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Indian muslim :Javed Akhtar's India & Pakistan

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No Pashtuns are not converts. And we don't care what you black people think of us. You people were slaves to us. We treated you people like trash.. Remember??? better ask your parents and get a history lesson. And we still consider you back foots as such.

Most of the Pashtuns were Buddhists before being converted. You guys were worshiping dark sinned Buddha and erecting giant statues of him in your Gandharan kingdoms.
Well it is a fact. Many of us look at you as uncouth uncivilized brutes that never got a chance to get civilized.

Especially after you were converted!

You were and are treated as trash by everybody throughout history. You had no past, have no present and no future.

Now it is Taliban treating you as trash and blowing you up or many of you are Taliban. Either way, no good.

You people have always been slaves and uncivilized brutes. I pity you.

Read about what even Babur wrote about you. He calls you cowards who came to him to surrender with grass in their mouths (to show that you were his cows). He created hills of your skulls when he was trouncing you on the way to India.

Lol, dirty hindu nigger, you have no history, you have no religon, your hindu religon was invented by the british because you people were so naive that you worshiping everything like niggers do that you didn't know what to call your stupidity. You niggers were Pashtuns SLAVES! Thats why you nasty brown people want to be white. Because WE were your masters, humilated you turdskin scums and you looked up to our brawny bodies while you skinny or fat pigs were helpless to do anything about it. And today you walk in the West you will be treated like SLAVES again. Ask how your turdskin hindu brothers are dealth with in the West. Or any Developed country...LIKE A SLAVE. A SOCIAL OUTCAST. EVERYWHERE. ONLY comfort you have is to blab your mouth on the internet. DEAL WITH IT TURDSKIN!! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE SLAVES TO US WHITES.

Pashtun pk @ You are disgrace to pashtun peoples and i am sure you are Afghani who is living in Pakistan as asylum seeker but your knowledge of history is zero. Do you know that most Arabs were pagans before they were converted into Islam and others were either jews or Christians. What was the religion of pahstuns before they were converted into Islam? Or they were not existed before Islam? You should stop making fool out of yourselves

What i don’t like about you is your racism and judgement on other Muslims based on their skin colours and you know very well that Islam is against discrimination of Muslims based on their skin colours or religion of their ancestors. Muslims converted from Hinduism because they thought that islam preach equality and is against having proud on caste system, ethnicity and colour and as they never met someone racist like you and Since you are showing racism here then let me remind you the last sermon of prophet Muhammad(PBUH)

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.

Quran also teach us

"O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13)

Raja you are a dirty hindu kaffir. A nigger who pretends to be Muslim, your culture is as the dirty hindus. You are not Muslim, you are a hindu. You follow hindu culture, language, practices and all that. Both of you are dirty niggers. Black as my butthole. You know that when I take a dump it matches your skins perfectly!

Both of you can kiss my milky white a.s.s. Because that is the only white skin you will ever come to know. SLAVES! :woot:
Lol, dirty hindu nigger, you have no history, you have no religon, your hindu religon was invented by the british because you people were so naive that you worshiping everything like niggers do that you didn't know what to call your stupidity. You niggers were Pashtuns SLAVES! Thats why you nasty brown people want to be white. Because WE were your masters, humilated you turdskin scums and you looked up to our brawny bodies while you skinny or fat pigs were helpless to do anything about it. And today you walk in the West you will be treated like SLAVES again. Ask how your turdskin hindu brothers are dealth with in the West. Or any Developed country...LIKE A SLAVE. A SOCIAL OUTCAST. EVERYWHERE. ONLY comfort you have is to blab your mouth on the internet. DEAL WITH IT TURDSKIN!! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE SLAVES TO US WHITES.

Raja you are a dirty hindu kaffir. A nigger who pretends to be Muslim, your culture is as the dirty hindus. You are not Muslim, you are a hindu. You follow hindu culture, language, practices and all that. Both of you are dirty niggers. Black as my butthole. You know that when I take a dump it matches your skins perfectly!

Both of you can kiss my milky white a.s.s. Because that is the only white skin you will ever come to know. SLAVES! :woot:

Its not right to blame all pashtuns or Afghans for his racism. The mountains of Afghanistan although beautiful in their own right remain as free and as wild as the Afghans.

No, I have no inrtention of bashing Afghanistan or its people. They are passing through tough circumstances and I hope they get back to normal life.

An unconquerable land and an unbeatable people. And although many nations have tried to conquer Afghanistan, Great countries like Britain and the Soviet Union, Afghanistan remains Afghanistan. :)

This is pure myth. The land has been won too many times. Both from the East and the West. You need to read up on history.
Bro ignore this racist Afghani troll

Pashtun pk @ You are disgrace to pashtun peoples and i am sure you are Afghani who is living in Pakistan as asylum seeker but your knowledge of history is zero. Do you know that most Arabs were pagans before they were converted into Islam and others were either jews or Christians. What was the religion of pahstuns before they were converted into Islam? Or they were not existed before Islam? You should stop making fool out of yourselves

What i don’t like about you is your racism and judgement on other Muslims based on their skin colours and you know very well that Islam is against discrimination of Muslims based on their skin colours or religion of their ancestors. Muslims converted from Hinduism because they thought that islam preach equality and is against having proud on caste system, ethnicity and colour and as they never met someone racist like you and Since you are showing racism here then let me remind you the last sermon of prophet Muhammad(PBUH)

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.

Quran also teach us

"O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13)
No, I have no inrtention of bashing Afghanistan or its people. They are passing through tough circumstances and I hope they get back to normal life.

This is pure myth. The land has been won too many times. Both from the East and the West. You need to read up on history.

Won by whom? :)
Won by whom? :)

Far too many.

From the East: Ashoka, Harshwardhana, Mongols and several others. The last one was Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

The Russians utterly ruined thema nd killed millions and millions. Only US help helped them turn the Russians away even when they won every single major battle.

From the West: Greeks. Even Mughals.

May be others that I don\\\'t remember. Even Turks ruled over them AFAIK.
Well, one can only imagine the frustration building up in the primitive barbarian when civilization passed his ilk by.

His ilk gets butchered by the Taliban, by fioreigners who behead his ilk in the thousands in his own areas, when he is treated as dirt in Karachi despite being waiter, chowkidar, menial labor, househelp, day labor and so on, when he is afraid to even speak in his language in most cities of Pakistan, when PA makes his ilk IDPs in their millions, when his ilk is made homeless because some landed people wanted to save their crops and so on.

What else can the primitive do except take pride in his pathetic shytty skin color.

I would not comment on his religion for now. there is enough to be said about that, not least being why it is equated with terror all over.

This primitive ilk is a primary reason.
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