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Indian Military Picture Thread

Indian soldiers training in Siachen, the toughest battlefield in the world.
Even the mightiest of the challenges are defeated by the unflinching courage of the Siachen Soldier.
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Good old Bren gun, serving in India for over 70 years now :crazy:



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Is this the updated INSAS LMG?
Does anyone know whether the 'issues' on the LMG variant(Brown furniture) has been resolved(Black furniture)?
If yes,then is it replacing the Bren?
yes thats a updated insas LMG but only furniture is replaced i dont know about internal changes and still bren is used along with insas LMG by army troops.i didint notice any replacement as in every encounter we can see bren with our troops with insas LMG few times. BUT insas LMG black is being inducted in army. Hopefully soon we will have new LMG and with black insas LMG
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