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Indian Mujahideen hand becomes clearer in Hyderabad blasts

Man the Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff Mix in your DP is cute . Is it yours ??

Wow, you know your dogs! No yaar. Would love to get this lion of dogs. But too hot here, and too kadka in hostel. :(

At home I have a rott, a lhasa, a black lab, and a daschund.
But still Kashmiris in the valley hold the Indian army responsible for en masse murder of their 70,000+ brethren in the territory ? As seen by their regular protests against your rule and nothing against Pakistan ... :azn: Do you know more than them ? Why do protests/demonstrations only happen on your side and not AJK or GB ? Why is that PA is deployed on the LOC and Indian army in every nook and corner of cities and towns of Kashmir ?
to protest one has to get out of house and return safe to house in one piece.not in multiple pieces.
Original plan was to bomb local Sai temple: NIA - Rediff.com India News

Thank God...Do these jihadis even know that Sai baba himself was a muslim ? :hitwall:

The sai baba thing is untold hindu scandal of the century.

The original Sai baba was a muslim pir Baba or " Saieen " as called in Sindh and Gujrat etc

So we have from Saieen -> Saieen baba -> Sai baba -> Satya sai baba -> :lol: Bal sai baba has also arrived on the scene.

The way Sai Baba, a muslim Pir baba is worshiped in numerous Sai temples around india by Hindus with chant of vedic mantra is religious scandal of epic proportion .
Wow, you know your dogs! No yaar. Would love to get this lion of dogs. But too hot here, and too kadka in hostel. :(

At home I have a rott, a lhasa, a black lab, and a daschund.

I love dogs . Your Pack sounds good . My fascination is more towards Central asian breeds nowadays , Breeds like Turkmen Alabai , Caucasian Ovcharka( Caucasian Mountain dog) , Nagazi ( georgian Shepherds , very close to CO but not the same) and such ...

Do check this thread sometime

to protest one has to get out of house and return safe to house in one piece.not in multiple pieces.

LOL There's no sort of law and order situation in the Pakistan administered Kashmir if you didn't already know that ...
LOL There's no sort of law and order situation in the Pakistan administered Kashmir if you didn't already know that ...
one is natural calm other is enforced calmness......Even their is clam peace in kabarstan too.
one is natural calm other is enforced calmness...

Since I do not see any soldier of Pakistan army stationed in its administered Kashmir , there's no question of any " enforced calmness " ...
When you guys are that much sensitive that you can't answer simply question without bringing evil neighbors into equation than what's the purpose of joining forum of same evil neighbors. You can go to bhartrickshaw forum and can say anything without the fear of ban.

may be it's you who needs a sensitivity check, that was a light hearted funny comment.
Since I do not see any soldier of Pakistan army stationed in its administered Kashmir , there's no question of any " enforced calmness " ...
koi hoga to dikhega.Bechare mirpuris ko to elnglistan bhaga diya punjabiyon ko paani dene de waste.:rolleyes:
. .
Yeah i know that, and i am also aware how much you cherish when a Pakistan make light hearted funny comment.
there was nothing in my post to offend you, yet if you get offended, I can't help it, I already explained myself.
Sir, what do you think he wants? What do you think he really hopes to see? What do you think will make his ilk happier, peace and success for Indian Muslims or turmoil and violence?

I think you know the answer.
Obviously i am here long enough to know what his intentions are.But I couldn't resist it.
But still Kashmiris in the valley hold the Indian army responsible for en masse murder of their 70,000+ brethren in the territory ? As seen by their regular protests against your rule and nothing against Pakistan ... :azn: Do you know more than them ? Why do protests/demonstrations only happen on your side and not AJK or GB ? Why is that PA is deployed on the LOC and Indian army in every nook and corner of cities and towns of Kashmir ?
IA responsible ? Dude LeT and JeM like terrorist organization did this. You want me to present sources.

As for AJK, we all know why there is no protest. Body bags and Missing person are always silent. :enjoy:
@Irfan Baloch Well, India don't send BLA terrorists across borders. We didn't create BL. There are no training camps of BLA in India.

As for IA, yup there are war crimes, and we accept it. bu aren't Kashmiri considered as brothers by Pakistanis ? Then why Pakistan funds and help terrorist organizations that kill these people.

And why bomb blasts in Mumbai, Hyderabad etc. How is it linked with Kashmir ? Even my city Jaipur.

Well my point was, the jubilation shown by Moderator of forum over death of innocents and justifying it.
I think you also missed it. And concentrated on Kashmir.

P.S. I didn't mean you to not delete the post but the person I quoted.
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But still Kashmiris in the valley hold the Indian army responsible for en masse murder of their 70,000+ brethren in the territory ? As seen by their regular protests against your rule and nothing against Pakistan ... :azn: Do you know more than them ? Why do protests/demonstrations only happen on your side and not AJK or GB ? Why is that PA is deployed on the LOC and Indian army in every nook and corner of cities and towns of Kashmir ?

International media says that they have been denied access to the Indian occupied Kashmir to see themselves what is happening.
the patriot Indians are of the view that the entire Kashmiri militancy is from Pakistani Punjabis and no Kashmiri is involved and I wonder if they keep in mind the crying and wailing Kashmiri women and people who throw stones at the occupation forces and cry for justice over rape and torture. its very sad that the honesty takes a back seat while talking Kashmir. if Indeed all fighters were Pakistani then this armed struggle wont have lasted for more than few years but from the word go it has been going on and the Indian forces treat the entire population like people of an occupied land.

all of the Kashmiri grievance doesnt justify any sort of terrorism against the innocent Indian civilians and Kashmiri Pundists and Kashmiri Muslims, or any sort of terrorism in mainland India, I will never justify or find excuses for any local or foreign funded groups that kill innocent Indians because that actually goes against the very cause of Kashmir and Kashmiris loose any sympathy
from the decent Indians who believe in Human rights.
whatever group is involved in the recent terrorism must be condemned without any ifs and buts, there are suggestions that some nonMuslim terrorism has been labeled on the Muslims even before the echos of the explosions died out but I hope the culprits of this attack are positively identified and hatred for Muslims and / or Pakistan doesnt play any part in that investigation.

I always fear the copycat actions from other groups who see success of Al Qaeda / Taliban terrorists in Pakistan and Afghanistan, I hope that these terrorists dont enjoy the success and impunity like TTP and LeJ who can walk on the face of Pakistani justice system and continue the carnage.

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