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Indian mission staffer's wife attacked by molester in Pakistan

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Apr 28, 2008
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Indian mission staffer's wife attacked by molester in Pakistan

Jinnah Market


ISLAMABAD: An unidentified man tried to molest the wife of a staffer of the Indian High Commission here but fled when she raised an alarm, a spokesman for the mission said on Friday.

The woman was walking back to her home with her son following a visit to a nearby dentist's clinic in the Jinnah supermarket in the heart of Pakistan’s capital when a man tried to grab her, the spokesman said, adding the incident took place on Thursday at 11 am local time.

The woman, whose husband works in the office of the Air Adviser in the High Commission, immediately screamed and the man then fled from the scene. Though there were several gardeners working at nearby homes, no one came to her aid.

A police complaint was later lodged, though the woman could not give a detailed description of the assailant as she had not seen his face.

Police were investigating the matter and the Pakistani foreign ministry had also been informed of the incident, the spokesman said.

Indian mission staffer's wife attacked by molester in Pakistan-Pakistan-World-The Times of India
I am trying to trak if this was a isolated incident. I will post if I find something.
How does it matter...its just a routine crime. No point putting up stories of robberies and car accidents and molestation attempts.

Post something that's has some discussion value.
Agree with SA. Not worth any discussion.

routine crime.. can happen anywhere.
Agree with SA. Not worth any discussion.

routine crime.. can happen anywhere.

Then why were we discussing a rape of tourist a few weeks ago. Let me guess that wasn't routine.
Then why were we discussing a rape of tourist a few weeks ago. Let me guess that wasn't routine.

It was a useless discussion. Same as this.

Rapes happen in every country.
It's sad that our women in Pakistan have to be traumatized by these perverts.

Even worse is the fact that none of the bystanders came to her rescue. This is how its become in Pakistan. You try to be a good smeritan and the cops end up harassing you more than the effort put into catching the perp. Thus ignoring a crime is easier than solving it.
it may be routine for any country, but it shouldn't be routine for us. i would love nothing more, but to cut this guy into thin slice pieces.

muslims should not tolerate this type of behaviour, let alone a muslim nation. this humiliates us, we should take action, rather than wait and let it go. I say we castrate the perpetrator, mutilate the rest of his body, and then burn him mob style.
:devil:Let's enjoy some pain together, shall we?:devil:
Then why were we discussing a rape of tourist a few weeks ago. Let me guess that wasn't routine.

That thread was equally worthless and if you have noticed most of the senior members kept out of that discussion (I don't mean senior as those who acquired their seniority based on sheer number of posts they made but still remain intellectually challenged).
It's sad that our women in Pakistan have to be traumatized by these perverts.

Even worse is the fact that none of the bystanders came to her rescue. This is how its become in Pakistan. You try to be a good smeritan and the cops end up harassing you more than the effort put into catching the perp. Thus ignoring a crime is easier than solving it.

Shame on us indeed! :tsk:
That thread was equally worthless and if you have noticed most of the senior members kept out of that discussion (I don't mean senior as those who acquired their seniority based on sheer number of posts they made but still remain intellectually challenged).

I agree, it saddens me that even the educated among us take pride in trowing mud on eachother by shamelesly using events like this, cowards!

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