay of Bengal region, though none has been detected as yet. This is reason enough for greater naval presence in the region. At the moment, India isn't really prepared for any conflict in the Bay of Bengal region nearWest Bengaldue to the lack of adequate infrastructure," a senior Navy officer said.

Several measures have been proposed by the Navy in Bengal to improve the situation. While acquisition of land at Sagar Island for a missile battery is in its final stage, theministry of defencehas decided to bear part of the cost for setting up of the deep-draughted port there. This will allow naval ships to dock there and pick up supplies for patrolling the Bay of Bengal. The Navy is also going ahead with its plans for setting up an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) base at the Behala airfield.

"The Sagar port is of great strategic importance. As per the RITES report, there is afundinggap of nearly Rs 3,500 crore. There will be the need to base land-to-ship and surface-to-air missiles at Sagar. Apart from this, there will be need for a communications centre and radar station. During a conflict situation, an examination anchorage will be required to inspect vessels in the vicinity. This has to be within missile range. There will also be the need for storage space for rations and ammunition for ships. The infrastructure will be in place soon. Gradually, we plan to bring in moving missile coastal batteries (missiles mounted on trucks). If required, new missiles will be acquired. The MoD is ready to pump in funds for the port in Sagar as this will be crucial in the scheme of things. The Kolkata Port Trust has asked RITES to prepare a fresh financial report based on our offer," said Commodore Ravi Ahluwalia, naval officer in charge, West Bengal.

The Navy doesn't believe that the floating border outposts maintained by the Border Security Force (BSF) in the Sundarbans aren't adequate to prevent any sea-bound threat to the country. The NOIC believes that anti-national elements will target that area once security is tightened along the porous land orders. The UAVs will be crucial to check this.

"We are still working on land acquisition at the Behala airfield for the UAV base. We only require between 15-18 acres there for the base. The UAVs would take off from there and then their control would be handed over to a base in Sagar. The land that has been offered to us isn't quite satisfactory as there are some encroachments and the boundary isn't clearly demarcated," Commodore Ahluwalia said.

Indian Navy concerned over Bangladesh's decision to buy two submarines from China - The Times of India
Its the right of every nation to secure their land, air and sea assets.

BD can arm themselves to the teeth...Its well within their right and it should be none of our business. We just need to make sure that our capabilities outmatch theirs to prevent an unlikely scenario of misadventure...

As the saying goes..."Khud ko kar buland itna........"
if I'm not wrong,both are for training purpose.

There are also indications thatChinese submarineshave been sneaking into Indian territorial waters in theBay of Bengalundetected.

LOL..they got detected 22 times within few months..
never underestimate a submarine whatever design it is....

there's no equipment on earth that can detect a submarine (whatever the tech) with 100% success.... you'll need a lotta ships and aircraft (with proper training and experience) to find a single sub within an area of the size of the Bay of Bengal.... and if the submarine captain is smart, it will be even more difficult.... add to that, a modern submarine... the job gets even more complicated.... and if its the Indian Ocean, just pray for a lotta luck.... its the ultimate sneak weapon!

LOL..they got detected 22 times within few months..
We don't even know what type of subs the BN would go for. Or from which country.

Why fret?
never underestimate a submarine whatever design it is....
there's no equipment on earth that can detect a submarine (whatever the tech) with 100% success.... you'll need a lotta ships and aircraft (with proper training and experience) to find a single sub within an area of the size of the Bay of Bengal.... and if the submarine captain is smart, it will be even more difficult.... add to that, a modern submarine... the job gets even more complicated.... and if its the Indian Ocean, just pray for a lotta luck.... its the ultimate sneak weapon!

well,some parts of your argument is right,others are not.you can easily detect a submarine near choke points and if you've some good detection platform.as for bay of bengal,we've good detection mechanism in place.for IOR,we don't need to cover entire IOR,do we???

We don't even know what type of subs the BN would go for. Or from which country.
Why fret?

aint BD is going to get 2 old Ming,which is Chinese derivatives of Romeo class???
aint BD is going to get 2 old Ming,which is Chinese derivatives of Romeo class???

It's assumed to be. They'll start out as training vessels. But this is not confirmed.

On the other hand, some sources say they are Song-class. The same says that BN may further go for Yuan-class after that. We'd have to wait for any real confirmation.

Another thing, Ming-class is considered out-dated by today's standards.

Some interesting comments on the source's webpage by the way.

never underestimate a submarine whatever design it is....

there's no equipment on earth that can detect a submarine (whatever the tech) with 100% success.... you'll need a lotta ships and aircraft (with proper training and experience) to find a single sub within an area of the size of the Bay of Bengal.... and if the submarine captain is smart, it will be even more difficult.... add to that, a modern submarine... the job gets even more complicated.... and if its the Indian Ocean, just pray for a lotta luck.... its the ultimate sneak weapon!

Technically, you can detect a person swimming. It isn't that hard.
ha ha.... technically a lotta things are possible.... and thats exactly where the problem lies.... submarines can use noise, water temperature and the sea floor to their advantage.... especially if they're in the right hands.... if only submarine size stuff could be detected by sonars, it would've been much easier to detect subs... even the most sophisticated of sonars can fool their operators.... and the diesel subs make virtually no noise under water as they're batter-driven, which make them especially effective...

if only machines could do it, there wouldn't have been any need for training and experience.... and as long as there would be requirement for training and experience, there would always be gaps to utilise by either the hunter or the hunted...

Technically, you can detect a person swimming. It isn't that hard.
ha ha.... technically a lotta things are possible.... and thats exactly where the problem lies.... submarines can use noise, water temperature and the sea floor to their advantage.... especially if they're in the right hands.... if only submarine size stuff could be detected by sonars, it would've been much easier to detect subs... even the most sophisticated of sonars can fool their operators.... and the diesel subs make virtually no noise under water as they're batter-driven, which make them especially effective...

if only machines could do it, there wouldn't have been any need for training and experience.... and as long as there would be requirement for training and experience, there would always be gaps to utilise by either the hunter or the hunted...

It also depends on the detector's equipment. And skills of-course.

But I don't care.

I'm in love :smitten:
Meet the SR-72
well,some parts of your argument is right,others are not.you can easily detect a submarine near choke points and if you've some good detection platform.as for bay of bengal,we've good detection mechanism in place.for IOR,we don't need to cover entire IOR,do we???

you have a point here regarding choke-points, but merchant convoys have to cross open oceans before they can go through guarded choke-points.... however you think, you can never underestimate a submarine... remember that in wartime, most subs are not likely to operate against heavily defended military ships.... ultimate sneak weapons are likely to be used in a sneaky way....

is that the Aurora project?
you have a point here regarding choke-points, but merchant convoys have to cross open oceans before they can go through guarded choke-points.... however you think, you can never underestimate a submarine... remember that in wartime, most subs are not likely to operate against heavily defended military ships.... ultimate sneak weapons are likely to be used in a sneaky way....

There are many factors being there. A lot depends on the equipment and skills of both the "snooper" and the detector. Also depends on the waters.

is that the Aurora project?

Nope, it's SR-72. The descendant of the famous SR-71 Blackbird. Even the artist's conception is mind-blowing.
There are many factors being there. A lot depends on the equipment and skills of both the "snooper" and the detector. Also depends on the waters.

and thats why I said, you can never guarantee 100% success against submarines...

Nope, it's SR-72. The descendant of the famous SR-71 Blackbird. Even the artist's conception is mind-blowing.

seems very much like it... read about Mach 6 aircraft regularly flying over the US and the UK many years ago... that is, after the retirement of the SR-71, when no hypersonic aircraft was available.... many trained plane spotters drew this aircraft flying and marked its speed at almost twice that of the SR-71..... some even drew it while doing air-to-air refueling, while other fighters were guarding.... this wasn't officially recognised.... but SR-71 retiring without a replacement was hard to believe.... and there were Congress-approved budget for "Project Aurora", without anyone uttering a word about it....

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