We should definitely Ban Bollywood movies, they are making Kachra now a days, most of the movies coming out of Bollywood are useless having no substance and sub par acting, I think if Indian movies are to be screened and if the local cinema houses feel that it would effect their economy then perhaps Pakistan should show Indian Punjabi Movies,
They are much better than bollywood movies with respect to culture, these movies can shown in the Pakistani Punjabi market
On other hand, we need to promote our local cinema especially Karachi and Urdu Films, people will have problem going to cinemas for first few years but when Good films start coming then their will be increase in the audience and the business
Also we need to look into other ventures, such as Netflix, Hulu and Youtube, I Believe Social media will make Cinema obs elate in next 10-20 years, there is lot of money to be made on these platforms not just locally but also from the International Audiences.
Who said anything about generating money. Revenue from Pakistan is peanuts
There was a time when Indian cinema had a great market in pakistan, almost 15 % revenue of the Mumbai based cinema came from Pakistan but it has changed in the last decade especially when the number of cinema reduced from 1000s to just merely 70-80 operational cinema but still Pakistan is a home to 220 million people who can understand Hindi, still a great market for Mumbai based Industry especially considering in the next 5-10 years movies makers will generate more money online from platfroms like nextflix, Amazon, hulu and youtube than Cinemas.