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Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi

People on both sides of the argument are partially right. Its the context that one has to go into rather than a blanket approval or denial of a language.

Should an ordinary Indian be expected to know english, Hindi or the regional language of that state. Heck no. Most people in the west would barely be able to speak a second language. learning a language is not the most easiest thing in the world. Expecting someone to start speaking a new language every state he goes to is stupid and ignorant. Should an ordinary person be forced to speak marathi in maharashtra? Heck no. Then whats the point in being Indian? Are you ready to pay for tuition fees to send him for marathi classes? Ok if you go to china will you be ok if people didn't respond to you unless you spoke Chinese? In that case none of us should ever leave home. I have little respect for someone who expects me to speak the language of that state as a common citizen. Sign language works for me.

But the scenario changes totally when you are a member of states that was created on the basis of language. Blame Nehru for creating states based on language. Maybe it was right maybe not it is irrelevant now.

What is relevant is that he was taking an oath in a STATE assembly. He should have shown better judgement and taken the oath in Marathi, the official language of the state. You cant equate the same argument for an ordinary guy trying to make a living anywhere in the country and a political figure representing a region in the state that is created on the basis of language. The two are not the same.
^I think his intention was to provoke. It wasn't an innocent mistake. He's a hardened criminal-politician, possibly involved in the 1993 Mumbai blasts. He knows what he's doing, and by taking the oath in Hindi, he was appealing to his Hindi-speaking votebank who make it a point to thumb their noses at Maharashtra and Marathi.
If Raj Thackeray is such a patriot, why is he afraid of leaving Maharashtra? Why is he hated everywhere outside the state? He is as much of a Patriot as separatists in Manipur who claim Manipur for Manipuris, or the ULFA which claims Assam for the Assamese, etc etc.

I'm surprised by sentiments expressed by some members in support of the politics of MNS. Why should marathis be given preference? Because Maharashtra is "their" land? Sorry to disappoint you, Maharshtra belongs to me living in Delhi, to any migrant from Bihar, as much as it belongs to any Maharashtrians living in the state.

Someone mentioned something about my post supporting uniformity. If you think that you completely missed the point. It is not about uniformity, it is about integration.
King Julian and Post Colonial

The purpose of this thread is not to make a Hindu-Muslim issue out of political beatings of Abu Asim but rather to highlight and address one that is inherently rooted in politics of communal violence and apparently obvious and open discrimination against Muslims and minorities at the state level in Maharasthra. Samajwadi party largely represents minorities and probably the only platform at the state level that advances the poors concerns. How many muslim and other minorities does the MNS and Sina's represent? That was a direct attack on the poor party and open rejection of their win. To deny this open discrimination, and finding justifications for their actions, is to slap the Indian Union and democratic forces that bind different states together.

Secondly, the argument that immigrants are somehow responsible for the communal violence actually provides cover for criminal behaviour and activities of Thackery's gang in broad daylight. its deeply flawed and illogical at so many levels, some people have pointed out the glaring fallacies, im gonna highlight a few more important ones

Thirdly, Immigrants are doctors, lawyers, scientists, entreprenuers, investors, bankers that move to Mumbai and have contributed to all of its successes and turned it into a financial hub of the country. created jobs, schools, colleges, institutions, and immensely made socio-economic contributions in other areas. do these developments highlight successes or failures in Mumbai? should migrants move back ot their lands, im sure that would make Mumbai a lot more prosperous and stable? Leaving the fate of its people to the gangs of MNS and Theckary
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There had been persistent allegations that Azmi is linked to Dawood Ibrahim. Azmi had confirmed attending the wedding of Dawood's brother but denied any link with Dawood. He was also among the accused in the 1993 Bombay bombings, but was acquitted by the court. In 2000, Azmi publicly apologized for his alleged anti-national statement that he was not bothered if the country is disintegrated.

I am happy that he got beating for whatever reason.
India is a free country and every citizen has a right to settle anywhere in the country. If educated person wants to take up a job in Mumbai ,he will come to Mumbai and take-up the job as its based on pure merit, but what if a rickshaw wala or a labor comes to mumbai who is creating an unnecessary competition for the locals. Isn't providing employment to such people is the responsibility of the respective state governments?? And when such people loads(i dont blame these people but their state governments) come to Maharashtra people like Abu Azmi portray themselves as Masiha of North Indians to these mostly uneducated/less educated people only for vote bank politics.

Go to Pune and you will find almost every person be it a north/south Indian speaks fluent Marathi. Punekar shows respect to Marathi so this north/south Indian thing doesnt exist there.

Power comes with responsibility. Abu Azmi spent at least 2 decades in Maharashtra and never even bothered to learn kamchalau marathi!!! When you dont respect anything you dont do it. Before this MNS tamasha I saw Abu Azmi's interview on a marathi channel where questions were asked in marathi and answers were given in hindi.Asking about Oath question he arrogantly said Mai to Hindi me hi shapath lunga jise jo karana hai karle. This directly gives message to his followers in Maharashtra, I don't respect Marathi and you also don't if you want. Such attitude is not good for Maharashtra.

Infact Azmi is the person who publicly apologized for his alleged anti-national statement that he was not bothered if the country is disintegrated. If he cannot show respect to the country, how come he will show respect to Maharashtra.
Power comes with responsibility. Abu Azmi spent at least 2 decades in Maharashtra and never even bothered to learn kamchalau marathi!!! When you dont respect anything you dont do it. Before this MNS tamasha I saw Abu Azmi's interview on a marathi channel where questions were asked in marathi and answers were given in hindi.Asking about Oath question he arrogantly said Mai to Hindi me hi shapath lunga jise jo karana hai karle. This directly gives message to his followers in Maharashtra, I don't respect Marathi and you also don't if you want. Such attitude is not good for Maharashtra.

Infact Azmi is the person who publicly apologized for his alleged anti-national statement that he was not bothered if the country is disintegrated. If he cannot show respect to the country, how come he will show respect to Maharashtra.

Is it acceptable that Raj Thackeray and his workers violate the law repeatedly and with absolutely no remorse whatsoever? Is it acceptable that his MLAs abuse the sanctity of the state legislature?

Which is the worse crime - Taking the oath in Hindi(if you can call that a crime) or disrupting the assembly with violence?

With regard to Azmi, let no one forget that he is an MLA, elected by the public(who knew he didn't speak Marathi). The MNS didn't win that seat, the Shiv Sena didn't win that seat. Thousands of people(who knew he didn't speak Marathi) wanted him to represent them. Respect their decision.
I am amazed at the level of immaturity shown by senior members on this thread. Without taking any names, the posters here have been igniting regional differences, attacking and counter-attacking communities unabashedly. We should be ashamed of themselves. I am sure our friends across the border would be wallowing in glee watching the level of internal animosity shown at this thread.

Guys lets create a new forum for discussing our internal matters. This isn't the place to lob regional insults at each other.
People on both sides of the argument are partially right. Its the context that one has to go into rather than a blanket approval or denial of a language.

Should an ordinary Indian be expected to know english, Hindi or the regional language of that state. Heck no. Most people in the west would barely be able to speak a second language. learning a language is not the most easiest thing in the world. Expecting someone to start speaking a new language every state he goes to is stupid and ignorant. Should an ordinary person be forced to speak marathi in maharashtra? Heck no. Then whats the point in being Indian? Are you ready to pay for tuition fees to send him for marathi classes? Ok if you go to china will you be ok if people didn't respond to you unless you spoke Chinese? In that case none of us should ever leave home. I have little respect for someone who expects me to speak the language of that state as a common citizen. Sign language works for me.

But the scenario changes totally when you are a member of states that was created on the basis of language. Blame Nehru for creating states based on language. Maybe it was right maybe not it is irrelevant now.

What is relevant is that he was taking an oath in a STATE assembly. He should have shown better judgement and taken the oath in Marathi, the official language of the state. You cant equate the same argument for an ordinary guy trying to make a living anywhere in the country and a political figure representing a region in the state that is created on the basis of language. The two are not the same.

That is precisely the point.
A memebr of state Legislative Assembly must know the native language of the state...MLA isnt a common man and State house isnt exactly the place to prove ur pan indianness or love for hindi(the official,not the national lang at the centre.Even the IAS/IPS propationer obliged to learn the regional language of state cadre they belong to.Then how come a MLA faign ignorance of regional lang and still get away with it pride, showing no desire to learn the regional language .

I've seen a sikh MLA in Odisa assembly speak Odia pretty fluently and so are couple of marwadi members without any hesitation,ofcourse they born and brought up in Odisa.

Coming back to the topic,Both Raj and Abu are worst kind of opportunists.
I guess Abu Azmi know marathi pretty well,even heard ppl saying he spoke in marathi during his election campaigns.But he choose the demonstrate his hindi love something his UP Samajbadi party is promoting a compulsory ,the idiot says its our language which it isnt ,sadly most north indian have been told to believe so by their mononic leaders.On the other hand, for Raj ,it was another occasion to settle political score and gain browi points for marathi chauvinism and we have some clueless marathi supporter who thinks he is doing it out of love for marathi lang,while his son studys in English medium international school,mostly likey wont be able to read marathi scripts.

I must tell u ,we need hindi as pan indian language as there are so many different lang through out the india ,not possilbe to learn.Hindi in its pure Sankritized words is find resonance in every other regional in varying degree.But it should never be enforced on non hindi speakers ,it that would only invite more trouble and protests.

Beside that due the presense of muslims all over india including those live south indian states who tend to use urdu ,even in chennai business ppl understand hindi though they reply in monosyllables.

People who live outside their states usually interested in learning the local languages for their own convenience...only ugly politicians like Raj and Abu make a issue out it.
That is precisely the point.
A memebr of state Legislative Assembly must know the native language of the state...MLA isnt a common man and State house isnt exactly the place to prove ur pan indianness or love for hindi(the official,not the national lang at the centre.

He's in the legislative assembly by public mandate. He's not an appointee. His constituency chose him to represent them, not someone backed by Marathi loving Thackeray.

Even the IAS/IPS propationer obliged to learn the regional language of state cadre they belong to.

That's news to me. Could you post some reference.
With regard to Azmi, let no one forget that he is an MLA, elected by the public(who knew he didn't speak Marathi). The MNS didn't win that seat, the Shiv Sena didn't win that seat. Thousands of people(who knew he didn't speak Marathi) wanted him to represent them. Respect their decision.

Exactly thats the point.Thousands of people wanted him to represent them in a state whose official language is Marathi. If he shows disrespect to marathi then he is setting a trend for his thousands of followers.And if he can speak marathi as you say then what was the problem in taking oath in marathi? is it a ego problem?:disagree:

It And if he cant speak marathi then that means he has never given importance to marathi which shows how much respect he has for maharashtra.
He wasn't slapped for being a Muslim, but because he was taking oath in Hindi instead of Marathi. MNS says nothing against the Muslims and it is a party formed primarily against Bal Thackerey's anti-muslim Shiv sena. So pls don't make it a atrocity on Muslims issue or something.

To be clearer, they are in no way "muslim-appeasers" or "pro-muslim", but I never heard them using the word "muslim" in any sense whether good or bad.

In India muslims are not safe even in assembly.Neither PM nor sonia has given any kind of statement against this.

China and Pakistan should divide India to protect muslims in India.:hitwall:
In India muslims are not safe even in assembly.Neither PM nor sonia has given any kind of statement against this.

China and Pakistan should divide India to protect muslims in India.:hitwall:

That will be very expensive to divide India but easiest and cheapest way is you migrate to safe heaven for muslims China or Pakistan. And make sure you can speak Chinese otherwise some Chinese Raj Thakarey will beat you there. :rofl::D

Change your flag to your own country Mr.Pakistani.:devil:
Firstly, please go through previous post's in this thread; some of your questions are already answered! to add to what is already posted in this thread regarding hindi, abu azmi read hindi in devanagari script, how difficult should it be to read marathi in same script? Secondly Mumbai is Maharashtra's capital first and then cosmopolitan or financial capital ; So, firstly the Issues of locals have to be solved before entertaining any Illegal migrants.... And this bullshit of Indians free to move around India is causing life to original Inhabitants of Mumbai and Maharashtra; Please refer post no 43 ; thousands of Mumbaikars lose their life annually because of this continuous influx of Illegal migrants, who are been entertained only to create vote bank...
Its simple, If you wanna live here abide to law of the land, respect our culture. same goes to Maharashtrians staying in other countries and states, they should respect and obey the law of that land!
Mumbait yeun dadagiri chalnaar nahi

Sorry, I couldn't find the so call answers
When and how marathi was insulted? How is it a insult to maharashtra and marathi if somebody speaks in Hindi?

Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra, so ? Kolkatta is the capital of Bengal, Bhopal is the capital of MP so?

Freedom of movement is not bullshit is a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution or you people now don't believe in it now?

Dude the most people who migrate to mumbai are not from North or South India but from other parts of Maharashtra http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...ot-quite-says-census/articleshow/45424416.cms now do you maths and please tell me who is straining the infrastrcture 15.4 per cent from North India or 42.2 per cent from other parts of Maharashtra. Shouldn't people from ratnagiri, kolhapur, sholapur, satara, konkan be kicked out first

The only one doing gundagardi, dadagiri and breaking law and not respecting others' culture here are a bunch on insecure and intolerant mns people or do you believe they are following law and setting a great example for the rest of India

raj thakey himself is a migrant http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...me-to-Mumbai-for-jobs/articleshow/3160726.cms and so are ambanis, godrejs, tatas, birlas, hiranandanis, rustomjees. Today mumbai is mumbai because of it's cosmopolitian nature, infact all big cities are New York, London etc etc, the less cosmopolitian it gets the less progressive it will be

And does farmer suicides, de-industralization of mumbai/maharashtra, power cuts, rising prices and poverty swell your marathi pride, what has raj thakrey done about that?

Nobody is forcing Hindi on anybody and nobody has the right to force marathi on anybody
There had been persistent allegations that Azmi is linked to Dawood Ibrahim. Azmi had confirmed attending the wedding of Dawood's brother but denied any link with Dawood. He was also among the accused in the 1993 Bombay bombings, but was acquitted by the court. In 2000, Azmi publicly apologized for his alleged anti-national statement that he was not bothered if the country is disintegrated.

I am happy that he got beating for whatever reason.

Dont take the name of Dawood Ibrahim so openly. U should know what will happen to u and ur family.

It is good that u Indians dont respect ur national languate. in less than 20 years we will declare India a muslim country and its national language will be Urdu.:cheers:
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