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Indian military should surrender India

What should Indian military do

  • Surrender immediately to Pakistan

    Votes: 18 56.3%
  • Surrender to Pakistan and renounce any back pay to help the new country devleop

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Surrender and still get 30% pension and never take part in a Pakistani rehabilitation program

    Votes: 6 18.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Samad's bond probably :lol: :D

Its very strange for me to see my countrymen so busy squabbling for the scraps from the super powers tables, That they have missed their God given right for something better!

why is it impossible to get back Kashmir and rule India once more. Was It not a small army from the north that took over most of India, was it not a mere Mohammad bin Qasim and his 2000+ men that conquered most of Sindh. Was it not this rag tag army of IEA that stood against the night of NATO , 52 countries and won.

why are we not prepared to believe in Pakistan and it’s greatness! We have tried to take back with force what is ours 5 times in the last 74 years. We have persevered and we should never apologize for our actions. We need to think big and prepare and with God’s unlimited blessing and Mercy we will free our brethren in India from this tyrannical regime.

I suspect this gentleman is an Indian posing as a Pakistani poster just for kicks OR someone whose fantasies involve an amalgamation of history, religious texts and C&C Generals.
I suspect this gentleman is an Indian posing as a Pakistani poster just for kicks OR someone whose fantasies involve an amalgamation of history, religious texts and C&C Generals.

I love c&c, you are of course ageing yourself!

I am happy that I am a true believer and Believe in Allah’s words

I also am a student of history ( not a good one) but wish to learn from it.

When it comes to military matters I do believe that we need to use Brian’s and bronze . I believe the military parity between Pakistan and India is changing we will soon be 0.75-1 with a superpower as our ally connected by land . This means that we have a pretty good shot at taking back Kashmir. If we are successful we would bog down half the Indian military. From there it a simple question will india defend Delhi or not ? So it’s going to be a bloody war with many many dead but there is a clear shot at victory over the next 3 years

As we all can see by watching the Indian media, it is clear that Pakistan has achieved astonishing capability where each Pakistani trained solider is better than 10 NATO soldiers. some key facts from the Indian media are as follows:

1) Pakistani trained assets numbering to about 70 k defeated 52 countries NATO army in Afghanistan numbering in the 150 to 300 k. these assets were inferior in training to the regular Pakistani military

2) although the 180 k strong USSR army could not take panjshir valley . Pakistani Air Force and special forces defeated 10000 Indian trained norther alliance forces in 6 days in a terrain that favors the northern alliance

3) ISI is responsible for the weather and all calamity in India

4) the PAF has secretly been given f-15 aircraft by the USAF numbering over 300 as Pakistan has now started flying them in Afghanistan and Wales UK?( not sure why the PAF was flying this in the UK) or the UK is now part of Afghanistan?

5) Pakistani droneslook like a-10s and can defeat any air defense system

6) Indian trained 300k ANA was not able to to fight snd Pakistani forces captured Kabul and Afghanistan in less than 10 days as per RaW agents Ashraf Gani and Amerullah.

With this much disparity I do not understand why the Indian military wants innocent Indians to die in their liberation and transformation to Pakistani’s. Why so much blood should be shed. Why not surrender now and save so many people from losing their lives!

what do you think ?

I have still not heard about the date of surrender from the Indians

I suspect this gentleman is an Indian posing as a Pakistani poster just for kicks OR someone whose fantasies involve an amalgamation of history, religious texts and C&C Generals.
I love c&c generals, but I did not hear you refute facts that ISI controls the weather and all major decisions in India 🇮🇳

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