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Indian Naval Air Arm - 2020

29 fighters? Mig-29K/KUB order is for 45 atleast.
I know. I said we have at this moment. In my 1st two posts I gave information only on what we have. In next few posts future induction & retirement will come.
40 naval TEJAS, 12 P8I, 45 Migs, 9 MRMR, 17 HAWK, 60 ASW HELI, 25 SARAS, 40 UNMANNED HELI,
56 UTILITY HELI, 50 LIGHT HELI, upto 5-6 HAWKEYE will be inducted.

SEA HARRIERS are being upgraded so they will remain in service. IL 38SD are being updated so will remain in service. Tu 142 will not be retired. 17 of Westland Sea King will remain in service after up gradation.

Ka 25 will be retired,may be La 28 too.
Aérospatiale SA 316 Alouette III will be retired by 2020.
Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King will be retired.
40 naval TEJAS, 12 P8I, 45 Migs, 9 MRMR, 17 HAWK, 60 ASW HELI, 25 SARAS, 40 UNMANNED HELI,
56 UTILITY HELI, 50 LIGHT HELI, upto 5-6 HAWKEYE will be inducted.

SEA HARRIERS are being upgraded so they will remain in service. IL 38SD are being updated so will remain in service. Tu 142 will not be retired. 17 of Westland Sea King will remain in service after up gradation.

Ka 25 will be retired,may be La 28 too.
Aérospatiale SA 316 Alouette III will be retired by 2020.
Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King will be retired.

I don't think that 9 or so sea harriers will be kept in service for long even though they are currently being ungraded, the scheduled retirement of INS viraat is in 2017, when INS viky will be joined by indigenous INS Vikrant, so keeping Harriers in service beyond the 2017 mark is out of question.
Boeing projects total sales of as much as 30 P-8Is to Indian Navy:

The first of eight Boeing Defense P-8I Poseidon maritime reconnaissance aircraft will be handed over today on-site to the Indian Navy today at Boeing Field, Seattle, 10 days ahead of schedule (it was to be handed over on December 31). Flight acceptance tests will ensue in a few weeks. Boeing has said it will deliver the first three aircraft in 2013.

Was at Boeing Field in July to check out the Mission Systems Installation and Checkout facility where the first and second P-8Is had just entered flight test.

The Indian Navy is expected to contract for four more P-8Is, a deal that is likely to be final next year once deliveries begin. Boeing projects total sales of 30 aircraft to India based on discussions.

Livefist: Indian Navy To Get First Boeing P-8I Today

If this turns out to be true, we can see all P-8Is in the IN's inventory well before 2020
Boeing projects total sales of as much as 30 P-8Is to Indian Navy:

Livefist: Indian Navy To Get First Boeing P-8I Today

If this turns out to be true, we can see all P-8Is in the IN's inventory well before 2020

Depends on them winning the MRMR as well and how long the signature of the contract would need. However, I don't see how IN could afford 30 x P8Is, which translates into more than $7.8 billion dollars!!!
They stretch their budgets already with carriers, SSBNs and SSNs, while we see reports about possible defence budget cuts in future, so it's more realistic that IN goes for a cheaper option in higher numbers.
Depends on them winning the MRMR as well and how long the signature of the contract would need. However, I don't see how IN could afford 30 x P8Is, which translates into more than $7.8 billion dollars!!!
They stretch their budgets already with carriers, SSBNs and SSNs, while we see reports about possible defence budget cuts in future, so it's more realistic that IN goes for a cheaper option in higher numbers.

Budget cuts?? I don't think with GDP growing at minimum of 5.5% for next 2 decades we can see any defence budget cuts, maximum that can happen is that there is no increase. The reports which i guess u are talking was about the additional (40k crore) money that MOD demanded & GOI didn't approve & our 'desi' media took it as Budget Cuts.

As far as 30 P-8Is are concerned (if the news is true) i think IN can afford them since the contract delivery will be spread over 6-7 years. IN already has GOI's approval of around $40-$50 billion for construction of 100+ warships over next 15-20 years.
What will Indian Naval Air Arm look like in 2020???



Combat Aircrafts:

Mig 29k - 45 ordered (order can be increased)

N-Tejas - 40-60

MMRCA - 40-60 (Rafale may be the front runner)

Maritime Reconnaissance / ASW:

P-8I - 12 ordered (no. may go upto 24)

Tu-142 - 8

IL-38 - 5

Do-228-201 - 20

LRMR - 12

MRMR - 6


Do-228 - 10

HAL-748M - 10

BN-2 Islander - 15


HJT-16 Mk II - 6

HJT-16 Mk I - 6

HPT-32 - 8

Hawk Mk. 132 - 17



MRH - 30

Ka - 25 - 7

Ka- 28 - 12


Ka- 31 - 9


Sea King Mk 42C - 6


MRH - 30

Dhruv ALH - 4

Unmanned Helicopters - 40


Heron - 4

Searcher Mk II - 8

Indian Naval Air Arm

..:: India Strategic ::. Navy: Indian Navy to have 100 combat jets, 500 aircraft

Indian Naval Air Arm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This data gives us a figure of around 450-500 aircrafts in total of which 150 or so will be combat jets, this can make IN's Naval Air Arm as one of the force to recon with till the end of the present decade, this will be a great jump from the current 200 a/c in it's inventory. It currently have 5000 personnel so the increase in a/c can increase the no. of personnel to 10k-15k.

Indian Naval Air Arm = Smaller version of Indian Air Force???

Now here are some important questions:

1. Will we order more mig-29k, if yes than how many?

2. Who will win the IN's MMRCA order, & in what nos.?

3. What will be the nos. of N-Tejas?

4. How many P-8Is?

5. Any changes in the above data?

6. Where will IN Naval air arm stand w.r.t other top Navies around the world in 2020?

7. MOST IMPORTANT - How can IN's aviation arm change the scenario of any future war of India??

HAL-748M - 10????????????????????

why would IN operate avros? Indian forces would retire them in the first chance they get.Its known to be an horrible aircrafts
Depends on them winning the MRMR as well and how long the signature of the contract would need. However, I don't see how IN could afford 30 x P8Is, which translates into more than $7.8 billion dollars!!!
They stretch their budgets already with carriers, SSBNs and SSNs, while we see reports about possible defence budget cuts in future, so it's more realistic that IN goes for a cheaper option in higher numbers.

no chance for budget cuts as long as china increasing its budget.
Budget cuts?? I don't think with GDP growing at minimum of 5.5% for next 2 decades we can see any defence budget cuts, maximum that can happen is that there is no increase.

At the current stage of global finance and economy, you can't even predict the growth for the next year let alone a decade or two. If the US don't get their budget fixed for the next year, 2013 will start with a global recession!
No increase of budget is enough, IN definitely can't affort to pay such a huge ammount on MPAs, when their primary goal is to increase the sub and surface fleet, especially since the operational costs will explode for IN in the coming years with nuke subs and up to 3 carriers.
As I said for the AWACS as well, it's good to have highly capable aircrafts, but when you want to provide good surveillance over an area, you need numbers in first place.
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